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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. The weather has shaped up nicely. The W has subsided and the sun is out. It's now in the mid to upper 50's and feels great. The snow covered mountains make for some gorgeous backdrops today.
  2. I woke up this morning to the sound of a strong breeze. Just as I opened the door and looked outside at the sun coming up from the horizon, my collapsible trash can decided it wanted to go duning. I wish I had a GoPro on or someone was filming me because it had to look hilarious. I was full sprint, running after it as it rolled about 20 mph toward the finger dune. I hoped it would slow down when it got there but instead the turbo must have spooled up because it took off! I was within 10 feet of it the whole time. I ran about 3/4's of the way up the dune before I gave up. It was cruising! I hopped in the sandcar to go looking for it but it was nowhere to be found. It's probably in Baker by now. So if anyone finds a beige, collapsible trash can please let me know. There's your morning dune report. Other than that it's gorgeous out here. So anyways, it's a little breezy. There are about 4 camps total and the dunes are great in some spots and still funky as hell in others. I might be turning my paddles around because it's still pretty damp. We'll see. I might just take it easy.
  3. We rolled in earlier this evening and I was quite surprised how fast the river was flowing. It was only a few inches deep, but it was flowing fast as hell and it covered almost the whole concrete pad. We got settled in and have been relaxing all night. It's nice and quiet out out here. There's maybe 2 or 3 other camps, if that. The sky is extremely clear tonight and there are so many stars. In addition to Vegas, of course, you can also see the glow of Baker. The sand is still pretty damp about 5-6 inches below the surface. Tomorrow morning will tell for sure how good the actual dunes are. I'll throw another update up tomorrow.
  4. hahahaa that's funny as hell Very cool. Let's do it.
  5. Hell yeah, Stephen. Congratulations. What part of Hendo exactly? We'll have to get together soon.
  6. Hardly anybody has been to the dunes. There's no new posts lately. Did everyone melt from the recent rain or just get super burned out from the holidays? Check in to let us know you are alive. Post something funny. Let us know what you've been up to. Tell me to eff off. Something.
  7. I'm sure it's fine. Nobody's been out that I have seen or heard of, but Dumont hasn't got that much rain to flood out the crossing.
  8. Vote! DirtBikeGuy sand chick raspadoo IrnBear
  9. Fork reflector removal. hahaha yep, that's gonna happen, along with a turn signal castration, slim LED tail light, etc etc. No maps are available for the 17 yet so the stock can will have to do for now.
  10. I know you were only stating the facts. I knew you didn't write the law. lol My argument was against the "man".
  11. But isn't it the law to have steady burning red lights on the back of all vehicles? I mean...if we're getting all technical.....
  12. Thanks guys! It looks good in my living room/ bar area.
  13. I picked up my new bike yesterday from Rocky Mtn in Utah. It's my street legal, neighborhood terrorizing, singletrack killing, dune bike! This thing is going to be fun. '17 KTM 500 EXC-F
  14. Very cool video! Great job on the editing.
  15. MORE rain today and tomorrow. Will those dunes ever dry out?
  16. ok let me know. You just have to click on their profile and click the message button. It should email them a notification.
  17. This is your dune pic of the month? wtf?
  18. A bunch more pics that were submitted to us via social media have been loaded into an album in the gallery.
  19. One of the largest and most popular holiday weekends is coming to Dumont Dunes, President's Day Weekend. Since the early 70's, the Las Vegas Jeep Club has been hosting their annual Jeep Jamboree at Dumont. This event, consisting of hill climbs and drag races, has possibly been the sole reason so many duners have made it a weekend tradition for the last 45 years. Come out and watch some of the coolest Jeeps, trucks, dragsters and side x sides race at Dumont. More info here. President's Weekend is always hopping so don't forget to keep your head on a swivel and watch out for each other. Vendor Row should be full and Comp Hill is always lit at night. Be sure to stay legal because the rangers will be out in full force keeping everyone in check. If you need a refresher, here is a list of the rules. Holiday Passes are required from Feb 14 thru Feb 20, 2017. If you don't have a holiday season pass, you can purchase a $40 weekly holiday permit on site from the machine or you can grab one from a participating off-site vendor. See a full list here. If your OHV isn't registered in your home state, don't forget to grab a CA non-resident use permit sticker. Dune Mart on vendor row has them and the Dumont visitor center sometimes has them on hand. Everyone have a fun, safe weekend out there. As always, send us your dune reports and use the hasgtag #dumontduneriders on Instagram. We'll do our best to feature your photos!
  20. Let's get this going for next month's Dune pic of the month. Post up one pic. The winner's dune photo will be posted on the site as the February DPOM. Dune Pic of the Month Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. You cannot post any photos you did not take. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. 4. The picture must abide by the rules of this board. 5. By posting a photo, you allow DDR to use it on our webpages & social media.
  21. Probably because I merged Jodi's trip report with yours at the same time you posted. I'm talking about me working on Saturday. Yes, I had a fun little ride on the KTM, but it wasn't very long.
  22. Nice. Thanks for the pics, guys! Great shots. Looks like you had way more fun than I did on Saturday. That sand looks funnnnk-ky
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