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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. hey at least you knew how to use the word "articulate" correctly in a sentence! :worthless_without_pics: You gotta give yourself a for that. :porn:
  2. Here is some info on the victim from the San Bernardino Sheriff-Coroner's website.... Coroner Case 700705987--At 9:01 am on 08/05/2007, the California Highway Patrol received a 911 call indicating there had been a solo off road quad runner accident on the southern side of Dumont Dunes Off Road Recreational Area, north of Baker, CA. Paramedics pronounced Adam Guzman Jr, a 31 year old resident of Southgate dead at the scene. The CHP is investigating. [080607 0732 SY]
  3. I am with you too Terry, but I also like go out and people watch on the big weekends. I think comp hill is fun as hell to watch when there is a big crowd and lots of good races with the high dollar rails. I also enjoy checking out all the different types of toys that seem to show up on the big weekends- everything from home made off-the-wall-crap to $130K+ rails and race trucks. I don't know- I still love the atmosphere and can't get away from it as much as I end up bitching about camp racers speeding & riding wheelies past camp :porn: , the safety hazards from the huge number of so many duners in one place, the BLM not enforcing rebar and stupid caution tape, etc. etc. . Every big weekend I still get that feeling like when I went out to Dumont on my 1st holiday weekend. :worthless_without_pics: Maybe a few more years I will grow out of it, but it seems to be in my blood.
  4. yep!! :worthless_without_pics: I though that was funny when Travis hugged his mom and said, "I'm sorry, Mom"
  5. Didn't you mean to say "fry". :worthless_without_pics:
  6. Check if it has any gas in it! No...seriously. Mike (mfdesigns) and I were out in his Rhino one weekend and he couldn't figure out why it stalled and wouldn't restart. It was outta gas. :worthless_without_pics:
  7. Sorry to hear that Jay. Man I hate thieves! Get your own chit!!!!!!!! :worthless_without_pics:
  8. :worthless_without_pics: what the hell did you do to that pic?
  9. Sorry Bob & Jodi for hijacking your thread with the whole yellow Funco thing. When is your rail going to powdercoat?
  10. Time to start taking new entries. Don't forget, only post ONE picture. Also: post a subtitle/ description that you may want included on the homepage with your pic if yours wins. Got a cool dune pic? Post it up now.
  11. So does that mean you're not going? Cool, we'll see ya there!
  12. wow That's very sad to hear, minor. That is very comendable that you helped as much as you did. Many people don't even want to be involved sometimes. Maybe that was the case with the guys in the sandrail. Who knows? Most have a hard time dealing with seeing such instances out there (deaths), but they have to think about the friends of the victim and how much harder it must have been for them to witness and go through. I am sure those guys were very appreciative of your efforts. I know what you mean about being the crappiest day ever after that even dispite the good weather. I have seen a few tragic accidents out at the dunes and to me there is a big cloud of bad that just hangs over the dunes. Thanks for sharing the story.
  13. I, myself, said I would be done with the big weekends but the more I wait for dune season to come back around and I look at pics of past holiday weekends I can't help but wanna go back even on the big weekends. I have some pretty damn good memories of dune trips that fall on the holidays. I am definitely looking forward to the season kickoff weekend (Oct 5-7) and then of course Halloween weekend. I plan on doing as many trips as I can afford just like very year, but I don't think I'll be taking much time off work to get out there super early like I used to for weekends like T-day. I guess I'll be playing it by ear. Nothing beats the off-weekends, but I still have to go out for the big fun holiday weekends. I love hanging out and partying with the big groups of good friends that usually gather on big weekends. All I know is my truck isn't going to comp hill at night anymore. I'm done with the BLM & g&d d*&&*?@^*&mn tickets. How bout everyone else? Holiday weekends or no?
  14. Banshee Wars might not be put on anymore. Sean (sean10), who puts on Banshee Wars, got nailed pretty hard by the BLM and I doubt he will be putting them on anymore. I heard the BLM doesn't want Banshee Wars or any other event out there anymore period.
  15. Sweet pics, Kenny. Looks like you guys had a great time.
  16. He sent me one on my phone... I say her 1st words are gonna be "BA BA BA BERRRT"
  17. Somebody posted about that in Dumont Happenings. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=5175 sad
  18. Once again Bert, congratulations to you and Ashley on your new daughter I just got back from the hospital and I must say that is one tiny babbay with some long azz legs just like her dad! 6lbs 1 oz 17.5 inches long
  19. cool thanks. Not that I need to learn at this point, but it will be good to look over before I go in to take the test to know what to expect.
  20. Here Joe... This is what your car would look like yellow. (I'm finally gettin good at Photoshop )
  21. I doubt there were any people out there that saw or heard of it being that it is summer. When did this happen? Yesterday, today?
  22. I know it wasn't a 110, but last night ride there was a 3 wheeler that was kickin my car's a$$ by a couple bike lengths.
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