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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. How many times are you gonna ask? :icon_twisted:
  2. I wonder if he can feel it behind him? :ahhhhh: Tell me about it. Mine is a 35 ft Sandpiper and it takes forever to wash. It's not too bad once you get one of those RV wash brushes that attach to the hose. Those are a MUST if you are gonna wash your trailer yourself.
  3. Sweet! I thought that was you getting off the freeway! lol Didn't you see me tap my brake lights a few times when you flashed your brights? Congrats, Dan
  4. I plan on just getting my gen admin ticket at the gate.
  5. Hey Aaron. Will you save me a spot for my truck and hauler like last year if you are going to be in the parking lot with the "roughin it" setup? BTW, pm me your phone #- my phone took a crap and lost all my numbers.
  6. ^^ See what the combination of heat and no sand will do to you! It's proof that some will go crazy before October!
  7. Did you run out of your medication?
  8. Time to start taking new entries. We'll take approximatley the 1st 20 pictures or so. Don't forget, only post ONE picture. Got a cool dune pic? Post it up now. Also: post a subtitle/ description that you may want included on the homepage with your pic if yours wins.
  9. I thought this was JJ's thread before I saw the topic starter! That sucks, Cole. Hope it isn't too painful. Effen Cole
  10. He's going to the ocean THIS weekend, not next. He can do both! I agree the ocean is better than Terrible's Cup, but you can't compare much to our Havasu trips.
  11. Look at the one on DDR! der! I even put the events on there for de de dees like you that always flake! I didn't think that would be an excuse this time!
  12. NEXT weekend is HAVASU. :shout: Get with the program! So I guess you aren't going to either then?
  13. I know the beach is way better, but I guess you are taking this quote back then regarding the Terrible's Cup III this weekend? I didn't think you were going. You jinxed yourself when you said you were going! Told ya!
  14. yeah no kidding! I think it's cause there's like 3 other topics that already went did.
  15. I met duniemonkie through a crazy chick friend of mine who once pooped in her ex-boyfriend's shoes to get back at him. :no_no: Yeah....you read that right. :dance: Needless to say....neither one us us hang out with that girl anymore.
  16. Just say it Nick. Where the hell are you going? Do we gotta pry it out of you? Effen posting maps and clues and chit. Where the heck is Point Mugu Naws? :dance: :no_no: Either way- have a great time. When are you going?
  17. Aceisback is too busy chillen in the back of his new truck right now to be taking pictures.
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