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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I gots the toe jam....who gots the peanut budda!?
  2. NICE! That's an awesome price! Sweet bike, Mark. Tell the old kicker congrats! Thats way cool.
  3. You could? Then when why don't you? I can't tell from the pics...what exactly did you break? axle? u-joint?
  4. Dan is a good guy for sure!
  5. WOW..that's good to hear Terry. I can tell from talking to you before that you were pretty disappointed with the performance of your car. That's really cool though that it seems to be running top notch now! I wish I could make it out this weekend with you guys. Why don't you come out on Aug 11th for an epic sunset ride. I gaurantee it will be worth it! That last one was to die for!
  6. Hell yeah...that a boy, Joe! Joe Duner helped me out last summer too. He hooked me up big-time from sweatin my a$$ off!
  7. Yep...happy birthday, child! Wish we coulda kicked it tonight, but I think we were on opposite sides of "town" when we were partying w/ budponge. (Aren't you in Iowa? ) Good times though, despite the fact that Siearra Gold charges $15/ hr for their POOL table! WTF!!!????? I know PEOPLE, yes human beings, that don't make as much as that damn POOL TABLE per hour! That place is cool, but COME ON! What a rip off! :porn:
  8. Thats fuggin right! Come on out, Eric! I wanna see that KFX go!
  9. It doesn't take an English professor to know that that sounds hillbilly as hell and it isn't the right way to say it.
  10. :dance: I hate when people say that. IT'S SAW! You don't say: You SEEN something or he SEEN something or she SEEN something? NO --->it's SAW! SAW SAW SAW! You SAW something, he SAW something, she SAW something. phewww...sorry...I feel better now. I just always see that posted and let it go....not this time. Sorry Ed...I'm not picking on you personally.
  11. How do you have to DEAL with them online? :dance:
  12. I was actually just wondering the same thing not too long ago. :dance: Not that I miss the 7 pages of trash talk about Predaturds and Dodges or anything. Bound4Dirt Last Active :17th May 2007 - 07:11 PM barefoot bob Last Active: 26th June 2007 - 01:51 PM:dunno: I was gonna shoot them a pm to see if they were still alive!
  13. god dammit Effen Cheese is crackin me up today!
  14. It's not that I have that much leisure time- I just have a few minutes to kill between jobs while at work is all. legos
  15. GEEZ! Talk about OFF TOPIC! challenger just wanted to get some input for his Jeep and see some pics of some other ones. Now we're talking about doing burnouts in front of Team Acme Glass & Window Tint??!! Come onnn people!
  16. I'm laughing my a$$ off reading this story. Brings back scarey yet FUNNY a$$ memories! I didn't think it would be that bad loading it that way. My DMax never got that chitty, but then again- der.... it's a ONE TON....and then a half ton SUV with soft PLUSH suspension.
  17. The shnozzberries taste like shnozzberries
  18. You guys didn't get it. I thought Jay caught it when he posted "I have a belly button" It was nothing more than a stupid random post. You guys read too far into it and took it to nasty level. No I didn't take a crap while on the phone!
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