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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That's where Team Acme (his business) is
  2. Sweet! Glad to see the car fits in THIS one!
  3. Many people have from sandrail rides. Racnjasen did that after a ride in Randog's car. :ahhhhh:
  4. ....or load it correctly. That was mostly the problem with the incident he was referring to. (loaded wrong) A shorter trailer would make it worse!
  5. dunefreak

    New Game

    ....but to answer your question, Anna counted them while I read. 44 total...they're all Mutha Bitchezz!! :ahhhhh:
  6. behind an LS1??? :ahhhhh: The car he came up to our camp in on Pres Day had like a turbo 400 or 350 I think. I can't remember. Sorry Sean, this is kinda
  7. From what I understand- yes. It is set in stone and will go into effect as of Oct 1st, 2007. They (BLM) are still working out the details as to where the passes will be sold, but I think that's the only thing.
  8. I think I might just cut em off- that'll fix it. Maybe if I buff them, and glue on some grip tape. Whatcha think?
  9. the conversation did You still a$$hurt over your misunderstanding?
  10. You're not the only one. I WANT to go, but can't. We're kickin it with stalteri920 on the houseboat this weekend. It'll have to wait till Aug 11th for me.
  11. Whats even funnier is that you'd start a thread about that. Yeah I was quite suprised. I didn't know who it was at first because I was more puzzled at the fact some chick came running into my work area yelling "MUTHA BITCHEZZ!!!" Then I thought...hell it has to be SOMEONE I know if they are yelling that chit! Then it all clicked- "oh yeah- Cole's kid!"
  12. It IS a 7 day pass. Until the new fees go into effect- it's $20 for a day or for 7 days.
  13. I'd LOVE to, but I already have plans.
  14. If I remember right, barneycar doesn't use transaxles in his cars.
  15. What is the gearing on your Jeep now? That may be the only thing you might want to change if it's geared way low. Just air down and it will go pretty much everywhere. My buddy Tarin has a Jeep he set up for dune cruising, jumping, AND rock crawlin. It does pretty damn good, but he dumped some cash into it. He put some blinged out 22's , custom coil over suspension, moniter w/ cameras underneath for rock crawling, small block, etc.
  16. Come on Tim, read the freakin dates before Halloween on the homepage. SEASON KICKOFF...der
  17. yeah whatever! LIAR! See ya at Dumont on Halloween....and T-Day....and NewYears, and Pres Day...and Easter...and every other weekend in between!
  18. 6 page? how bout this? highlight, right click, copy, paste derr
  19. because you didn't keep the list going by adding your name
  20. What's going on at DUMONT Sept 3rd? The dates and events are for Dumont related.
  21. The holidays and events for the 07/08 season have been added to the homepage. I figured it would be a quick and easy place to look up the dates for holiday weekends, etc. (Oh and BTW, yes... Easter is March 23rd. I thought it would be in April too, but it's not in 2008.)
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