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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Aaron's sis, welcome! Happy birthday too.
  2. BTW: As Terry (ynot) said- the cleanup is put on by FoDD (Friends of Dumont Dunes), not us at DDR. We only helped.
  3. Thanks Dave, but actually I didn't feel to bad the next day. (Ya know...being a trained professional and all :grad: ) I got rid of the bad stuff before I went to bed---> :ahhhhh:
  4. And I remember everyone bitchen about the cold weather Not me...I loved it! see what I said back then------>click me Told ya!
  5. Yep, the last week in July should be NICE! :ahhhhh: We're gonna be in the water ALOT. :swim:
  6. Yep, this thread isn't getting any shorter.
  7. Yep, I watched the video and I was filming some of the shots that my buddy Stephan was taking.
  8. We'll take about 20 pictures for entries. Don't forget, only post ONE picture. Got a cool dune pic? Post yours up now.
  9. Yeah tell me about it. I was like "wtf, did someone turn the air off?" I guess with that many people the AC couldn't do sh*t especially being 110 outside. There had to be like 80+ people in my living room and kitchen. I'm glad you could make it, Mark. Good times.
  10. AHHH...that's who the unsocial jerk was that ignored you, yfzkyle. What's up with that, Chris?
  11. Woody those are some great pics you got! Thanks brutha! I'm glad you could make it. I can't beleive despite how many showed up that there were still a few peeps that I didn't see there. Caleb, I wish you could have been there- you and a handfull of others. Sorry, but Anna didn't have everyone's contact info. She did pretty damn well though I thought.
  12. cool hmm, I wonder who it was with the DDR shirt. This was at the race in front of your pits? The truck sounds like wsky70. He was in town for my b-day party last night.
  13. Sweet. Thanks for the pics and report, Cracker. It looks like you were out near BLM's Revenge. Is that where you were? I worked that checkpoint with superdave last time. There's a whole lot of mishaps in that area cause those nasty rocks. I too pulled out some buggy's and beat the piss outta my truck in that area. Did you see or happen to meet superdave while you were out there?
  14. That's one kick a$$ car ya got, Tim. Are you planning a bunch of Dumont trips this next season or will you mostly be at Glamis?
  15. That was Anna that said that. I have the best damn girl ever.
  16. Here's the rest of the pics minus the naked ones. Sorry- can't post those. Who makes these stupid rules? http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/th...s.php?album=236
  17. Video???? I completely forgot about that.
  18. DDR rigs as far as the street went. Both ways too! Don't ask cause I have no idea. WHOA
  19. I love the new ornaments in the front yard. I just stepped outside to see this.... You guys are effen nuts whoever did that.
  20. some "observations" -Jules almost got her hair burned off! -lots of food -I told everyone I'd probably end up throwing up...and yep...check it out.....I did! -revving the busa up late at night is always fun- I doubt my neighbors think so though -Tommy's brother couldn't kick the Harley over to save his life. We had to push start it for him. -Everyone had those damn sperm shot/ drinks that Stephan & Val brought. I laughed my a$$ off all night everytime I saw those in everyone's mouths, pants, pockets, etc. -5 year supply of Gin -it's great having a Henderson cop next door neighbor as a friend. No cops all night thanks to him! Thanks Kevin -only my friends could manage to blow through tons of liqour and TWO kegs in a matter of hours
  21. I'M STILL DRUNK! Great pics, Craig. I want to thank everyone SO MUCH for everything. I was blown away at how many peeps were there and how big it was. Hell even Randog & Woody drove from Cali to be here! That's freakin awesome. You guys are good peeps. I especially want to thank Stacey, Bert & Ashley, Jim, and of course ANNA for setting everything up. I don't know who else helped but I know there were many more- thank you all so much! I had a blast and it was great to see everyone. The food was rediculous! :ahhhhh: When I showed up there were like 10 big azz pizzas, 50 bags of chips, dips galore, meat, cheese and veggies trays everywhere, KFC, 2 cakes, kegs, and a whole lot of GIN....WOW. I think I am set for a couple years on Gin now. I also thought it was way cool too that Vicki (superdave's wife) came and did the charactures (sp?) of everyone. That was awesome of her. Once again. Thank you guys! That was exactly what I wanted to do on my birthday- hang out with all my peeps. Best birthday ever, guys! Oh yeah, once again....I need a bigger house.
  22. Oh BTW, if anyone wants to come out and party with the rest of us later tonight, pm me or gimme a call. Looking forward to some good times with good peeps.
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