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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. good thing you quoted him, Stacey. I wouldn't have had any idea what you were laughing at! come onnn! oh and those were good, Mark.
  2. Here ya go Lisa. His name is Craig. 369-6900 I think the company name is like Sew What or Sew Wet or something like that. Tell him a friend of Ben Roth referred you.
  3. yeah wtf? I thought you and your dad were coming out?
  4. Nah I'll just use the YouTube link and emb it into the site. Thanks
  5. HA!!! I was gonna say the same thing! I noticed that when we went through Tecopa too. I thought: if they don't want anyone coming through their town, who are they trying to advertise to then? The old man down the road in the camper out in the desert?
  6. sweet. Thanks for sharing. I'll throw it up on the video page too if it's cool with you. I had some video but it was pretty dark and you couldn't see that much. Good job.
  7. They didn't bring haulers. They only had a flatbed with 2 quads on it. You shoulda stoppped by and said hi.
  8. From what I understood, nobody from DDR planned on bringing any in the first place. I think there was maybe a guy from YFZTech or somewhere that was gonna bring some, but that fell through. Lights or no lights- I had a great time regardless. I could see just fine with my headlights.
  9. you've got problems, Dan
  10. right on, man. Thanks. I'm loving the new car so it will be a while (if ever) before I get a new one.
  11. Very cool, Jodi. I wanted to get a pic of the camp from the finger dune but never made it. As for the next one- I'm definitely in! I say either late July or sometime in August. Nice meeting you, Darrell. I understand how your friend feels. You guys were plenty welcome though. We'll have to kick it at the next summer trip. That's a great way to put it. Unless you come out and see for yourself how friggen smooth and epic those dunes are in the summer, you will never understand. I'm not sure if I met you or not or not, stoic. Where were you parked and who were you with?
  12. I can get you a number of a guy that does them for a living and does good work. I'll see if I can the # tomorrow, Lisa.
  13. Hey Annihilater'are you the guy I stopped and asked what motor your cart had? Yep me too...maybe like August again?
  14. Nobody said that a red cart or rail went through roosting. All I know is that there was a red quad that definitely came through our camp and roosted my buddy's rail and hauler. I wasn't sure if it was related to the story Ocean03 posted or not. Thats why I asked. Let us know on that video. I'd like to check it out.
  15. I know, but I was just checking. Maybe he was mistaken. It just makes too much sense ya know. Red quad...roosting people and all.
  16. Well I wonder if it was the same guy who came through our camp at about 2:30am and ROOSTED the sh*t outta Tim's new Funco and toyhauler. Tim came out to give him a beatdown :assrock: but he was already gone. That was messed up whoever it was. I don't recall Tim coming close to hitting any quad though. :assrock: Was the rail a BudLight Funco? yeah I saw it. I stopped next to him to say whats up and ask what he had in it. It's a 750 streetbike motor. He said it had some issues they were trying to work out since it was the first time they brought it out.
  17. Thanks Randy. Sucks I didn't get to say hi. I couldn't find you. What rail was this? And was it a red quad? This may explain a certain story.
  18. dinicolada drinking WATER! vegas style back on 2 feet :assrock: look at that sand :assrock: the rest of the pics
  19. Can you beleive this??? :assrock: budsponge at Dumont! I'm glad he came out. It was good times. Sucks you couldn't make it, Nick.
  20. Damn dude that sucks. How did you break it?
  21. I had an awesome time. It was pretty damn hot when we pulled in about 5:30 on Saturday. :ahhhhh: It was bearable though. I think we all need our heads examined for going out there and still loving it. :assrock: It was great seeing everyone and hanging out. We had an epic sunset buggy ride on Saturday. There were absolutely NO tracks out there and the sand was all ours. I had a freakin grin ear to ear on that ride and when I got back. The cars ran pretty warm, but we stopped a couple times to let them cool down. Man that ride was awesome. :dance: Playing and hanging out at the hill was fun too! I spanked some quads with my buggy, except for that damn 3 wheeler. That thing was rediculous. :ahhhhh: I raced Don29Palms and was suprised how fast his car is now with the new turbo. Watching some of those quads race without headlights or tailights made for some scary moments. I almost ran into a couple coming down the hill. I guess they anticipated the hill being lit up. Later after we got back from the hill I was spent. We fired up the pizza maker and grubbed and till we passed out watching Fear & Loathing like usual. :assrock: I was tired as hell. The wind started whipping pretty damn good later Saturday night and all through the morning today (Sunday). I didn't even attempt a morning ride. Those dunes looked dangerous. lol All in all it was a great trip and can't wait to do another one. I took a couple pics so I'll get them posted soon.
  22. Wow Tim...that looks awesome!! I bet your excited.
  23. I just talked to Woody and there's a possiblity we'll all be over by the 1st finger you come to when pullin in. It's like 100-150 yards from where they were gonna park I guess. I don't friggen know. :assrock: They are like at the bottom corner of C7 The rest of us still may just pull in by 6. Who knows? :assrock: Just park wherever you see the crowd.
  24. you can plug into mine too if you want to be by the rest of the group. I still don't know why he parked way over there.
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