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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Then it would be a friggin SANDRAIL!
  2. ok, I think I'll be leaving 4 o clock.
  3. ^ not too bad FYI: Don29Palms and OGP got out there last night and are sweatin their a$$es off right now. To whoever gets out there first on Saturday- they did NOT park near bathroom #6 so don't look too hard for them. They parked way over off the first finger for some reason- I think for cel service or something. I still plan on parking near 6 so we'll see you guys there. I should be rolling in around 6 or 7 ish.
  4. Well now that this topic has switched to talking about copyrights and such I'll add some more to it. It would be the trademark that would protect that statement. Just like "got sand?". That is trademarked so if anyone else used it to market clothing, stickers or whatever said "got sand?" technically the owner could sue them if he wanted it. Copyright laws would protect the font and overall design of the work. It gets confusing but read this... Check it out- who cares at this point. Screw it. Jesse, make like 30 of em!
  5. That's horrible. I hate to say it, but I doubt they will be able to do much if they are completely amputated.
  6. exactly...and besides that was alot of friggen typing
  7. They are for GM Service Information.....and DDR. Our service info is all online via the GM websites . Pretty high tech huh??
  8. It is copyrighted and trademarked! If you had Jesse make one it would be illegal.
  9. I set it as my desktop wallpaper on the computer at work.
  10. ok, maybe DDR will have to make a special summer night run/ round 2 later this summer (maybe August ?) just for Randog
  11. When's everyone leaving Vegas?? What does that matter? You mean when is everyone gettin to DUMONT? Come on out. I think most peeps will be rollin in from 6-9pm Sat night for the most part. I should be there about 7 ish at the latest.
  12. Why aren't you going, mutha bitchezzz? come on Randy
  13. ...or at least until Saddam Hussein runs into him again with that little yellow rail ^that dude that hit him looked just like Saddam! oh wait... Saddam was hung... thats right. We shouldn't be seeing him in the dunes anymore. Cool!
  14. Nope, that place closed down. It is just to the left of where the 19th hole used to be (or still is but its closed)
  15. Not cool Not me. I am saving my drinkin for AFTER the rides.
  16. Hey, ya never know. it's all good. I guess you missed some of the talk about them being a pain in the a$$ too then. Saturday can't come quick enough.
  17. oh come onnnn!!! You have to admit- that last one on your bachleor party weekend was the chit! Tiff's Chicken Enchiladas!
  18. Here's my input....let's just play it by ear.
  19. surrrrrrrrrrrre Good luck keepin up though.
  20. ok then...I'll tell ya what. Let's do one- YOU plan it, YOU host it, and YOU grill the food. I'll bring a small tub of potato salad and sit back and eat like 20 bucks worth of food. cool? :dance: You must not have caught on to the past big trips where "everyone" did a potluck. Most of us that did all the work.....we're over potlucks. eff that chit The word "potluck" is almost as bad as saying "official DDR camp". Just don't say it. :no_no: :dance: :dance: Is it Saturday yet?
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