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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. night drags? never heard of em. I'll be out there though cruising some soft smooth sand with my car.
  2. dumba$$! I hope it was worth it.
  3. Almost there! We can see sand. Nothing like a beer at 6:30 am! unloading oh so sweet sand... @ the N pole resting after the 1st "Pastrana ride" Charlie trying to kick over Steveo's 450 He did it too! cool pic of the finger dune when the wind started to pick up around noon... friggin empty
  4. All in all it was a great trip. The weather was about the same as 2 weeks ago when we went. It got up to about 100 degrees by noon. There was a nice breeze that kept things cool. Steveo & I pulled in about 6 am. The sand was smooth as hell (of course). There were a few big semi-trucks out there parked near vendor row area. We saw some EZ-UPs and cones set up in the back behind comp too. I thought that was kinda wierd. I guess they were filming something out there. We got some really fast rides in. We played bumper quads in 5th gear. It felt good to do that again. I had enough after the 1st two or three Pastrana rides though. The last ride was a nice easy ride back though. There were some giant tractor tracks and holes dug past bathroom 7 near the dunes. I think it was from recovering the sandrail 2 weeks ago that crashed out there. Those craters took me by suprise when I came up on them a lil fast. :ahhhhh: The entrance road still sucks bad, but there was some heavy equipment out there so maybe they'll start on the road soon. Neither ISBB or stalteri920 showed. Nobody crashed but there were some close calls! It was great to get to finally ride with my buddy, Brice and some of his friends. Great to see everyone out there. I had a blast. Pics to come....
  5. Just past bathroom 10 on the left. (hardpack) Then care less if you could! j/k see you tomorrow am
  6. Come on! Ride Bert's Raptor. Like how I just volunteered his sh*t? When did we tell everyone that? I asked you when I was telling Tony and we said mayyybe 5 at the latest. I am leaving earlier since I am driving seperately in my truck. I say if you wanna meet up before we head out lets do 4:30 at the gas station this time. Leaving the gas station @ 5:00 put us there a tad too late last time IMO. And I'm not going through Pahrump this time. no way Everyone can leave when they want. The dunes will still be there at any time of day. Must we all drive with each other on the road?
  7. 1st post.... I think I'll be cruising out of the Shell gas station on Rainbow/160 at hopefully 4:30 at the latest.
  8. Your probably looking at anywhere from $700- 1000. That's about what I was charged when I had my car built. Like OFFROADRACER said- it depends on the color and metallic or not.
  9. Yes sometimes. It will kick EGR codes. I am not sure if there is an update to fix that yet though. There MAY be a reflash but I'm not sure. They definitely had problems with that when they first came out. I haven't seen many recently though. You'd have to ask Jim.
  10. That's not very cool. He had a point, Don. This is a discussion where we are trying to constructive. Even stupid ideas sometimes help everyone brainstorm. Besides, where in this thread did anyone start crying about the fees, lizards/bugs, or camping near the dunes?
  11. I knew there was someone. I think I missed Bryan and Dman too. I never said that. I even said for you to come out anyways. Wingnut came up with that rule.
  12. I was fun. It got a little warm about noon. We pulled outta there about 12:30. It wasn't that it was too hot, but that it was getting pretty hard to read the dunes with the sun right above us. We're going back out this Sunday then again on teh night of the 23rd.
  13. So the list looks like.... me Bert (sanddunesaddict) a guy from work and few of his buddies Mike B Matt/ Smitty Aaron (SandYFZ) if he gets his bike running right Steveo- maybe ISBB Stalteri920 JJ (lvnalolife) Craig (9 digit) Woody (wsky70) wingnut and his crazy friend Tom cdavego sandseeker (Brice) + ~6 others chris1223 PaulyPaul Did I miss anyone?
  14. I now have your sunglasses, Woody. I'll bring them with me.
  15. Does anyone have any favorite local bands they go see? I'm kinda curious if there are some decent ones out there that others like that I haven't heard of. Here are a few decent ones... my friend's band, Cherry Hill Slow to Surface- very good band Magna Fi- not so local anymore- they got kinda big Big Bad Zero- used to like em, now I don't Cornerstone- Saw them once and they were pretty good GDB (Goldfish Don't Bounce)- best damn local band ever- VERY talented Siamese Graffiti- aka Armz' band- some of you may remember from the night drags back in August
  16. Good times last night. For those that couldn't make it, you're lucky! Rhino King left my house and said I'll be back in just a bit.....then he came hauling a$$ down the street in his Rhino in his only tighty whities sticking his a$$ out at us! That boy aint right
  17. I'll see if he can bring em tomorrow to work and I'll get em to ya.
  18. The carbs on those are fairly easy to take apart, Ed. Just have a clean work space and take off the float bowl. You can pull out the floats and clean the main and pilot jets through there. Carb cleaner and compressed air work great for cleaning them out. What is your question about the throtttle cable? Are you wondering how to take it off?
  19. Sunday can't get here quick enough! I can't wait to ride again. It's looking like we're gonna have a pretty good turnout too.
  20. Nope, the BLM has been giving warnings and tickets for any vehicle driving down pipeline.
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