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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. yep we're back. It was awesome...I'll start a new thread for the trip report in a sec.
  2. You guys are lame! We're outta here- see ya
  3. Steve (Vegas Style) or Kristin...are you definitley going tomorrow AM? Steveo backed out, but our buddy Mike B is going now. Bert, me, Aaron, Mike, and Jim are heading out from Bert's at 4:30 am. If anyone wants to meet up we can stop at the Shell station on Rainbow/ 160 at 5AM ish. Otherwise we are probably just gonna jam outta town. I'm thinking we'll get there about 6:30 or so. Then virgin sand for about 4 hrs or so. :blush:
  4. yep! It was the day Bert rolled his rail off the top of the face hill!
  5. seriously! :blush: I'm going out to Dumont early as hell tomorrow morning for a sand fix, but it will only be with the Raptor.
  6. Thanks Tyler Every freakin day I walk past it in my garagae I just wanna load it up and go tear up the dunes with it. It kills me to just see it sit. I wanna drive it some more!
  7. Turbo liner is a spray in truck bed liner. It is VERY durable. Ken Colors does them. Click here. You think that is gonna cover the whole floor of his trailer? :blush:
  8. dunefreak

    UFC 71

    Yeah that was some chit huh? I agree. The fights leading up to that one were good, then that last one ended so quick I didn't even catch what happened. Literally...I turned my head to say something to someone and everyone started screaming. "WHOOOAAAAA, did you see that?" I was like WTF, and turned back & saw Lidell out on the floor gettin his a$$ whooped! :blush: I thought it was a bullshit call the 1st time I saw the quick replay, but then after a few more times I saw that he friggin went limp when he got hit. derrrrrr
  9. Very cool. That turned out nice. May he rest in peace.
  10. good GOD :blush: Looks very nice, Tyler.
  11. You must not ride then. Good, stay home. Less people there the better! lol
  12. Some friends over at DuneSafe.com are trying to raise some funds to get a booth at the Sand Sports Super Show this year. They are a non-profit group that was started to promote safe duning. I kicked some cash their way because I know how hard it is to get something going and having to shell out some of your own hard earned dollars for no profit in return and to do it only for a good cause. So if any of you guys could kick a few dollars their way, please give em a hand. Even 5 bucks will help. Click here to donate If you can't donate, at least sign up on their forum to show that you support safe duning. www.dunesafe.com Thanks everyone. :blush:
  13. Are you in Vegas? Steel Engineers is where I usually get all my sheet metal
  14. I like the lookback. Dude! That's exactly what my buddy Jeremy Whit used to do when we'd go out riding track. There would be all these douchebag kids out there that thought they were the sh*t riding the track. They all looked at him like he was crazy riding his WR200 on the track so he'd pretend it was his "first time" riding a dirtbike. He'd ask the kids in a hillbilly voice if they could hit the DOUBLE. Some of them would be like "nah, not yet". So he'd say well I'm gonna try and he'd ride the whole track hitten the whoops kicking his feet everywhere and then jump the double SITTING DOWN! It was the funniest damn thing I ever saw. I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard! Especially because I was sitting right next to these kids so I could hear them say "whoaaaaaa!!!!!" with looks like this on their faces... . After he'd jump it he would come back and say wow, that was pretty cool. You guys can't do that? They were in awe that it was his first time on a dirtbike. (BTW, Jer was a pretty damn good rider :blush: ) Damn...the good ol days.
  15. hey.... I did say "TRY" I remember that! That was a fun ride
  16. We are gonna go that far into the soft stuff.
  17. I just got done changing the oil and cleaning the filters on the ol Craptor. She's ready to go! I can't wait. It's been like 3-4 months since I've been on a bike. A new sandrail will do that to ya.
  18. http://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/22016 Ouch! Read some of those comments. Some people thought it was his eyeball that popped out , but it looks to me like it was definitely his drumstick that broke and impailed his cheek!
  19. Dude that was back in DECEMBER and your just now reading it? And to answer your question, do I need my a$$ whooped?...no...I'm all set. Thanks though!
  20. Wow, looking great Tim! I like the cautions they take to prevent scratching and damaging certain parts of the car during assmebly. Great ideas.
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