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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. 4th forum down from the top of the main forum page... here---> http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...php?showforum=7
  2. No, I think my sh*t doesn't STICK because it doesn't sit in there long enough to be a problem! Can we stop talking about this now?
  3. Are you freakin kidding me?
  4. I don't understand why people need this "excavating" procedure done. I dump my tanks right away after every trip and have never had an issue. Are you turds that bad you need to "excavate" them?
  5. you waited 10 minutes then bumped your topic up? wtf? you must be desperate!
  6. WTF does this have to do with Rhinos, Rangers, golf carts, etc?? You have way too much time and money on your hands, Tim.
  7. When are you planning on getting there, Tim? :eatdrink021:
  8. fyi: You forgot an "S" in your link
  9. bike= 2 wheeler OR quad in my book Who cares! I'll be there regardless of what I bring.
  10. When you say "bike" are you referring to a 2 wheeler? Because every single time I'm out there I see all kinds of bikes with lights!
  11. what are everyone's plans for Memorial Day weekend? I gotta work Saturday , then after that I might just BBQ and drink some cold beer all weekend. Hell I might even throw the knobbie onm the 2 wheeler and take it out. I've been itchen to do that one of these days real soon. It hasn't seen a knobbie in about 3-4 years!
  12. we are? Speak for yo self there Day trip to Coral? not worth it.
  13. If I am having problems with it, yes. I don't keep riding it. I mean very low compression. You can tell when a 2 stroke starts "weezing" that it's getting time for a new top end and that the compression is low.
  14. There are a couple possible reasons why....if it was run hard on a weak top end for a while, that could have done it, old age of the rings- it was just it's time lol, or lack of lubrication. Usually the first one is the reason why MORE damage occurs to 2 strokes when they fail. I know from experience that when mine was low on compression I could have saved a cylinder by NOT continuing to try and run the crap out of it.
  15. Please try and limit the pics that you post (or quote) - this thread will be turned into the poll for the contest so I don't wanna have to go taking out pictures so everyone knows who's is who's. thanks
  16. Yeah thats fine, Bob I think I am gonna get there about 7 PM on Saturday.
  17. very good, however that only applies to during the fall/winter season
  18. if you ever forget and you don't even know which e-mail you used, just e-mail me, pete@dumontduneriders.com
  19. How about an extra seat for the drive up, bed, A/C, shitter, food, beer, camp chair, and gas? :ahhhhh: You don't even have to haul my bike, I'll just ride your newly rebuilt 450!
  20. Yeah of course. You think we'd go to the little dunes Speaking of camp, let's get a camp together near bathroom 6. What do you all say? Yes...an official "DDR camp"...I said it. :ahhhhh: That way we could all hang out, bs , and do some together after some rides.
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