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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I use the fog/smoked tinted ones for day and clear for night.
  2. dunefreak


    :ahhhhh: good one
  3. So they aren't gonna have to amputate that kankle? :ahhhhh: Good thing you went and had it checked out. Get better soon.
  4. Kristin, he was being sarcastic. You have to expect that from wingnut. :ahhhhh:
  5. How about Steveo quits going to friggin Mexico ever other weekend! :ahhhhh:
  6. You know it! What do ya say we have a couple at your place before we head over to Balboa. Steveo and Joe Duner are in. :ahhhhh: What do ya say, old balls!??
  7. Wow....well aren't you two just a couple of freakin rebels!
  8. I gotta say it...that's one hell of a kankle you got there now! Damn girl, get to a doctor. That doesn't look good. I'd get it checked out just to be sure there isn't any more injuries or damage.
  9. Here Stacey, I changed your pics from bmp to JPEG's for easier viewing....
  10. Hey Stacey....Are you over it? I wasn't sure.
  11. Yeah you do! You post about Coral like you haven't ever been there before. WTF? There are lots of people I always see and almost run into in the dunes there....especially on the left side. :ahhhhh:
  12. There isn't one. Some people call some hills there "comp", but I think they just make it up. I have never heard of such a hill ever since I have been going there.
  13. dunefreak


    Take some pics that weekend and post em up when you get back.
  14. dunefreak


    Hi Kyle. Welcome to DDR. Your bike will be slightly underpowered, but it will by no means blow up. Don't run it too hard though. If you go on some long runs there during the hot times of day, your bike may run pretty warm so watch that for sure. Memorial weekend is gonna be a hot one so go prepared. Bring plenty of water and don't go on rides by yourself. Oh and the 8 cup should be ok. You aren't gonna be fast up comp hill by no means, but you'll definitely have fun. Be safe out there!
  15. OK, here we are about 1/2 way into the year already and was curious if anyone stuck to their guns so far and accomplished any of their new year's resolutions yet? Here's the thread from back then... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...;hl=resolutions I have got about half way there I guess... 1. Get my rail back together one way or another - YEP, definitley did that 2. Spend just as much time as this last year (or more) with friends- kinda. I am trying to as much as possible 3. Get some home imrovements done that I have been trying to get done- YEP, one project at a time 4. Try and get even more invovled with FoDD & the fight to keep Dumont open- YEP, helped a bunch over cleanup weekend and have offered more help as well. 5. Get a new quad (2nd Raptor)- NOPE, that one is gonna have to wait 6. Take a real vacation- HMM, still hoping for one of those
  16. I was having a kinda crappy day yesterday and thought of some of the things others & I mentioned in this thread and I started to have a more positive attitude and my day went better!
  17. Good luck finding anyone at all out there for memorial weekend. Like duneshredder911 said, it's gonna be HOT.
  18. B)--> QUOTE(mark b @ May 15 2007, 08:23 PM) 73683[/snapback] so next time i might mistake my car for your woops B)--> QUOTE(mark b @ May 15 2007, 08:24 PM) 73684[/snapback] so next time i might mistake my car for your whoops
  19. WTF, you're NOT going? I thought from previous discussion you were. Oh well, have fun at St Anthony's. There he ^ goes with his retarded smiley language again.
  20. Sorry, between building a new home page for the site and trying to get an online store set up, I haven't had much time to mess with building a new header for the forum yet. I started to, but then I got busy with the other items that I thought needed updating first. Thanks for all the replies/ pics everyone. Keep em coming- they are great.
  21. I was thinking of doing a late night / early morning trip to Dumont at the end of June...possibly on the 23rd. Anyone else gonna be out there? I'd like to get some good late night & early morning rides in that next day.
  22. Wow Kristin! That sucks about your friends, but it seems like they will recover ok. I always hear stories about people crashing at Coral Pink. The biggest reason for it is like Paul Rob said- the drop offs are almost impossible to see in the middle of the day. When we go up there, we don't even ride during certain times of the day. If we do, we stay to the left side of the dune area where there are more trees and trails. It still seems like you had fun despite your friends' accidents. I love that place.
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