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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. In the beginning of this topic there are pictures of how the road sits as of about 2 weeks ago. There are plans to finish it... back in this post. They haven't done it quite yet though.
  2. Update: She IS improving. She is kinda able to talk, but her speach is very difficult to understand. They hope it isn't from the stroke(s), but more than likely it is mostly from all the stitches in her mouth. The impact caused her to bite down and cut her tongue very badly. She can feel most of her lower part of her body now, but some areas are iffy. They are hoping that she regains all the feeling in her body and that she pulls through. I guess they are taking it day by day at this point to wait for her to heal. She also has a very badly injured hand. When she hit, she put one of her hands up and it went through part of the broken windshield cutting between teh webbing of two of her fingers. She has alot of stitches there as well. Oh and BTW Stacey, her name is Nicole. I forgot to reply to you early about that. I will relay all the positive & kind words to the family. Thanks guys.
  3. It seems to me that the forum here is only slow at certain times of the day. Hell... every day when I get home from work there are like 25-30 members online still.
  4. That's rediculous. Two wheels up FRONT? IMO, trikes are for people who can't ride. I wouldn't be caught riding some crap like that.
  5. I wouldn't miss throwin that memory in there, Mike!
  6. Thanks so much, everyone. I got a call tonight from my friend and heard that after they worked on the artery in her neck within about 10 minutes she was smiling and moving various parts of her body! She was even trying to talk. They said she did suffer 2 small strokes, but it seems she is doing way better. As of now I don't know if there is any damage that has been done from the strokes. We'll just have to wait and see. It's amazing how things happen in life sometimes. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. I will let them know you were all thinking of her. I'll post more info when I heard more.
  7. I was just informed today that the sister of friend from work was in a car accident. She was traveling down the right hand lane of Nellis Blvd trying to merge over to the middle lane while some guy from the left lane also merged into the middle lane pushing her off the road and into a pole. The impact caused major damage to an artery (sp?) in her neck as it was cut and damaged by the seatbelt. The whiplash also was pretty intense. She was rushed to UMC and has been in the trauma unit all day. She has already suffered 1, possibly 2, stroke(s). Right now her body is paralyzed from the neck down. This may or may not be permanant- they don't know. They are going in to attempt to fix one of the damaged arteries in her neck. If they don't she will die. There is about a 60% chance she will survive at this point. I didn't know her very well, but did met her a couple times. This is very sad especially because she is only like 19 or 20 years old. Everyone please think positive thoughts for her or say a prayer. Her family and friends are a wreck right now.
  8. Yeah that is kinda what I was trying to say back in this post on the 1st page. Bob, maybe it should be called a bugguck (buggy+truck= bugguck) OR buggzer (buggy + Blazer= buggzer) :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: Either way you are having fun and thats all that matters. Just be safe.
  9. nice :dance: The price is wrong, b*tch! F that! You owe me an ice cold Bud Light, mofo! I was hoping for the lower of the prices for you two! Next time I'm rootin for 2 grand! j/k lad it wasn't TOO painful, chris.
  10. UPDATE! Cole just sent me a text saying this: "Wooo hoooo deployment postponing till july or august for my leg being broke!" That's better news. At least now we have plenty of time to plan a big ol party or get together before his deployment.
  11. duh! about 7-8 o clock or so. PM me for directions if you want ha! :mc_smiley: I got five on it!
  12. WTF do YOU need, Mr. I'm already up and dancing in a kilt with a streetbike helmet on!!!???
  13. yep, I already know it's addicting Just look at my post count No way are we gonna charge. If I made money off of this place it would ruin it!
  14. I still don't even know why you would think of that, Terry!
  15. Yeah that is pretty much what I read in that article abou the dump station. Hell...and all this time I thought i was HELPING Tecopa by giving them 5 bucks to dump my crap there. flatbillers Question: now is the extra traffic through Pahrump gonna be a problem in the future if we all decide to take thatroute instead? Are they gonna b*tch about us too?
  16. WTF would that look like? this? as Don29Palms would say...UHHHHHH NO!
  17. hell yeah it did...and sunvisors too!!!
  18. So you are for it or not, Bert? "not worth it in my eyes" You mean it's not worth going Tecopa to save the 14 miles? also.....if you are low on cookies or drop your sandwich on the floor of your truck you can get those supplies as well at the quickie mart! :dance:
  19. get it right! ...it's his "GUYS"! ahh Trav... the laughes you bring even when you aren't logged in here Where you at sucka??? :dance:
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