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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'd try a coil first. See if someone else has one that you could just throw on there to try before you go spend $$ on one though.
  2. Channel 19? What channel is that? I have satellite, not Cox.
  3. Does it cut out slowly like it's running out of fuel or does it cut out quickly like an ignition problem?
  4. Of course you will Dave...there will be a keg of Bud. :dance:
  5. yep, I remebered. I figured if I was gonna do it....do it right, ya know? lol
  6. For those that weren't there... As Dman74 cranked the wheel on his Rhino to try and slide it around and make a sharp turn, he ended up putting on 2 wheels almost rolling it (again ). Here ya go Dan...welcome to the 2 wheeler crew :dance:
  7. I don't think I have his number, but JJ, Craig or Ross should have it, Nick. B-RAD...where u at?
  8. Very cool, Ross. Thanks for sharing. I'll have to check that out one day.
  9. couple pics... pullin a wheelie in my car OGP... north pole... we came up on kris in the dunes with a seized motor Dman towed him back with the Rhino Ragdoll MX playing at comp painterjoe Don29Palms and OGP don't ask :dance: supplies for 2 days in the dunes- dumb as fk
  10. What an awesome trip. I had a blast. Everyone came back in one piece. Cole wrecked and messed his foot or ankle up a little, but no major damage was done. It was a little warm at times, but not as bad as cleanup weekend. On one of our fast dune rides with Pauly Paul leading my car started to get a lil warm so I backed off. Then I found out that painterjoe (who was behind me), was glad I did because he too was running a bit on the warm side as well. Tim & Joe's new Funcos did awesome! Those are some sweet rides for sure. My car did great again as well. I broke another one of the little stud mounted lazer star lights, but that was it. The car was a blast and I'm glad I didn't bring a bike. I wouldn't have ridden it anyways. I still can't get over how nice my car does over some of the rough. Thanks to wingnut and friends for the great food Saturday night. It was nice to actually eat some real food after scarfing down Pizzazz food all Friday. Tiffany, I had some of the chicken enchiladas you sent out with Craig and they were the bomb! The late night run to South pole, then north pole, then comp was the best ever. What a freakin blast. My stomach still hurts from all the laughing we did. Goooood times goood peeps. ok here it goes...my obversations from the weekend are... -rally style buggy runs on gravel roads rock -Ragdoll's practical joke game with the spoon backfired on him thanks to OGP :dance: -wingnut can house & feed alot of people in his hauler -Randog is still fast and crazy as hell -Randog's car has a twin -3 foot of copper pipe "tear it up little person" -"WTF is Cole doing with a Sparkletts bottle?!!!!" -fuggin racenjasen bro :smoker: -SandSnake got some good air!! -I thought Wingnut's toyhauler had a baby (Tom's trailer) The Minnie Winngy -"Bud Light present's: RRRReal Men of Genius" X 68 times I'm over it! -Grimace and Randog can make some funny azz barf noises BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLAA -Dman is now part of the 2 wheeler crew :ahhhhh: even if he has a Rhino -late nights at comp- too damn funny -windy dune rides from the north pole at night....not so much "where's flat land damnit!!???" -"Where's NICK????!!!!!!" -in 5 minute's time you can find out alot about Pauly Paul at the south pole :ahhhhh: -C9...not crapper 9 -Dman is always to the rescue with the beers :dance: -Randog's tools in his rail come in handy...way handy. Thanks Randy! -damn....no stripper midgets made it out -Cole is dangerous as hell and I think he should be on medication -This last season was great and I had some good times , but I'm Dumonted out and ready for the lake this spring and summer. B) Good times, guys.
  11. I keep my Hypertech on stage 2 at all times...towing or not. i just take it easy on it and tow according to the pyro and it tows awesome.
  12. You don't read sarcasm well do you? :eatdrink021:
  13. Yeah haven't you heard that diesels generally get better mileage than gassers? Damn Chase, you had to dig pretty far to bump this old thread back up. I had to go back to the beginning to see who started it, and then I found out it was me! :eatdrink021: I've since gone with the Hypertech due to the great price of ....almost nothing.
  14. Grrrreat! Now the secret is out you guys! :eatdrink021:
  15. dunefreak


    awesome!!! :mc_smiley: I love those :eatdrink021:
  16. That would be cool if you could make it Bob. I'm not sure about cheap hotels other than the Holiday Inn Express hotles are damn nice for the price. (That's not a joke either. I have heard alot of Holiday Express jokes latey. ) PM me if you want my number. I can try to hook you up with a place.
  17. That sucks. Aaron, whose was this? I'll keep an eye out.
  18. Neither do "other people" and THEY get dragged in too! :ahhhhh: So Bob. Are you gonna just throw a new pump at it and see what happenes then?
  19. about 300 yards down from C9 now :ahhhhh:
  20. You guys all read my post wrong. I meant when is your last DUMONT trip? And when I say Dumont trip I mean a whole weekend trip. No... dune season never ends for me either. Between Coral Pink and early day runs to Dumont the season never really ends. But as far as a Friday through Sunday trip...lets face it- you're not gonna be out there with your toyhaulers baking in 120 degrees. :ahhhhh:
  21. OK I don't want to be a downer or anything, but it's obvious this dune season is gonna end within the next month as far as weekends trips go. When is your last trip of the season gonna be? I can't do Easter, but I might do the following weekend if funds permit. If not, I guess that's it for me. Then it's time for those awesome summer morning trips where you get up at 3:30 AM :ahhhhh: , haul azz to the dunes with a few good friends, and ride some of the best sand of the year! Then, bail the hell outta there before it gets hot at about 11 AM.
  22. Thats right around the corner from my buddy's house. Maybe he can bring his 61 Impala wagon down there as well.
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