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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. :dance: Yeah no chit! huh! Stupid balltoe
  2. ^^ And there's Jon with his 2 cents about his Cummins like usual. Thanks Jon!
  3. Would you 2 stop it!!?? (wingnut and 420rider) Can't we all just get along without the flaming back and forth?
  4. Too damn funny. Cole you are way too nice dude. There's no way I would have done it for that jackass! j/k Dan Glad you're back, mang.
  5. Well yes and no. This particular truck was running too much programmer while towing and melted a piston and hurt a cylinder wall as well. The motor got replaced at the customer's expense per General Motors. The ticket came to like 11 or 12K with labor. ouch This should be a warning to all those guys that like to crank their programmers up. GM won't warranty your chit if you do damage from aftermarket power up kits. I drive by my pyro ever since I saw this happen to this poor guy.
  6. Cool pics. Thanks for sharing. BTW, welcome to the board!
  7. Hey Cathi You missed a good time this year. Althouh we didn't have a big potluck or cake this year (we kept it much simpler), it was still a blast.
  8. I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. This "Coral Pink" place doesn't exist!
  9. I meant on the ride over. Good luck on the Rhino. Let us know if you score some farm equip!
  10. HA! and those are easy! If you can change an oil filter and plug a wire in, you can change a D Max fuel filter.
  11. off topic again, but yes it was nice to finally meet you too, Pete. You'll have to meet me some other time when I'm not so . I was wasted that night. I barley remember that. I was sitting in the back seat of OGP's Rhino going OH GOD!
  12. See ya soon, Dan. Sucks it didn't work out in Diego for you....BUT now there's just another excuse for another party! A "Welcome back Dan party!"
  13. Come on...I was just messin around. Yeah I was hanging out in a Rhino . You didn't see me climbing any hills with it though did you?
  14. That was Anna, not me. She didn't log me out.
  15. Top secret, pleeeeeeaaase! Your mom...
  16. All these new diesels are a pain in the a$$ to work on. The Duramax might even be one of the easiest too and look at what a pain in my a$$ IT is..... All that work and I STILL couldn't find the damn spark plugs to do a tune up!
  17. come on, Ed! So far it's only a maybe. There hasn't been anything confiormed yet.
  18. I thought we already had one? -----> seriously though. I don't make the smileys. I just find them and then add them to the list.
  19. yep, he told me he's selling it and possibly getting a 2 seater
  20. congrats! You'll love it If it's the "classic" like you said (same body as mine-05), there are plenty of lift kits out there for those.
  21. Thanks and no-it just sits higher and the suspension is setup a little better than the last car. It still has about 18/19" in the rear and 20/21" in the front so they say.
  22. Damn calm down Mr. I live at PT's. Ya know it's ok to skip a week or 2 here and there. I won't be down there this week. I have other plans already.
  23. dunefreak


    Bada$$ paint work. That IS paint right, Tim?
  24. That's freakin funny ok, no more of this now
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