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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/th...s.php?album=197 Most of the ones I posted are in that album, but it's got 4 pages so there are a few more to check out.
  2. nope...new car Thanks! I'm diggin the new look.
  3. dropping the dumpsters off.. raffle, etc... Big Rick...
  4. Here's some of my pics I took... the South pole/ 6PM Meet & Greet Sailaway... bored and screwin around.. box :bash: We came up on these folks stranded in the dunes. a pic of us pullin out their Landcruiser... Mike330R after busting his trans sorry Mike :smoker: puttin up the shade... :dance: itsstock and dooner found a riding boot At Your Leisure shootin a video clip...
  5. It's Randog's car. It is a Hotrails with a turbo Honda in it. It's one fast car!
  6. Well last weekend was my new rail's first trip out. I must say I am one happy camper. Short Sand Cars really did a great job putting this car together. I really didn't have any issues with the car other than a light that broke at the stud mount and the oil pressure reading a bit low on the Intelidash. I checked it with a manual gauge so I knew it actually had pressure so maybe it's just a sender issue or something. :bash: Other than that the car was a blast to drive. The new car seems a bit faster thatn my old rail and even wheelies over the small rollers. Ragdoll got soem video of one of the small ones I did. Maybe he can post it up later. Those comp cut paddles hooked just right. The new car rides better, looks better, is more comfortable, seems faster, and is altogether badass. I didn't once get on either one of my quads I brought out. I was behind the wheel all weekend with a grin from ear to ear. :dance: :smoker: I wasn't able to get any action shots since I was the only one driving it all weekend, but I got some of it sittin pretty.
  7. :smoker: I was wondering where the hell that oil was. :bash: No biggie, dude.
  8. I would like to personally thank the following people for doing such a great job making the cleanup happen this year. I just noticed alot of help from many people that went out of there way to help this year that deserve some credit... -SailAway (Vicki) for representing & leading Friends of Dumont Dunes. You did a great job helping getting the cleanup together and working with the BLM. You do an excellent job of basically being "our voice for Dumont Dunes." -ynot (Terry) for all your hard work you put in getting the raffle prizes rounded up and for standing in the sun for hours reading off raffle ticket after raffle ticket. You make a good mc. -Sandemon (Jon) and wife, Carl, Brian, b370 (Walt) and Mike330R for helping set things up, logging trash bags, distributing raffle items, putting in hours in the sun, etc. -SinCityBlondie, dinicolady, and sandqueen for helping Vicki out with registration and the t-shirt line -Wsky70 for supplying that PA system That was MUCH better than last year! -the Barstow BLM for feeding about a thousand people :smoker: -Crowdog for taking some great pics from the cleanup (I haven't seen them yet, but I know they'll be good ) -Steve from SandCrazd Clothing for making some really sweet Cleanup event t-shirts -cymyfirepole (Gerald) for holding the fort down here on DDR while all other moderators and admins were out at Dumont. :bash: (I still wish you could have made it out though) -last but not least....each very one of you from DDR and everyone else whether they are registered on DDR or not. I think it was really cool seeing everyone out there picking up trash and coming together as a dune community to do something good for Dumont despite the very high temps we saw this weekend at Dumont. There were also so many people that stepped up and donated their hard earned dollars for raffle prizes and also items from them or their companies. There are too many to list, but thank you! You all know who you are. :dance: I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.
  9. What a great weekend. It was a long one too. Getting there Wed night with wingnut, ragdoll, JoeDuner and OGP made for some good times. :dance: Here are some of my observations... -sandseeker (Brice) was the lifesaver for having shade covered at the cleanup...thanks again -many people said hi to me this weekend and I had absolutely no idea who they were..other than DDR peeps. One of these days I might remember everyone -Sailaway makes some awesome late night blender creations and had a bar setup right in the middle of camp thanks again for the drinks Vicki! -Ragdoll has some funny azz sayings -I think OGP cried himself to sleep after selling his rail -having about 10 DDR peeps to set up a the 10x20 canopy made life WAY easier -Sandemon can sure drive his sandcar pretty well with no headlights and wearing tinted goggles after sundown :ahhhhh: -Crowdog has many aftermarket Rhino hop ups -Ragdoll, wingnut and I can laugh about "2 2 2, Coo Coo Coo" for days -ISBB actually showed up! Good times -DDR peeps can pick up alot of trash -Mike330R can manage to break a trans while coasting down a hill -ynot picks some good lines and thinks like I do (go around the slow people ) -Steveo likes loud music 24/7 -hanging inside in the A/C watching sand related movies with everyone is much better than sitting outside in the heat -Crasher (Tiffany) likes making people food and would have made me some mac & cheese if she had some even though I was kidding -duniemonkie & Crasher are pretty hot on an LT80 together :smoker: -Randog can wake you up pretty quick by leading at mach 10 through the dunes on a 9am buggy ride :ahhhhh: -my new rail was freakin awesome- no major issues/ ran great -1st time sandcar wheelies are a feeling like no other when you do them on your own :bash: ...thats all for now
  10. YES...and like cmyfirepole said...there IS already a thread for truck chit talk.
  11. Damn... I guess now I added to the bs in this thread too. and yeah...what cmyfirepole said
  12. That sucks, Gerald. I wish you could be there. Thanks for all you have done to help though! Even though you can't make it out, it is all much appreciated.
  13. :jester: yeah...sometimes. Should we add a new rule? If there is more than 2 pages of sh*t talk in a non-sh*t talk labeled thread- it gets closed. How else do we control it so the site doesn't go to chit?
  14. :jester: It's a photoshop job
  15. I'm leaving in a few hours! :jester:
  16. Does anyone remember what this topic was about anyways? LVKC20 just wanted some input on the new Ford or the new Chevy because he was buying one....and since he started the topic...he bought one already! :mic: This has quickly turned into another stupid truck chit talk thread about Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge. You all know your opinions about your Ford, Chevy, OR Dodge won't matter to the guy that has the opposite truck right?
  17. then how do you explain my situation? Oh yeah...it must be my badass tow vehicle Seriously though, with the E rated 18's I have on my truck there is very little sidewall flex. Being a 1 ton also helps too.
  18. So now we're not cool just because we don't like the same music? Like wingnut said, we're just givin ya chit. Even though it wasn't my choice of band, I thought it actually went pretty well with the video. Geez, have another Dr.Pepper. :mic: j/k There are too many bands I like, so I won't even begin to list them. I can assure you non of them were from the eighties or dressed up as women with big hair though. :mic: :dance: ok sorry I'm done. I appologize for ever saying anything about "the Crue"
  19. :mic: Thanks guys. I'm pretty stoked. And yes, Gerald, the gear indictator tells you what gear you're in as well as when you're in neutral instead of the green neutral light I had before. It's still 1 back and 5 forward for the gear pattern.
  20. It will be approximately in area of the C6 grid square.
  21. You are pretty limited for lifts kits as far as the older 2WD's go. i have a 79 and looked into it a bunch when I was younger. I was waiting for Fabtech to make lift spindles, but I don't think they ever came out with them. They only made them for the next body style (88- up). :mc_smiley: Fabtech used to make a 4" kit, but that pretty much only level's it out. They also make a sweet long travel kit, but I heard its about 2800 bucks. Ouch. It doesn't lift it any more than 4" or so though and you are pretty much required to run glass fenders too. This is why I lowered mine and made it a "hot rod".
  22. ok...this is REALLY REALLY stupid now. :mc_smiley:
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