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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I won't combine the 2 topics because they are two completely different topics. The "how it works thread was intended to educate duners how the cleanup as whole works as it is put on by Friends of Dumont Dunes. I think you are confusing that topic and the newest question everyone seems to have of "how are we gonna count all of DDR's bags?". That has been taken care of by FoDD as they are asking people if they are with a group as they sign up and throw away there trash bags. Let's not make that of a big issue. We appreciate everyone's help and energy devoted to such a thing but it has been taken care of.
  2. Hey Josie builds some nice stuff too. He is an excellent builder. But I have always been partial to Larry's cars though. I just love the look of them and they perform great! One of these days we'll get a mini buggy round ride together. :dunce:
  3. Yup, I may just do that. Joe mentioned that as well.
  4. Yep there are some pretty big hills and they are kinda steep in some areas. You will still have fun cruising around on some of the smaller stuff, but you won't be able to climb the big razors. This weekend there should be plenty of other duners out there, but not like Presidents Day or Thanksgiving by any means. Welcome to DDR!
  5. Yep, it is pretty big for a mini rail I guess. It's slightly bigger than my last car. There new frames have slightly grown over the years. I might polish the tank, but who knows. That will be just one more thing to try and keep polished.
  6. OK...how big is that? 2 axles? 3? 30 foot or is that just the model #? DANG!
  7. When I said EZ UP I didn't mean they had to be actual EZ UP canopies- whatever brand will work if it has a cover and legs. SHADE! How bout that? ANYONE with any kind of shade...bring it. If you know a race team or someone with something bigger like a semi and canopy, please let us know.
  8. I haven't ran any sway control and haven't had any problems and I have one of the biggest tag trailers out there. I would say just one would be sufficient if you were condiering one though. How big of a trailer is it?
  9. yup..once again except it should be KISS...Keep It Simple STUPID :dunce: Check it out...I can't wait. Word has it that there is gonna be a DDR VIP hospitality tent.
  10. No "DDR neighborhood" near the cleanup event for you guys?
  11. FO SHO! We can finally get a quad ride in together too!
  12. I don't know what happened to him. He was a character though. Who else is making it out for the photo? Come on guys- we need you there!
  13. I don't know if anyone has checked the weather, but it's gonna be pretty damn hot this weekend for the cleanup. Unfortunatley Suspensions Unlimited can't be there this year with there big rig that has a huge that canopy. I figure this post might be worth a shot to see if any members or someone they know have a big canopy of some sort that can be used for the cleanup event. I'm sure that if it is a business they would get recognition as well. As ynot (Terry) said in another post, bring your EZUP's if you have one!
  14. Thanks Brice. I too love the frame design. Best damn lookin mini rail out there in my opinion. :dance:
  15. Congrats Joe....and as for Kenny...........well.................. you need to get a dune toy very soon! :ahhhhh: I have a feeling we won't be seeing you at Dumont much longer the way you are going with selling all your crap. Come onnnn man!!!! Trade that invisrail in for a real rail! :icon_twisted:
  16. :ahhhhh: perfect...problem solved! :icon_twisted:
  17. :ahhhhh: noooooooooooo, make it stop :dance: This is rediculous. seriously, just have ONE person hanging out at the dumpster asking every person if their bags are from DDR peeps. You can even take turns so that person doesn't have to sit there for 3-4 hours. I'm sure the peeps from DDR that wanna have there bags added to the number count will already say "add these to the count list for DDR" ? There...reallly simple. You can still go drive trucks and trailers around the dunes with a few groups of trash collectors, but after seeing how last year's went I can gaurantee you that is gonna be a cluster fk trying to log trash bags. There's too many people and things going on for that to work. Hmm...wait.... Maybe I'll be the guy at the dumpster counting bags, sitting under an EZ UP drinking a cold beverage. :icon_twisted: OR as someone mentioned before we can just try and get a number count from everyone who shows up for the group photo at 11:30 AM near the event.
  18. :ahhhhh: Yeah I was thinking of that after I posted earlier. I don't think I ever even looked at my tach in my old car when I raced up comp bangin gears. You can hear when that badboy is ready to shift....it's right about when your right eardrum starts screaming my favorite tune. :icon_twisted: I hear ya on the dash thing too Bert. I really like the look of it how clean and simple it is.
  19. It's already been prgrammed and I also went out and messed with it and pretty much figured it out. I just need to actually drive the car and see it start doing all the cool flashy display things to get a complete understanding how it works. Cleanup weekend is gonna be fun. You'll be in your normal spot I take it? I'll cruise by.
  20. read on, son :ahhhhh: :dance: Mutha Bitchezzz Thanks Randy. You have an Intellidash too right? We gotta talk so I understand all of it completely. I think the Intellidash is more intelligent than me. :dance: No..I think I'll figure it all out. It doesn't seem that hard.
  21. You just made me walk out to the garage and get the manual and see. :ahhhhh: :icon_twisted: I know what you mean since it only has 4 decimal places in the dash, but the tach actually displays up to 14,990. It's kinda confusing to explain, but it does display in the digital number readout and you can prgram the tach bar graph to redline at a specific rpm. A "HI" actually pops up and is displayed too at whatever you program your redline at. I'm gonna have to call Larry tomorrow and also just go out and mess iwth it before I completely understand it all.
  22. Sounds like you had a great weekend, Jon. Post up some pics of that Sammy if you have any.
  23. Thanks everyone boldies? I 'm guessing you mean smoothies. I haven't driven the car yet so I guess we're just have to wait and see. It's the same setup as my last car and I ran implements on it and it was never a problem turning. Steer with the gas! :icon_twisted: You'd kinda have to drive one of these cars to understand. Nope...no more keys with this car. :dance: I had him do the ignition with only a sealed switch and the wing has two butterfly type latches with no keys. I could, but pics really aren't gonna show the difference from the old ones. You'd have to see the new spindles up next to the old ones to realy see the diff. (Also: you can't see the difference between steel and chromoly...and they're chromed anyways ). The new ones are 4130 chromoly with larger diameter shafts. here's a pic anyways
  24. I agree with Jon. ^^ Besides let's not make it anymore complicated than it has to be. :dance:
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