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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Good times, Tiffany. It was cool to have a slightly smaller group this week. You could actually TALK to everybody at the table. Looking forward to next weekend! Right after everyone left when me and Jim were talking, Travis & Markus showed up. I had 1 or 2 more and bs'd with them for a bit. Good times as well.
  2. Good luck with that...I doubt it will.
  3. Yup I can say this car looks bada$$. I saw it before it had the sheetmetal work done and it was nice. BUT, then Roy showed up at one of the meet & greets at the South pole and I almost couldn't recognize the car! Those panels and dashwork completely changed the look of that car. Looks awesome,Roy!
  4. Yeah WTF, Jason??? I wasn't bagging on you whatsoever, nor was anyone else as I read it. I was merely stating a fact that the TRT meetings are very educational in discussing the use of funds at Dumont Dunes. I meant for you go check out one of the meetings before you go resorting to other means of ranting about the problem. I didn't know you were trying to address the issue of how funds were used in other places than Dumont (since this is a DUMONT site). No, unfortunately I personally could not the attend meeting this time around just like you couldn't. There were actually more important things that came up in my life...like my highly demanding, busy schedule at WORK which supports my dune addiction. So before you go trying to tear ME a new a$$ about something you took the wrong way, please get your facts straight. I wish I could have attended the meeting just like I know you wish you could have too. I appreciate your involvement with such issues and the info you posted about them, but sometimes I think should you read your posts thoroughly before hand. Try and read them from a differnet point of view other than your own. I think you came off much differently than you meant to.
  5. 1st off, welcome to the site. Glad to have you. Wow....that's a crazy story. So sorry to hear about you and your friend's injuries. I hope he recovers quickly and ok. As for safety retraints I have replaced my harnesses when they got old on my last rail and I plan on watching the date on my new ones so I don't end up still running them them after the "expiration date". Retraints will save lives most of the time. The other times it's up to the driver's experience and his/her awareness of the terrain as well as the integity of the vehicle. Don't ever drive above your limits and keep it slow in areas that you haven't traveled before. Expect the worst and you will usually be ok when it comes to unfamiliar territory.
  6. Well anytime you see a topic containing a comparison like 2 stroke vs 4 stroke, Chevy vs ford, etc...you have to expect everyone's comments and opinions which will result in sh*t talk. Did you really expect that much technical talk in such a thread? :mc_smiley: There isn't THAT much sh*t talk on here. Usually when there is it's all just in fun.
  7. Yep, I'm in. I should be there about my usual time...8 ish. :mc_smiley: See you there Terry. I have some more items for the raffle. Should I bring em?
  8. Great Vicki, that might really help out. We could arrange something like that. Maybe when the DDR members sign up, they ask for a DDR t-shirt ticket and bring that over to the Sandcrazd booth to claim their freebee shirt from DDR and Sandcrazd. Thanks, keep me posted and I'll update the post if that becomes the official procedure.
  9. Early June it should be pretty nice up there. Expect it to get a little warm for a few hours in the middle of the day, but it should be really good weather. Here are the averages for up there: http://weather.yahoo.com/climo/USUT0127_f.html
  10. YEP...I completely agree! RICHARDCHEESE, that is one of the biggest topics at hand at the TRT meetings. I would try and attend the next meeting to understand how the funds are used before you start a rant or e-mail senators.
  11. also...FYI....the shirts will not be on display at his booth. You will have to ask for them and show somehow you are there FOR THE CLEANUP. This way we can ensure that the shirts go to the hard working members of DDR that are there to help out with the cleanup. Just another reason :mc_smiley:
  12. In addition to your free cleanup t-shirt you get from the cleanup event (first come first serve for the 1st 700), Steve @ SandCrazd clothing and I have teamed up to get some addition t-shirts made up strictly for DDR members for the cleanup event this year. There will be a very limited supply (approx 120 or so), so get yours as soon as possible over cleanup weekend. It will be first come, first serve. All you have to do is go over to the SandCrazd Clothing booth and show in some way that you are there for the cleanup and helping out. You can show your raffle ticket, cleanup event trash bag, etc. Please do not try and scam more than one shirt per person as they are very limited. The shirts are all white and range from S-XXL. The pack it in, pack it out logo is on the front. The back of the shirts says Dumont Cleanup 2007 with the DDR logo and SandCrazd logo on it. They are pretty simple, but FREE. So come on out, so your support for the cleanup, and pick yours up cleanup weekend. It's our way of saying thanks to all the DDR members for coming out and helping for a good cause. ^click for website
  13. Nick all joking aside, I think we found your guy....... :dance: :dance:
  14. oh ok, cool. Sounds like some good times :dance: Yup I agree- off weekends rock!
  15. WWWWWHOAAAA! WTF are you talking about Rick? "we are meerly ladder rungs in the ladder" All I said was the thread was a year old and has since vanished and that's why we bumped it back up. It was mostly to only give him crap because he still hasn't bought a rail. I found it funny that you guys posted up more suggestions...that's all. I wasn't telling you what to do or what not to do. I don't know why you took it that way. It sounds like you have some other "personal issues" with me, Rick. It doesn't matter how long you've been on the site. We are all very happy to have you. :jester:
  16. Somebody's got 2 tickets to the gun show!!!! :dance: :dance:
  17. You guys are completely missing my point. The topic was about 450's and 660's. All I was saying is that the 660 isn't TOO MUCH power for anyone, IMO. And PaulRob, I buy different toys for different reasons. I bought my Hayabusa minirail (with no reverse) because I want a simple, fast, agile duning machine to blast through the dunes. I bought my Raptor and 2 wheeler to haul azz, cruise the dunes and go fast over whoops. I bought my GRIZZLY to trail ride, rock crawl, and go exploring. I can appreciate the slower rides too. I completely understand why most people buy Rhinos. They are pretty safe and most people can drive them with ease to use them for reasons you described. There's nothing wrong with that. A 660 isn't too much power for doing all that. I doubt the 450 would be worth the money saved because the 660 is a bit underpowered in such a heavy machine....in my .02. I guess it really is only worth 2 cents too because nobody seems to understand my point of view or what I am trying to explain. :dance:
  18. Guys...I'm serious. I'm not just trying to bash Rhinos (450's OR 660's) . They really really are gutless. Drive one....YOU'LL SEE!!!! yes they are fun, but you aren't gonna get a huge adrenaline rush or ever come close to accidentally giving it too much gas. Your ride will be like this: You push the gas a little bit to get going....then the motor makes a lame a$$ noise....then you give it more......THEN....you find out it's already floored!!! damnit!!! I have yet to see someone "loop out a Rhino" or "get in over their head" with one. Do people roll them sometimes?...yes. You have to be carefull on the hills because they are top-heavy, but the POWER being a safety issue...NOT SO MUCH.
  19. Yep....leaving Sturday at the crack of "ohh God it's friggen early" and heading up to SLC, Utah to pick her up. The drive is gonna suck , but I can't wait.
  20. Mar 7 2007, 05:13 PM<----------the day and time this website has finally gone to chit!
  21. WTF???????? :hug: COME ONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. You talk about the 660 like it's a serious powerhouse or something. They shouldn't have even made the 450. It should be more like this: if you want something really slow and tame- get her a 660 Rhino. If you want something that you would consider too much for her but fun for you- get a rail! The funny part about that is that Jon is SERIOUS!
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