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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Yep...what they said^^ Happy Mutha Bitchen Birthday, bro.
  2. I don't know what all the hype is with this new two-stage turbo Powerstroke. The new 08 Powerstroke "cranks out a maximum 350 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque." The Duramax already puts out "365 horsepower @ 3000 rpm 660 lb.-ft. of torque @ 1600 rpm" on the 07 DMax.
  3. Easter is usually my last trip to Dumont. I have never been to Little Sahara, but I'd love to check it out.
  4. Well Ed... I did some searching and found this... http://www.cruiseamerica.com/rv_rentals/funmover.asp They don't give the dimensions of that hauler (Funmover) though. BUT, here's a website that shows the dimensions of them... http://www.giantrvracing.com/funmover-frame.htm How long is a Rhino? I believe this is the one that Cruise America rents... 31C - Cargo area 96" x 113"
  5. Yep you had it right, Nick. Trevor aka Advanced Sound Designs is his name here on DDR. I haven't seen him on much lately though, but I could be wrong.
  6. I'm in. Woody will be here too, hopefully. Woody, you WILL be here in time....correct?
  7. That's mighty cool of you Tim. The last I checked it's at about 350.00. Not bad...but I think we can do better considering the number of peeps on DDR that care about Dumont.
  8. I agree Steve. It killed me to see all teh trash blowing all around and not having a trash bag to pick up some of it. I even saw an EZ UP frame that was detroyed from the wind that somebody left behind in their camp. We'll tackle it over cleanup weekend though.
  9. Aww no shiat? You shoulda said something. I didn't even recognize you. Were you up there taking pics? I noticed a dude with a camera looking at me a few times and we both kinda did the "are you from DDR look?" I thought the wind was nice at times. It was nasty in the earlier hours, but calmed down and turned out to be a nice day.
  10. I'm pretty sure Cruise America rents them. A buddy from my work rented one from them one time and hauled a Yerf Dog go-cart in it. I don't know for sure if a Rhino will fit though.
  11. Over the weekend my sister and bro in law were driving down Spring Mountain near I 15 about mid afternoon. While they were at a stoplight they glanced over and noticed a couple odd looking characters at the bus stop. One guy looked drunk and passed out on the sidewalk and the other guy was sitting down on the bench hunched over with his arms to his side with blood all down his legs. My sister was immediatley concerned because of all the blood. They called 911 to report the suspecious looking men. A few moments later they (911) called her back and asked her if they could come back and give statements. They agreed. As they got back to the scene the officers had the whole area taped off. Yep, you guessed it....the guy sitting down at the bus stop was dead. The officer informed my sister and Ken that he had been dead for approximately 3 hours! NOBODY else called 911 or reported it in any way. The deceased man had tubes hanging out of him like he had walked out of a hospital or something. The guy laying down was piss drunk and couldn't explain what happened to his friend. All he said was he got cut climbing a fence. I shared this story because just liek my sister and brother in law, I was just amazed that nobody reported the situation. How can that many people drive past someone hunched over in such a way with blood all over him and not at least call it in. I understand some people wouldn't want to get involved, but has society stooped that low? You could at least call CrimeStoppers and remain anonymous. My sister said the guy was hunched over so much and in such a way he definitley didn't look right either. I just thought I'd share that story w/ you guys. Pretty crazy huh?
  12. Thanks to all that have donated to the DDR group donation $$ pot and to those who have donated raffle prizes so far. Between the two we should be able to contribute quite a bit this year for the cleanup. We still have a few more weeks if anyone else wants to donate that hasn't yet. Just click the link in my signature. All funds go directly to this year's Friends of Dumont Dunes Cleanup. Keep em coming guys!
  13. That was just a quicky job too. Imagine if I spent some time on it. I wouldn't change a thing though...it cracks me up everytime I see it.
  14. Hey Trav, Sand Addiction Magazine just called and they were wondering if you could bring your old red Ford and big screen setup out to Dumont for another photoshoot. :ahhhhh: fkin classic! :ahhhhh:
  16. From what I heard from metalalien on Sunday, the flagger guy at the finish line was hit by a rider going about 80+mph on a Banshee. He suffered many broken bones on one side of his body. The rider went one way to avoid him, the flagger went the same way, and they did that back and forth a couple times and then it was too late. The flagger was transported by ambulance and the rider was okay from what I heard. I hope the flagger guy is okay. They said it was a pretty nasty accident.
  17. correctamoondo http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...pic=1536&hl
  18. Yeah we saw your's and Ken's truck at the end of the finger. I was like hey check it out...a couple trucks w/ DDR stickers. I couldn't figure out who's they were though at first. You guys must have been out on a ride otherwise we would have stopped by.
  19. 26"...small? You're friggin nuts. Here are a couple pics of them when they were on my car... (they are up in UT right now though so I can't take any new pics)
  20. Anna & I cruised out to D this am to check out the action. We passed about 50 motorhomes and haulers on the way out. We found out why when we got there. It was dusty as hell and pretty windy. We stopped over at ynot's for a little while, then drove over to the hill. We saw itsstock, Dooner and his wife, and metalalien. It was cool to finally meet metalalien- nice guy. Then we we ran into some friends while we were there. I didn't go on one ride while I was there, but it was a very relaxing day chillen in the sand. B) The wind calmed down and it turned out to be gorgeous out there. Thanks again Matt for the beers. I was glad we ran into you, Aaron (SandYFZ) , and triplejdogg. Good times guys. Oh yeah, I also saw a pompous a$$ in a Tatum running the hill a couple times while we were out there. :redhat: j/k Trav. mmm beeeeeer... a few more pics I never ran into Sam (1BADYFZ) and didn't know anyone from the 4SW committee, so I guess the badass trash pickup banners I brought out were a complete waste. Hopefully they can be used sometime in the future.
  21. Congrats Bryan! You'll be happy with it. I love my 3500 and that new DMax is even nicer. No, I haven't heard of such a rumor other than ALL diesels are going to be de-tuned soon due to smog laws. :redhat:
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