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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Yeah we got those too, just not in one smiley. farmer... stripper... crackhead... You're thread is officially effed!
  2. Here ya go, Bobby. I turned the HID's on for ya so you could see em.
  3. All I gotta say is.... ...ok and "looking good, Steve!"
  4. Thats sucks. I don't have a 450 so I couldn't care less. Good luck with that though for those 450 guys out there.
  5. Bryan the question is why would you? Not to put down the new Fords, but why would you want to get out of your DMax? I friggin love mine. All I have to suggest is that you drive a Ford 1st before you even consider it.
  6. If you are interested in a set of used 26" Sand Tires Unlimited paddles that are 12" diameter rim, let me know. I have a set off my old minirail.
  7. Congrats. Thats one hell of a first car! Nice pic!
  8. Well stated Jon. That is my biggest beef with law enforcement. They are really quick to nail people with a ticket for doing something wrong rather than discussing things and giving duners a better understanding of some of the rules or laws out there. The rangers at Coral Pink Sand Dunes are much more friendly from what I have seen. For example: if you have a broken flag, they let just you know about it and tell you to go get one immediatley rather than yelling at you and writing you a ticket.
  9. Here's the post from when that happened, Jon. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...post&p=1421 :no_no: I think thats the longest post wingnut ever made! Good post though. I agree 110%!!
  10. THANK YOU KENNY!!! At least someone else sees it besides me and Anna.
  11. Last night was some good times. There was quite the turnout. Good times...good peeps April, lets see those pics!!!!
  12. All I have to say is..... Why do I get dragged into your guys' BS drama every time. Leave me out of this crap. Sometimes I regret ever starting this site.
  13. You don't need to call be boss. And to Co-Driver, I feel your pain. That sucks people are that way. People are really quick to judge when a person starts to cruise through a camp. I almost went off on a person when they started driving through our camp once I then realized it was a mistake on their part and they waived sorry and everything was all cool between us. It's almost like the signs you see around town sometimes for teh raodways...."courtesy is contagious". I guess this was not the case for these jerks. I can't believe some people would have the nerve to throw ROCKS at you. That's just bs right there. The only way I'd start throwing rocks at someone is if they came into my camp and started roosting people or causing a threat. It would be on then. BTW, nice car.
  14. Geez give the girl a break! As you can see he edited his post so he came off a little more harsh than it is written right now.
  15. oh it's ON! You have no idea! :eatdrink021: We'll chat about it sometime soon!
  16. I think that is enough drama for me today.....topic closed. I'm going to the bar. :eatdrink021:
  17. Hey Taylor one of these days we should do a DDR get together at your pub...maybe on a Saturday since it is way out in BFE for some of us. :eatdrink021:
  18. I have always liked the area of either B6 or C6. :eatdrink021:
  19. Wow...looky here. Speak of the devil! :eatdrink021: Sup trav
  20. hopefully common sense! Watch everyone on the hill and don't be an idiot. That was what I learned my 1st time out. I always rode up on the right and turned off to the left to come down....JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WAS DOING. :eatdrink021: I just read Sam's post and it's almost the same as I wrote!
  21. There ya go Gerald. Thats usually the way I go throughout a weekend at Dumont around comp. :eatdrink021:
  22. There has been some drama over a business deal between him and a DDR member gone wrong. They have since cleared things up, but before it was cleared up Trav told me (& ISBB too) that he is staying clear of the "DDR heat". I for one know there is no drama about it on DDR because I will not tolerate it. That was his reason before, but I can't tell ya why he still doesn't come on anymore. It's too bad too because he had some good things to say from time to time on the board and we shared some pretty good laughes on here, but he has his reasons for not logging on anymore so be it. I haven't lost any sleep over it. :eatdrink021:
  23. OK I changed the name of TT for Henderson & NW LV peeps. I kept getting the 2 mixed up. Who's down for :gayboy: tonight? I'll be there and I know Casey will. :gayboy: I saw him there last night when I popped in for a couple beers and a bite to eat. I think he has a damn mattress in the back. How bout ynot, Joe Duner, RK, SandSnake? Let's go guys. :gayboy: Bert you can come out & have a coke and one of those big azz zookie cookies! :gayboy: Maybe Steveo can get a kitchen pass for 20 minutes. :gayboy: and hey, dnchevyman...which TT are you going to? :gayboy:
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