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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Cole, for the cleanup they supply a big dumpster and some trash bags. There will be no need to haul it back that trip....unless you really want to I guess.
  2. haha Your video was ok, Craig. No...when I say DUNE your truck I mean dune it like a rail...over razor backs, up steep hills etc. I don't see anything wrong with cruising some of the small stuff, but when you start getting up on these really big dunes where you are prone to roll...thats just plain stupid. Common sense, people. :mc_smiley:
  3. It was good to finally meet you Mark. Too bad you had to leave early. We'll get to hang out some more over cleanup though. You too seem like a nice guy. :mc_smiley:
  4. It was my pleasure, Tim. I had some good times chatting w/ you. The shirts are sweet! Thanks again. My woman, Anna (duniemonkie) loves the shot glasses too! :mc_smiley: Yeah, keep me posted on that picture thing with the "clients" and how that works out.
  5. :mc_smiley: :2gunsfiring: Thats too funny Great pics Tim!
  6. WOW! That's a respectable person right there!
  7. it made perfect sense.... I don't care about the one's that you have seen for around that price ...."some nice clean used 2000-2002's with the 7.3 go for upwards of 25k.."...I was curious what year his actually was. :mc_smiley: :2gunsfiring: You need some sand! You are lllllong overdue.
  8. Well its only Wed or Thursday that he can make it. :mc_smiley: And we all know what Thursdays are like.
  9. As most of you know, Dan (dnchevyman) is moving from Vegas to San Diego to start a new job and take advantage of a great opportunity. I think we should at least get together one more time tomorrow night and wish him good luck and say goodbye. Duniemonkie will already be at this place called BJ's on Tropicana & Koval with some co-workers. She said the place is pretty cool and would be a good place to grab a bite and a few drinks. So post up if you want to come out and give Dan one last , , , :2gunsfiring: , or :mc_smiley: . I'd say probably about 7-8 o clock. I'll check with Anna and see if that is about when she'll already be there. Who's in?
  10. Thanks Nick, but Cole let me know what year YOURS is. :no_no:
  11. I will ask for that day off. If they give it to me I'll take you up on that Roy!
  12. Rick it was great meeting you too. Your car is way nicer in person. Pictures do no justice.
  13. I'm very sorry to hear about your cousin. That is horrible news. My thoughts go out to you and the rest of the family. RIP Omar. My buddy Tim (OGP) was near the accident on the way over to our camp when it happened. He wasn't sure what the outcome was when he told me about it. All he knew was that they were doing chest compressions on him when he was there. He heard you guys saying "hang in there Omar". Sad to hear what came of it... very sad.
  14. None of us got a ticket for being drunk. Get your facts straight before you talk chit, RK.
  15. oh rrrrreally? Maybe they can forget about my BS ticket if they want me to get em up on the site.
  16. haha, this one? We saw it too on our way back from our last ride. It was left there over night from Saturday. Here's another that I forgot to add Buried!
  17. Over President's Day weekend I noticed alot of people duning there daily driver trucks. A couple of them were stuck in pretty dangerous positions too. I have taken my truck out to recover broken sandrails, to comp, and down the finger dune into camp but would never bring it up these nasty hills of Dumont. I'd be too worried about not being able to tow my hauler home if I broke down or more importantly rolling and getting hurt or killed. There were a couple more trucks I also saw but didn't get pics. One was stuck trying to go over the steep hill to the right of the hill climbs (entrance to the whoops to comp).
  18. HA! They're running the same whip as Pauly! EXCEPT I don't see a BLM Tahoe chasing THEM!
  19. Yeah I saw you a couple times. I think I even yelled "hey JEFF!" one time but it was you driving.
  20. Ohhhh that was you? I must not have heard you right then. Sorry bout that. I do remember....and no I wasn't drunk.
  21. Nah. No thanks. This is actually the only time I have had an issue w/ the rangers.
  22. Yep, unfortunately its inevitable that there will be people like that who go out there and leave trash behind. Good job picking it up and hauling it out of there, Pete. Thats what we are all about.
  23. I forget what that was all about. I remember joking about something related to that but I can't remember what the hell it was. As for Sunday, the balloon got taken down sometime late afternoon. Some left early, but I was still there till about 5 or so. I can mail you the sticker Bob, just pm me. It's no biggie.
  24. They give the place a bad name and ruin Dumont's friendly/ clean reputation.
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