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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Too bad I missed you, bud. I saw your car once, but it was too far away to say hi. Those stickers are getting out there huh?
  2. I hope not either. All I heard of was a girl that was either injured or killed sat night at comp and then a guy on a 2 wheeler that got paralysed. These are both just things I heard though. You never know how things get mixed up through multiple people.
  3. That was some funny chit when we were like "we gotta get outta here before somebody sees us over here and tells ynot!"
  4. Yes there was yet another stripper pole out there saturday night at comp attached to some big crazy bar. Anyone see it? We stopped to see what all the commotion was about, but we got outta there pretty quick. It was pretty stupid. Stupid strippers.
  5. Yep...you figured that one out. It's a long story, but 3 of us got tickets on the way back from comp. Evidentally driving your truck on the finger dune is "reckless and negligent operation of a motor vehicle". :mc_smiley: That's reckless but this isn't???????? This dude was at the top of the back/ steep side of comp and that was okay I guess.... The rangers had it out for everyone this weekend. It's understandable why they were trying to bust the drunk drivers, but after I PASSED the field sobriety test they kept searching for chit to bust me on. They said I was "swinging donuts" in my camp. This was not true- I drove in a circle around the campfire 1.5 times. They called that swinging donuts. Oh well, I guess it could have been worse. It just pisses me off that I was completely cooperating with the BLM 100% ("yes sir, no sir...yada yada yada") w/ no attitude and they were still being jerks. I guess if you have any kind of fun at Dumont they label you as a trouble maker.
  6. Is the head of the "screw" rounded off or are the threads stripped?
  7. I personally had a blast this last weekend. The idiot factor was actually pretty low from what I could tell. It wasn't have as bad as T-Day weekend. I personally prefer the non-holiday weekend s too, but I still like to party it up a bit from time to time and the holiday weekends are always fun for that. I still do like the big crowd atmosphere for watching. There are way more off-weekends than holiday weekends so it doesn't bother me that much....as long as 15 y/old punks don't wheelie right next to my trailer then wanna when I ask them to stop. :mc_smiley: Sucks you didn't make it, Nick. You missed a good azz time. You should have just come out anyways. Hell...even Armz came out and had a blast and he didn't ride sh*t! Don't miss Cleanup effer!
  8. -1st observation from "Thats Fuggin Right" weekend: That's Fuggin Right! -lots of fools try duning their trucks and get stuck -Sat night cost me over 300 bucks to go to comp hill -LOTS of firewood makes for a badass fire at comp -Those SOBE things-gone-wrong are still funny as hell -Steveo learned he needs to always wear riding boots -Pauly Paul....the 2 wheeler bandit doesn't stop for chit -after getting heated as hell from expensive azz tickets and uncalled-for harrassment from the BLM...friends make everything ok. -vegas400ex's FX400 Ford is badass and takes the whoops pretty good when sideways -jalepeno popper cheese sucks to have on your back -Steveo talks chit to the Rangers when you are trying to get out of trouble :mc_smiley: -sandseeker is a good friend to have Thanks again, Brice......and Mary & Stephanie -SAND~~SNAKE can't keep his wheels on his car -sanddunesaddict is much happier at the dunes when he has a rail to drive -bpguy runs over trash bags with his rail (on accident) -ISBB didn't show -YFZchick likes to fight -Vinces chicken wings are the bomb!
  9. I had a blast this weekend. The crowd was huge like usual. The weather was a tad warm at times, but otherwise awesome. There were too many things to mention that happened over the weekend. (I don't have time right now). I'll post up my weekened "observations" later. It was cool to finally meet some of the peeps from the board that I haven't gotten a chance to meet in person yet. More pics here
  10. I gave the riding directions from camp.... Obviously those turns will be turned around on the map the way the map is facing in the pic. The map was just to give an idea of the area.
  11. It's no secret.... (From camp area) Go to comp, then go to the left & around the back side and stay to the left. Follow the edge of the dunes/ sand area to the finger dune that leads to the rock & sand hills out there. Just stay left. You can't miss it.
  12. Everyone be safe out there and watch out for each other. These big weekends can be crazy and pretty dangerous w/ the number of peeps out there in the dunes. Pay extra attention and get back home safe!
  13. Even though it was only me, my sis and Ken tonight, I had a blast. Thanks again guys. It was some good times and good laughs like always.
  14. WTF is up with THAAAT? I saw your trailer out there in front of your house tomight and figured you'd already left by now, so whatup wit dat RK?
  15. ahhh okaaay, gotcha. I couldn't believe what I was reading at first! I was like "are you freaking kidding me?" Hell yeah Woody. See you out there tomorrow night, bro. Effen A right, Jeff! South Pole like a mofo! :dance:
  16. Jay you know you are welcome anytime. There's always good times when you show up.
  17. THERE ISN'T ONE CAMP FOR DDR!!!!! ....and if your're referring to our camp Nick, we really aren't gonna have that many people this weekend.
  18. What area of Henderson were they taken from? Sorry to hear that. :yeah_whatever: I'll keep an eye out. :yeah_whatever:
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