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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. http://www.sicksandtravel.com/dual_page.html
  2. No thanks..not really needed- it's plenty fast already
  3. 1. I have been pretty busy lately, but I thought I have still managed to post up quite a bit 2. slow forum? You kidding me? There been like anywhere from 15-50 online at all times for the last week or so and I haven't even been able to catch up on the latest posts recently. 3. "hold the court around here" I'm "el presidente" (woopity doooo ) , but thats about it. Maybe you meant I hold the court around here since I am such a posting whore? who knows
  4. Congrats..nice car! is it turboed or just a stock Busa? hey friggin run huh?
  5. COME ONNNN! I was effen kidding, fool. And thats about the gayest thing I have ever heard from you.
  6. Did you deliver his buggy there w/o him? Did you just drop it off in the middle of nowhere and take off? "There ya go dude!"
  7. Anywhere ya go...there you are. I'll keep an eye out for ya Tim. I won't be getting there till later, but I'll look for you. Hopefully Nick gets there before me and can guide you in.
  8. Unless we're gonna need THREE, no. We already have mine and Steveos
  9. Which one might that be? The one that comes up when you search for the word "shovel"?
  10. How's that? From up on the hill of Black Mountain we look down over the whole valley. And why does that matter? :chev_bowtie:
  11. sounds about right to me :chev_bowtie: ....oh yeah wait, you forgot :chev_bowtie: from 6PM Saturday -4AM Sunday too
  12. Packing? Packing what? Thrown some clothes in a bag and grab some grub on the way out. :chev_bowtie: I should be able to make TT this week. After Steveo & I load the hauler with rediculous amounts of deliciousness, alcohol, and what nots- I should have a couple hours to kill.
  13. wannabes damn copycats :chev_bowtie: You'll never be a cool as the Horizon/ Horizon people :chev_bowtie:
  14. right, but I was curious why you made the topic directed towards me?
  15. I never saw it up close, but ynot and I were scrathing our heads trying to fugure out wtf that thing was from a distance. Steve @ SandCrazd said it is a big ol custom quad, has custom handlebars etc., and an LT1 5.7L in it! :chev_bowtie: Looks like a death trap to me. Something that big and powerful should have a roll cage. :chev_bowtie: I wouldn't wanna roll it.
  16. What? Kicked out of Dumont? Didn't you read my post Chris? That list wasn't really the most "updated" list of peeps going to Dumont this weekend. I quit looking at it a long time ago. :chev_bowtie:
  17. I wonder if he can even feel it back there? :dance:
  18. I'd be down if it was an off-holiday weekend, but there will already be so much going on there won't be much time. I wanna check out the races and go for some dune rides on Sunday. :dance: I'd love to some other trip though.
  19. There's a helluva lot more DDR peeps going out this weekend that that just from reading the other posts. That list is now outdated. See some of you the foos on that list out there at the South Pole. :freakin_nuts:
  20. Anna & I were thinking of getting a GPS unit to get into geocaching. It sounds like alot of fun. Sorry, thats all I have to offer. :freakin_nuts:
  21. We don't need religious material on this site, especially this kind of thing. Some people believe, some people don't. Let's not go there.
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