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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Was this question for me only? If so...why didn't you PM me?...and why are you curious? :mc_smiley: You're friggin wierd, Ross. j/k hahaaa But to answer your question, sometimes we celebrate it, sometimes we don't. I don't have to buy Anna things to make her happy. As long as we are spending time together, we're both happy. She isn't materialistic like that. I sometimes surprise her with something that requires more thought than dollars. Those types of things make her go nuts (in a good way) more than anything that I can pick up in a store.
  2. Stoopid fools. It doesn't suprise me, some people will never get it.
  3. ok you made your point. To each their own You have fun in that there Ranger...I'll have fun in my rail.
  4. yeah yeah, I know. I was just givin you crap.Don't get a red a$$ over it. It wasn't a slam.
  5. Because you brought up my rail and talked crap about it, then edited your post because you must have thought it was too harsh or something. I don't care though, I'm laughing my azz off right now because I think its hilarious. :dance: And hey, you probably won't like my rail anyways because I changed the color- it's not gonna be red anymore. Besides, as you said, it "doesn't have real suspension and is only a quarter of a real sandrail" anyways. I don't care who likes it or who doesn't though. I know I'll love it as I'm blasting through the dunes. back to your regularly scheduled farm equipment thread ...... :mc_smiley:
  6. hmm had to edit that one huh? I can handle it, Kenny. It's ok Farm boy. :mc_smiley: Everyone sing it with me now....."Greeeen Acres is the place to beeee. faaaarm living is the life to lead"
  7. I hate when someone says he's getting a rail (and starts a 7 page thread about it ) but will never have the walnuts to drive it in the dunes. I remeber the screams from JoeDuner's car on that #3 paced ride. :mc_smiley: And why does my rail have anything to do with this thread? I don't care if you like my new rail or not.
  8. hurry up Kenny...waiting for a reply ....de de deeee :dance: :mc_smiley:
  9. I WAS on topic- side x side crew...farm equipment! Same thing! Kenny you've had to much cold medicine tonight....I can TELL!
  10. You guys are BOTH missing my point. I only clown on the Rhinos because they aren't DUNE-ABLE toys...they suck in the dunes. You have to strategically follow gradual lines to get up a dune. :mc_smiley: Are they fun- yes! Do they compare to a rail- NO! I'd love to have one for reasons I already mentioned earlier....cruising to comp or camp to camp, etc. I think it's pathetic when people dump tons of cash into these things as their only dune toy and expect them to dune though. :gayboy:
  11. I don't care, thaaaaat's still poooopd*k
  12. uhh no, I don't think so. GOLF CLUBS??
  13. You did? It's not really you guys that have mellowed me out. I just save my energy for the few partying weekends. I do appreciate the mellow weekends with you guys though. B) :mc_smiley:
  14. He is a great peep and a good friend.
  15. We usually meet up sometime between 1:45 and 2:15. We usually hang out until 20 after or so to make sure everyone is there.
  16. No, I'm not camera shy. Ynot was just giving me crap because I always talk chit about Rhinos and this last weekend I was cruising OGP's around a few times. I'm not that embarrassed to be seen in one.
  17. Hog HeavEn is a Dumont thing, whether they go to Glamis or not.
  18. You're just mad because you thought you were gonna sound smart and talk all technical for once. j/k
  19. Take it to Sandrail Talk It's a VW bus trans
  20. huh? :mc_smiley: Why is this in Dumont Happenings? I don't really get it. Please elaborate or use some proper punctuation and grammer so I understand your post, Bob. :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  21. Yep, trucks, quads, rails, Rhinos, etc. Whatever you have that works. :mc_smiley:
  22. Many DDR peeps are meeting there and gonna do a group DDR ride. Click the link and read it! :mc_smiley:
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