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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Man I feel for ya, bud. I hope you figure something out. I wish I could help. I can vouch for barneycar though. He seems like a great guy just from bs'in w/ him on DDR for quite a few months now.
  2. You're welcome...glad I could help.
  3. this weekends observations... -Vegas Style pronounces motorcycle as motor-sickle :fro: We couldn't stop laughing about that one -Sperry Wash at 55mph...awesome -don't ever buy mini meatball hoagies from Albertsons deli (fkn mold on em! :no_no: ) -"Big rock...........BIG ROCK...BIIIG ROCK" -Joe Duner has 6 rubber bumper things under his quad's seat cushion, therefore he has 6 rear diff emergency drain plugs -duniemonkie loves chicken sandwiches, expecially when ynot's wife makes em -we can talk about midgets for about 30-45 mintutes and laugh our azzes off and it doesn't get old. -For some reason talking about posting a "rail" in the sandrail section of the gallery is hilarious :dance: -old people rock -Don29Palms doesn't like shirts -dman74 can't handle a Rhino :fro: -Ynot's buddy, Ken, likes dessert items -cordless/ electric drills for lowering & raising the toyhauler stabilizers jack... friggen priceless -off weekend @ Dumont + DDR peeps= always a good time
  4. Just got in and finished washing up the toys and hauler. This weekend was alot of fun. The weather was gorgeous. Sunday got a bit breezy at times, but not too bad. The Sperry Wash trail was a blast w/ everyone. 13 miles into it Joe Duner lost his rear diff drain plug and lost all his oil. We saw a wet trail for a little while on the path we were on, then after about 2 miles later when we stopped and were talking about it. Joe decided to go check his quad since he was up front of the pack. Thats when he found out the plug fell out and he lost all his fluid. After looking at every bike and Rhino in the group- there wasn't a bolt that would work. Joe then found out a rubber bumper on the bottom of his quad seat cushion fit in the diff pretty well. Vegas Style & I hauled azz back to camp pickup some oil, tape, etc to get him back. That was probably the most fun I had all weekend! :fro: I think I'm gonna desert race my Grizzly after seeing how well I can cover some ground on that badboy. 40-55 mph was my average speed through the wash. I even did a one wheel stoppy going into one of the tight turns. :dance: After bringing the supplies out to Joe we taped up the plug so it wouldn't fall out, topped it off, and he was good to go. We made it all the way back w/ no problems. The rest of the day was pretty chill....really chill. Duniemonkie napped while I sat back sippin on some beers watching Pastrana Nitro Circus 4 w/ Don, then chatted for a while with Larry & Nannette (ShortSandCars). I can't wait for my new car. The more I talk w/ em the more excited I get. Sat night was relaxing. We shared some good laughes around the fire. Jackie busted out the birthday cake for Don and we celebrated his birthday around the fire stuffing our faces with more cake than we wanted to eat. :fro: We were gonna go hit up comp hill at night but everyone was really tired and had the lazies. (Sorry stalteri920 & Big_Gunz & crew) The fire was just too nice. Sunday I went out with OGP for a Rhino ride and watched Larry at comp w/ his new car. That thing is sick. The power wheelies that thing pulls are incredible. We then took a lil trip around the south pole and up back around the hills in that area. Monkie & I went for a ride shortly after. It was actually the only DUNE RIDE I went on all weekend! It was nice though. The wind in my face felt great. The weather was really nice. It was great seeing everyone & I had some good times as always. Off weekends rock. They are very relaxing and much better than the crazy holidays. On the other hand, I can't wait for next weekend.
  5. click the banner for more details^^
  6. I didn't say that. That hardly makes any sense. :mc_smiley:
  7. not yet, but very soon :mc_smiley: I'm getting just as anxious about Ryan's car as my own damn car!
  8. Yeah I know, I'm but I couldn't resist. Who is the that guy that you posted that everyone reminds him of?
  9. Shirts? :whacky101: As for the calendar I meant the calendar on the board. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...hp?act=calendar
  10. That was some good times last night. Nice meeting you, Jennifer. :worthless_without_pics: It was great seeing everyone. Some of my obvservations... -Steveo still has a curfew :jester: -Bert loves BBQ chicken Pizza -I think this was Ragdoll's first TT :worthless_without_pics: Glad you and Dan made it out! -I guess the sound of a girl flashing goes "tink" :worthless_without_pics: -TT's always rock when OGP is in town :dance: -desertskyz complains about her hooker boots but wears them anyways :worthless_without_pics: -dnchevyman is loud as hell :worthless_without_pics: -the bartender FLIPPED OUT when Cole & dman grabbed an ashtry from the bar to smoke at our table. BUt for reason it's ok to smoke 3 feet away from our table at the bar. :ahhhhh: :whacky101: -SAND~~SNAKE's ear is still wounded "WWWHAT???" -"DANGER DANGER" :jester2: -dman gets a little forgetfull about "things" when he is
  11. :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: No I just hate the job of being a sticker distributor. :jester2: I don't mind getting rid of them I'm not attached to them whatsoever. :whacky101: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: Who was nervous?
  12. Welcome aboard. Maybe we'll see you out there. :whacky101:
  13. I call . That DDR midget is in OGP's cooler right now. He's gonna be the DDR bartender for this weekend. <---hey I think that might be the DDR midget!
  14. Woody, I wasn't calling you retarded! Now am I am though, retard! :dance:
  15. Also make sure you scrub down your roof every once and a while to prevent them in the future.
  16. Wash it more often so it doesn't get em! You can use any sort of car polish and a buffer- it should come right off. I had a few streaks at one time on my old hauler and that worked ok.
  17. uhhhhh hu hu hu hu anyways... I have always only liked twist throttle since I started on a wheeler I have always been used to them. The thumb throttle has always bugged me too. As long as you have ridden one w/a twist before and liked it, you should be just fine. Some people are just too retarded to ride a bike with one though. :dance:
  18. Welcome to the site. Maybe we'll run into you one day out there.
  19. Let me think..... :dance: me, OGP, Joe Duner, Don29Palms, b370, ynot and family plus his buddy Ken, vegas style, dune smurf & cdavego, Ocean03? and the day trippers.... Dman74, CAPTAINKIRK, & wsky70. I think thats it- I could be wrong. There's a first time for everything.
  20. So far me and maybe monkie, OGP, wingnut, maybe McFatty (Steveo), Casey, and many more I'm sure.... PT's on Horizon Ridge... 7:00/ 7:30PM.
  21. My opinions about Dumont.... I love the dusty sh*tty road. I love the fact that the river crossing "could get washed out." I love the pack it in, pack it out motto (no dumpsters). I love the fact that there are no stores there. I love that there are no dumping facilities there. I love that there are no campgrounds there. I love that the BLM takes pretty good care to ensure that there are ranger or medical services there on big weekends and even on some smaller weekends. I love that there is no running water there. In my opinon, Dumont is perfect the way it is. I love the place for what it is now- let's not change a damn thing!
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