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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sounds like someone needs to go toyhauler shopping.
  2. I confirmed it with this guy---> :ban-cha: And yeah...he said it's a llama
  3. This thread has gone completely sideways, man. llama's rule!
  4. Hey.... speak for yourself- I love this place! IMO, it's great here.
  5. You're comparing apples and oranges, kid. I LOVE driving my rail, but I couldn't ever give up riding for it and vice versa. When all else fails, save up and get both.
  6. Sincity_blondie - chips & dip, also have some leftover plates and utensils Ill bring over dunefreak- Italian Sausages & buns, Hawaain Rolls, squeeze butter
  7. Pro Commmmp?? CST is da shizzle, but keep it stock if its an S10. No, they do performance, not suspension
  8. Right on, Dan. Congrats and good luck. It sounds like a good opportunity.
  9. Very good news, Rick! But why did you post this in the DDR gear category? I thought you were gonna say you found a DDR sticker in the blower and thats what caused it to fail.
  10. Oh come on Terry! You know me better than that. I think you took my statement a little the wrong way. I exageratted a bit and I think you took it as me saying there was something wrong with how your camp is and I resepct that. I completely understand what you mean. I don't think any less of you guys either. :no_no: Our camp isn't always crazy. As a matter of fact, it's usually only super friggen nuts when certain people are there (Steveo). I appreciate the quiet weekends for the same reasons you do. I don't mind a couple "old farts" camping with us this weekend. It should be fun!
  11. This is true, BUT you always seem to still need a taste of it. That's why you always manage to sneek away from your camp and stop by our's for a little taste of it...loud drunks talking and laughing their azzes off , SOBE's going off at 3 at a time, hear all the talk about those things :no_no: and activities that are forbidden in the ynot camp, etc. Damn, I miss Dumont already! It's all good, Terry.
  12. Don't waste your time or money. No really...don't waste your time or money. I'm pretty serious. The front end on those trucks already have enough problems w/ balljoints and idler arms going bad. Just drive it.
  13. OK, cool. No problem, Terry. I've met Ken before. We'll be in the same spot as we were at the cleanup last year- just before bathroom 6 or to the the right of it as you come up the road. (One of the blue circles/ bottom of B6 or upper half of C6) Don29Palms should be there first. he is getting there eaither early Fri am or Thurs night. You know what his new rig looks like right? Don's rig...
  14. OGP & I will volunteer to lead. He can carry a big azz cooler on the back of his Rhino too. Terry, do you know yet if you are kicking it with us :dance: or over by bathroom 9 :dunce: ?
  15. dunefreak


    Yeah and he said one of the fruity film crew guys threw sand at him! "sssssstop iiiit "
  16. OK, phew. It took you a while to reply (not sure if you had read it yet). I was almost starting to think I really pissed you off.
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