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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. You got it, Walt! Don29Palms originalpimp dunefreak Big_Gunz_ possibly stalteri920 GirlWithHorns Ocean03 northphelan Cracker ISBB ynot the kid with the mohawk helmet vegas style Quad_racer34 dinicolada & dinicolady DUNE SMURF & cdavego b370 the maybe list the*ovenman dman74 JoeDuner rogers807
  2. Yep. One time I stopped in Tecopa and waited for a friend at the center of the town where the trees are at that round-about. Some old guy drove up, stopped, got out of his truck, and walked really slow over to the building that resembles a store/bar/whatever. The front door was wide open but noone was around. So he popped his head inside. He said "hellooo?". A woman came out and greeted him. He asked "what are you selling here today?" She said, "selling? I'm not selling anything. This is my house!" He apologized and said "oh I'm sorry I thought this was a store." She said "that's ok, it actually used to be a store, then a restaurant, then a bar. None of those succeeded so we made it our HOUSE " They went on talking about nothing and at that point I was like "WTF? I gotta get the hell outta here." :mischevious:
  3. dunefreak


    KA POWWW!!! DAYUM!!! ^^ :mischevious:
  4. dunefreak


    THAT'S the video. What else do you want? :mischevious: A pic of J Lo's big azz booty?
  5. dunefreak


    Here's the actual Jennifer Lopez video. (It's a Spanish video :mischevious: ) http://www.kovideo.net/music/video/Jennife...iciste/494.html
  6. dunefreak


    Here's a few lame videos of them at Dumont ...
  7. Are you sure they filled up? I say this because the sensors are always inaccurate and causes the moniter to read full. This is because all the crap (literally) that gets on the sensors in the holding tanks. :mischevious:
  8. yeah yeah yeah, I know I realized I messed up after I posted that. I for some reason thought Jackie mentioned you couldn't make it or something. Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now. Please please forgive me? :mischevious:
  9. OK, so is this all the DDR peeps that are going out some, part of, or all of this weekend then? Don29Palms originalpimp dunefreak Big_Gunz_ possibly stalteri920 GirlWithHorns Ocean03 northphelan Cracker ISBB ynot the kid with the mohawk helmet vegas style Quad_racer34 dinicolada & maybe dinicolady :jester: DUNE SMURF & cdavego the maybe list the*ovenman dman74 JoeDuner rogers807 Dayum, thats alot more peeps than I expected to go out.
  10. Can you even feel it back there? :fro: :jester:
  11. It was only a joke, get over it ! What the hell are you talking about? :jester: :fro: ok, just kidding. A ride would be nice, but I don't NEED one. I don't think you understood the humor in that.
  12. No prob, bro :jester: Just gimme a ring before you head down. <--damn...that guy has a big azz cel phone!
  13. We plan on meeting up at the area of the Ranger Station at 10AM on Saturday for the wash ride . If you leave Henderson by 7/7:30 am, that should give you sufficient time w/o having to rush.
  14. Wow, your pretty quick like that, huh? :fro: I think that was the intention of the title. :jester:
  15. Crazyhorse Campground has pretty sweet campgrounds w/ hookups right up near the water. I know you are wanting to ride too, but if you are just wanting to chill that place rocks. I have never ridden in Havasu before. The spots we got last year were 22 or 23/ Northbeach. I can't remember the name of the Brewery/ restaurant we ate and DRANK at, but it is right on the canal and overlooks the London Bridge and water. It is in a very small strip mall thing on the right just as you go over the London Bridge. They have pretty good grub and a bar. If you are into the club scene you can go at Pokaho's...uhh I mean Kocomo's (sp?) down along the canal. :fro: That's about all I can help with though. Oh and the sand bar rocks, but it's too cold for that right now and besides, you'll need a boat to get there. Damn I can't wait till May. :jester:
  16. No no no...not those kinda nasties. :jester: :fro: I'm talking about much more quality strippers. Wait..is that an oxy-moron? Hell I don't know.
  17. :fro: That's just Anna's way of saying she doesn't want kids. :jester: stripper poles at Dumont....nay stripper poles at PT's for Thirsty Thirsday?? Now were on to something!
  18. :jester: Reminder....DDR meet & greet & ride :fro: ....Saturday, Feb 17th 2:00PM at the South pole.
  19. http://www.viosport.com/ There's one, but you will need an recording device like a DVR/ camcorder.
  20. Well most of us are close friends, but there are more people on DDR that I don't know than the number of people I DO know . This site for anyone that is into Dumont- not just a certain group of friends. Sometimes it seems people get that confused. For some reason our group, meaning the peeps I camp with, have been referred to as "DDR" or the "DDR camp". Maybe that's because we are the most active on the site, who knows. The tight-knit group that I used to camp with has slowly dimished over the past few years because they don't come out as much or anymore at all. On a more positive note, I have met a bunch of friends that enjoy doing the same things I do and I think that is great. The more you get talking w/ everyone on here posting back and forth with each other, the more you get to know people. Either way, if you enjoy Dumont, ride the dunes there, and are signed up here on DDR- then that makes you an official DDR member. There....feel better? I hope so because if you were looking for a hug or something you can forget about it. :dance: :dance: Welcome to the site!
  21. Do you mean "how did you become a member of DDR-like how did you find the site?" , or "how did you get into riding Dumont"?
  22. Very nice trailer, Jeff! Congrats
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