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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'm with Nick on this. I'd be all over it if I could get the time off work. How many hours is it from Vegas and how many days of a trip would it be?
  2. Hey Dave & Wingnut....WHERE'S THE PICS FROM TODAY!??
  3. Sorry to hear that. I hope everything is ok. See you in March then.
  4. Sweet. You are welcome to camp w/ us if you want Randy. We'll be by bathroom 6.
  5. because you linked the thumbnail image instead of the fullsize one. I'll fix it
  6. Way cool, Sean! If you can ship them, PM me for my address and I can get them over to ynot. Or we can meet up at Dumont if you prefer. Thanks!
  7. I saw this on GD and just HAD to show you guys.... now come onnnnn!!! wtf? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Buggy-Sandr...080138839QQrdZ1
  8. because those are gay I don't like nerf bars and besides they are much more expensive. These do the job just fine.
  9. You know what you posted. As for that chick- her mouth and jaw is kinda wierd. Other than that...hot as hell.
  10. ^^ that chit isn't even funny, dude. Not cool.
  11. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo make it stopppp!!!!
  12. Cole you forgot a third poll option for this.......................... superbowl champs 1-Colts 2- Bears 3- who cares? football.....barf
  13. I agree, Dave. Even though Anna & I don't plan on ever having kids, it IS sad that today's kids won't ever get to enjoy the simple things in life like most of us did. It seems that everything these days has to be high tech or illegal to be cool to kids. What ever happened to a good ol game a capture the flag or kick the can?? Kids these days would probably laugh at such games. I feel lucky to have grown up in a time where such simple things were fun. Damn, I guess I am getting old since I can reply like this. 1st sign of getting old........^^^ THAT
  14. I don't think you heard everyone right. We go there for the SAND, not the strippers. Do some people not appreciate the simplicity of friends and cold beers around a fire? I bet half the people around that scene don't even go duning. Damn wannabe duner posers.
  15. Can I get a sticker? huh huh huh? How about a shirt? Do you have any of those? What colors do you have? How about long sleeve? Man a hat would sure be nice too Got any beanies????
  16. Nope...it's the following weekend, Woody.
  17. I love going over to comp at night to party, listen to some music, share some laughes with friends, watch the hill shooting action of the buggies, and for the most part...just have a good time in the sand because that's what I am there for. That right there is enough for me. No stripper pole required.
  18. well here's the first chic that comes to mind for me...
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