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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. no chit you are! That's a no brainer!
  2. I think a couple pics of some dunes at Dumont with "Dumont Dunes" etched somewhere above the image would be pretty cool to have for someone's living room. Hmm maybe even a DDR logo etched into one would be pretty sweet too!
  3. yep you figured it out. It's kM/h I thought the same thing when he said 140. I was like, wtf they don't have a speed limiter on a MALIBU??
  4. I completely agree. EXCEPT last time we sat there forever waiting for the buggies and nobody but JoeDuner took off in a buggy!
  5. How do you figure? It's only been 2 weeks.
  6. No you don't...I voted for DUNE SMURF
  7. I remember that. Steveo's wife, Lupe, knew the guy that owned the toyhauler. She jumped up in the toyhualer and was chatting with him (at the back of the "stage"/ rear ramp gate )when Steveo glanced up and said "WTF is why wife doing up there???" She wasn't participating in the strip show, but it was funny as hell to see her up there in the midst of all the chaos. It caught him by surprise. I still have a bunch of those pics that my buddy Rizzo took. Most of those chicks were pretty young and also .
  8. It looks as if he did a rail slide with his truck on the gaurd rail. :fatdance:
  9. Well put, Gerald. I can't believe your a$$ hurts over this, Sam. :ahhhhh: :jester: Everyone votes based on different things...best looking, most $$ invested, fasted, their own preferred manufacturer, best picture, etc. We can't tell them HOW to vote. :fatdance:
  10. Yep Bert got the same e-mail from his mom. He showed me those pics and I was like :fatdance: . Rumor has it that that is just up the hill outside of Hurricane, UT. That guy is very lucky! I can't believe that rescue worker standing right at the edge of that sheer cliff!
  11. ME NEITHER! :jester: You got it, Bob. We'll see you out there. :fatdance: I will either be on my black Raptor or my silver Grizzly when I pull up.
  12. permit info contact form page Bureau of Land Management Barstow Field Office 2601 Barstow Road Barstow, CA 92311 Phone: (760) 252-6000 Fax: (760) 252-6098
  13. Don't expect to see the McFlurry or the balloon there much more in the future. We (Brice or us) don't bring those out due to the fact that our camps started getting way too big. Over Halloween some people from CA tried pulling up w/ their trailer and parking right in the middle of our camp- literally right in the middle! wtf! They said "hey, we just figured we'd camp here because there's a good landmark in this camp". WTF!!??? :chev_bowtie: Anyways, we might have the balloon out this trip but are hesitant to bring it out because we don't wanna worry about that kind of thing again. We should be down by bathroom 3 though. I really won't know until we get out there and see what spot we can snatch up. Everyone is welcome to come by and say hi, but we are trying to keep our camp limited to just our group from now on. Camp started getting way too big. Bob, I can come find your camp and guide you over to p/u the sticker if you want. I know about where you'll be camped.
  14. I think I saw you guys out there. I can see why they are telling you to have a permit though. Stuff like stripper poles is the kind of thing that the BLM rangers try to keep out of Dumont. They don't like the "Glamis scene" and don't want to see it at Dumont. Even if you get a permit, expect to be hassled with still by the rangers. They will have a close eye on you. :chev_bowtie: It's not that the stripper pole is that bad- it's the kind of crowd it attracts. You will get alot of drunks in one spot and that crowd will eventually be pretty hard to manage if things got out of control. From what I have heard the rangers are mostly concerned about crowd control. The same goes for having a band play out at Dumont. It attracts a big group of people and they usually don't have the manpower to govern it.
  15. Dan don't you mean SHE'S gonna let YOU drive it this weekend? Don't lie now. :chev_bowtie:
  16. It looks like it to me. That just means more cargo space then! I hate when big azz toyhaulers have slideout right in the cargo area- kinda defeats the purpose don't ya think?
  17. so it's sh*tty like Dodge brakes that just don't stop is what your saying? :chev_bowtie:
  18. Call me what you want (cause I know you will, Dan ), but I think I'm out this week. :chev_bowtie:
  19. This topic is one of the dullest one I've read in a while. And quit your whining Chase...it's been nice as hell out lately. Soon enough it will be hot as hell and over 110 degrees and you'll be whining its too hot. I love the winter. :chev_bowtie:
  20. Glad you can make it, Malcolm. Are the rest of the "usual suspects" (DSDcrew) gonna make it out for Pres day or for the ride?
  21. Ven with my half ton I didn't feel or see a difference. Heavy is heavy.
  22. You got it, Kelly. Have a cold one ready for me.
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