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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. HALF the size? Not really. It has the same exact powertrain, just no steering wheel and extra seat. I bet it can fly higher too!
  2. It's about time you took my advice! "Go to Dumont " If you have a Rhino smiley, lets see it. I can add whatever smiley you've got. Well. most that is. :jester:
  3. Why don't you just fill your water before you leave? Does the weight difference matter that much? I have never wanted to have to worry about where to fill up, no matter how far of a drive it is I have.
  4. As for the fronts- I think I run about the same pressure as the rears or maybe a lil bit more. hmm I'd have to check.
  5. Sounds like you have one sweet car there, Rick. Def post some pics up when you get a chance.
  6. Looks bada$$! MSRP $9,999 too! Seems as though the charging system is much better than a Rhino too with: "Alternator: 500 watts" No more dead batteries in the dunes from all the bling bling lights! (Sorry Mike/ mfdesigns :rainbow1: ) Dayum RK..whatchoo got now sucka? :gayboy:
  7. Wow! Looks like a really fun time!
  8. :rainbow1: The new car will have stronger spindles. :gayboy:
  9. It just means it bumps the thead to the top of the list in that category of the forum. Some people will post "ttt" for "to the top" instead. Yeah... I know ...forum lingo. :rainbow1:
  10. If I had a Rhino I'd be in, but I don't so instead I can just run circles around you guys on my bike I guess. j/k Sounds like a cool thing to start, Kenny. Props to ya :gayboy: :rainbow1:
  11. In addition to donating some DDR gear such as hats, shirts, stickers, etc, I will be picking up some things to donate from DDR as a group for the cleanup. If anyone who wants to help contribute, here is a link where you can help. I will put out whatever I can personally along with whatever funds are raised from the donations to pick up some nice prizes to help out this year. Click here to donate.
  12. Well maybe thats why my trailer tows so well then. You have to load it properly and make sure your bars aren't cranked up too much or not enough. (thats IF you have them ) OR it could be because I tow it with a Chevy.
  13. I've got you covered. Here's the one you sent my phone today.
  14. I still don't believe you! I hope you can!
  15. Yep...you got it. I always take pics. (BTW...Welcome to DDR )
  16. what?....I waited 9 minutes to reply. It shouldn't be too soft where we plan on camping. Somewhere around bathroom 6...maybe on the harder packed for the 2WD guys.
  17. Ahh gotcha I still don't know what all this talk is about sway with the tow-behinds. My 35 ft tow-behind t/h doesn't give me any sway. ...it tows awesome.
  18. Kelly, you and Dave should camp w/ us then.
  19. ^^^TRANSLATION: "I'm not gonna make it. "
  20. I still have that CD you mailed me a while back from the night drags. I'll get that over to ynot.
  21. So much for the "I should have a toyhauler by Pres Day" You know you have a spot in the Taj, just gimme like 500 bucks and you shoud be alright. yeah.... wtf are you talkin about Dman??
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