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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I could have just changed your screen/ display name. New computer or ISP doesn't matter. I was just messin w ya anyways.
  2. I don't think we will be in that area for Pres Day though- too much dust and camp racers. Maybe out w/ RK again. We'll chat about it when it gets closer.
  3. yeah...just as hard. Everyone isn't in one spot at the same time You gotta track everyone down first! I was thinking something along the lines of what you suggested, Vicki.
  4. Thanks Vicki. I thought I might have forgotten something. also.. I am going to try and figure out a system that is easier to track the number of bags that DDR collects this year. Last year was a mess. I was running all over the place trying to find everyone and add the number up in my head. Any suggestions or volunteers to help me out with that? We (DumontDuneRiders) need to be group that collects the most this year.
  5. ok ok.....JEEEEZZZZZ!!! FINE!
  6. So I have gotten a couple questions for the cleanup and how it all goes. Here it is... The BLM and FoDD get a huge dumpster out at Dumont. At 8AM on Saturday- you meet over at the FoDD booth. They get you signed up for the cleanup and give you trash bags etc. From 8 till around 11 ish everyone picks up trash in the camp areas and dunes (wherever there istrash). After you pick up trash, you bring your bags to the dumpster where you will be given a raffle ticket for each bag of trash collected. All the raffle prizes will be displayed prior to the cleanup at the FoDD stage/ booth so everyone can see what is up for grabs. There is a can for the raffle tickets at each prize so you can enter to win whatever prize you are shooting for. At 11:30 they start the raffle, announcements, awards, and free lunch. They give prizes for most unusual and largest items. Any company that donated prizes are announced over the loud speaker throughout the raffle and events. If anyone has any questions, please post them up here. Remember there are no stupid questions. We'd like for everyone to have a clear understanding how the cleanup works and what to expect so we can get as many peeps out there to help as possible.
  7. So Ross, does this mean you area hater? Duneraider/ Ross & Alice/ Dime Store Hood/ Trailer Park Casanova? That wasn't a plug. That was just a compliment. A plug is when you are on a different site and mention DDR. And no...you don't get a sticker out of all that. Oh and I wasn't really serious about you being a moderator- that was only to open up your eyes to see how little fun being a moderator is. Sarcasm Vic...sarcasm.
  8. It says the company name at the end of the video.
  9. That's pretty damn cool. Hey did anyone notice they lost their helmets somewhere in the middle of all that fun??
  10. Not El Monte RV. They did a really quick glance, and said ok. AND we lost a hub cap on the way to Havasu and they didn't even sweat it!
  11. If all you need is a place to stay, rent a motorhome from El Monte RV on LV Blvd near Wheelers. I have had really good experience with them. They are pretty reasonable too. Just reserve one well in advance so you have one for the holiday weekend!
  12. I know Cruise America rents those Fun Mover motorhomes with the rear lift gate. I don't know if that is big enough for what you need though.
  13. I thought the whole problem was cash right now...and now your gonna do all that?
  14. That's the first time I've been called that! I know your kidding though, Vic. Hey do you wanna be a moderator and see how fun it is to tell people to obey the rules??
  15. oh boy Yeah Ken.. I get it! :dance: No taken.
  16. Chase, you just need to learn how and when to give people crap. We all do it on here from time to time, but it seems as though you try so hard to give someone crap that you go a bit overboard sometimes. Often times you forget the rules of the forum when you do too! Don't take this the wrong way, but you have a little growing up to do. Most people do at your age. You are a good guy and I know you mean well, but sometimes I wonder with the trash that flies out of your mouth. It was mature of you to start the thread and actually want to discuss it, but then when you get a reply that you don't like you go to such the opposite extreme it's pathetic .... That's one of the most immature posts I have ever read. There...I was honest. One thing you have to remember: If you are a nice guy in person, that doesn't excuse you from the crap you talk online with someone and coming off as a "sarcastic a-hole" as you put it. Why do you have to be different when on the forum??
  17. Congrats on the new hauler, Jeff. It's exciting isn't it? Gotta love it.
  18. That sucks, man. Maybe someone is selling a stock tank on Ebay that has upgraded to a desert tank. Worth a look. I'll keep an eye out.
  19. Gerald I think Nick meant that when you get all of us away from the forum we act completely opposite of the forum rules. :dance: The rules are only for the forum.
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