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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. ok, cool :dance: Maybe I'll try and do a half-day trip out of it. I'm off at 2 PM. So far it sounds like I am gonna be making a day trip every Saturday to Dumont until Pres. Day.
  2. It's all good now. I am much better this week. (Dumont helped :dance: ) I have been visiting her everyday at the hospital. She has been moved out of ICU and into a normal room. She is actually able to get up on her own and kinda walk! She is improving/ recovering really well! Everyday is really good progress. I think they are releasing her in a few days too. Thanks for all the positive words and prayers everyone, we really appreciate it.
  3. :dance: http://www.rockymountainatv.com/productDet...mp;navType=type
  4. No, not really. It doesn't seem any wider than my Raptor which is already plus 2 all around with a wider axle and offset wheels. I usually have pleny of room for whatever width quad in the hauler and that's with carrying 2 quads and a sandrail too.
  5. I have to work that Saturday. :dance:
  6. Get a new set of grips and don't use anything putting them on other than compressed air. I have found that putting them on dry works the best. OR You can try saftey wire
  7. Everybody mark their calendar's now! Last year's was a blast and we hope to make this year's even better! Last year DDR as a group collected over 160 bags of trash and we hope to beat that number for this year's cleanup. It's all about Dumont and going out to show our support for the cleanup and that we care about the place. Let's show everyone how much we all care. Most of us from DDR will have camps set up near the cleanup events and stage. We urge everyone from the site to come out and get together in the same general area near the cleanup events. This will give people a chance to put a face to a name, hang out and get to know each other a little better from the site. The cleanup events will be located just across the gravel road from bathroom 10/ before you get to bathroom 6. More details to come, but plan on good times for sure. Friends of Dumont Dunes does a great job putting the cleanup together every year. For pics and more info on last year's cleanup, here is the trip report. Who all plans on being there??? :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  8. nevermind, Randog. I don't think you got the joke. Hey Mike, it was cool finally meeting you too (in person that is). After chatting for over a year or so online it was cool to finally put a face to a name. :mc_smiley: As for my mom, she is doing great! Every day is a huge improvement! Thanks for the concern.
  9. Damn, dude. I hope you get someone who can get it taken care of soon. The season is cruising by and hasn't been the same w/o you guys. I hope but don't hope my car is done before YOURS! :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  10. OK I'm confused about 2 things here. 1. WTF is this about a DDR camp??? 2. KIRK taking people on a fast buggy ride??? :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  11. That really sucks, Rick. Sorry I missed you this weekend. I was only there for about 5 hrs on Saturday. I posted a trip report thread over here. :mc_smiley:
  12. Crazy stuff. It's good they weren't injured. Hopefully they can recoupe all their money and get a proper tow vehicle this time. Blown out rear tire or not, a 4 runner is not safe to tow ANY toyhauler.
  13. Nope, that's not the story he's talking about.
  14. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...hp?showtopic=39 Here ya go, Cole. If you can read past all the chit talk in that thread, there are SOME pics of Rhinos over there.
  15. I rode racnjasen's Suzuki 450 this weekend in the dunes just for a little bit and I have to say I was pretty impressed. The bike rides pretty nice, is very stable, and has tons of power. I am talking about in the dunes now, ya know, where it matters most. I couldn't care less about the hill. It's didn't have the low end grunt of torque like my Raptor has, but it made up for it on the top end. They are a pretty nice bike.
  16. Any more posts that hijack this or any other thread by your guys' chit talking about who's faster etc, the posts will be deleted. It's hard to have a normal discussion about things such as this when people chime in with crap like that. Those kind of posts that don't belong in this thread and only interupt a good topic at hand. Sorry to be a little harsh, but it's getting OLD. If you want to continue it, please remember you can do it in this thread which has been set up for that kind of talk. :jester:
  17. yep, I think it was him (dinicolda and dinicolady)
  18. Well I managed to squeeze in a little day trip today. Actuially it was more like a half day trip or 4 hrs to be exact. It was well worth it too! My day started out with throwing my 2 wheeler, little cooler, and gear bag in the DMax and hauled azz to D! I made record time getting there and had no problem finding camp. Most everyone was out on a ride when I got there so I took off and rode camp to camp to chat and say hi to the fellow DDR peeps that I could find. In a matter of 20-30 minutes I had managed to track down Captainkirk, Dman, Mike156, ynot, ash, b370, rogers807, and then saw Raptoroy over at vendor row! Ok that sounded like I rode all over, but actually it was only 2 camps. The weather was beautiful all day. I actually got a little warm in just my normal riding gear/ no long sleeves. The dunes were pretty smooth and had not too many tracks. I was able to get a good run in with kris and racnjasen. We hit the dunes and ended up at the north pole. Then...here comes JoeDuner on the huntin quad pulling a long azz wheelie! I think that is his signature move from now on. We then cruised back to camp and it was just about time to go meet up for the 2 o'clock ride at the south pole. Sparky getting the little ones strapped in... There was a pretty good turnout of peeps.... We hit the dunes and like always the crowd left at different times and was pretty much several groups. Most the bikes went first then the buggies left after. We somehow ended up meeting up with the buggies in the middle of the dunes though. Raptoroy blew an intercooler hose off. Luckily it was an easy fix though. We then hit the north pole, found our buddy Stephan out there that we had no idea was going out to Dumont , then cruised over to comp for some hill action. After the ride I had very little time to hang out because I needed to get back to see my mom in the hospital before visiting hours were over. It was hard to leave. The beer was tasty, plenty of good company, and the fire was just lit. It was all good though. By going out today for even a short day run I was able to take one last load off from a pretty stressfull week. The 2 wheeler does wonders in that department. :jester: It was great seeing everyone out there today and was cool to finally put a couple faces to names (Sparky and Happyhour). I hope everyone has a safe and fun rest of the weekend out there. PaulyPaul & FMF luver... Superdave with a cold beer and a smile heading home down Dumont Dunes Rd with a nice sunset to finish the day B) GOOD TIMES......GOOOOD TIMES
  19. Member can't delete posts. I took care of em though.
  20. Thanks again everyone. She is doing really well, but she is really tired, exhausted and unconfortable right now. I am sure she'll feel better as the days go on though. Every day is improvement. She is still recovering in ICU. They took her breathing tube out of her throat this am and she is breathing ok and the doctors and nurses say she is doing really well. She gets taken out of ICU tomorrow and put back into a regular room until she is released in probably another week or so.
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