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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I have to work that weekend. If I can swing it, I plan on going out the following weekend (Feb 10th). Larry & Nannette Short from Short Sand cars are going out that weekend and are bringing Larry's new single seater out and I plan to meet up w/ them out there to see it go.
  2. Racnjasen just called me and said Blue Diamond Rd is a parking lot. Anyone that is leaving from Vegas to go out tonight don't take Blue Diamond!
  3. You can't compare the suspesion of a DS to ANY stock quad out there. Those bikes are huge, heavy and are setup for desert. Try getting on a 450 after riding your bomb! Hell, a 450 feels like a childs bike even after riding my Raptor.
  4. why? The truck was recovered. It was totalled and he is buying something else now.
  5. ....NOT Thanks for wasting a minute and 14 seconds of my life, Kenny! :smoker: :smoker:
  6. All the artwork is ready. I just have to get it over to my guy to have the banner printed up. He quoted me about $120 for a full color printed vinyl banner. I'll drop off the file on Mon or Tues with him and I'll let you know so we can arrange to get some cash my way to help pay for it. We can do paypal if you want- that's easiest for me if thats cool witchoo.
  7. Mine are slightly different than SST's rollers.
  8. We've done that to a camp sleeper before. :ahhhhh:
  9. :ahhhhh: ^^^ Yeah...that's where the other bathrooms are, Rich. :ahhhhh:
  10. Yeah....HOLY CRAP. After seeing my mom in ICU and alomst passing out myself , I was ready for a drink. You can say that again! And no I didn't call Eddie because the PT's I went to was right next to the hospital and I only planned on "popping in" for a couple. So much for that! :ahhhhh: Seriously though...thanks for all the kind words, everyone. It was really hard to see my mom last night. She was barely awake and in ALOT of pain. It killed me to see her that way but hopefully everything will go well with her recovery. It's gonna be tough on her.
  11. I hear ya, Steve. I lost me Dad when I was 11. You guys have fun and be carefull. Don't forget...PICS PICS PICS!
  12. Man that sucks to hear. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
  13. It's all good, Ed. I know that you didn't know. If I get out of the hospital early enough tonight wanna meet up at the PT's on Eastern near Sienna Heights?
  14. You guys are wrong. That's if SST is anything like SSC. SSC makes their own rollers. They have different sizes (diameters) of rollers too and they are way more beefy than a quad roller. A quad roller would get eatin up in no time on a Busa especially w/ the 530 O-Ring chain.
  15. I'm still laughing my azz off at this statement.... :angry2:
  16. WTF???? HOLY CRAP. No pun intended That's one hell of a story there, Ross. Tweekers suck. I try and stay away from them at any cost.
  17. I'll tell you the same thing I always tell maxdout.... GO TO DUMONT
  18. Don't worry, Terry. Whatever I can gather up I'll be sure to keep the names organized and let you know asap for exactly that reason.
  19. I wasn't going to post up much about this on the site, but I figure it's just easier to let all my friends know this way. Well as most of you all know my mom was admitted to the hospital this week with chest pains and trouble breathing. They were going to perform angioplasty, but her arteries to her heart had just too much blockage. They decided she needed heart surgery. She went in today late in the morning for a triple bypass. I just received word from my sister that she is out of surgery and that everything went really well. Her organs are healthy and they aren't any more worried about her than anyone else who has had the operation. They informed us that the next 24 hours are very critical (small chance of stroke, etc), but she is doing well at this point. I really appreciate the support from of all of you and the kind words that you have sent my way for me and my family. I knew I had some good friends, but it's great to hear how much they all care in times like this. Once again, thank you all. It has been a really rough week for me and you have helped me get through it that much easier. Anna has been a huge help as well. It's great to have such a person in my life. Thanks babe!
  20. I really doubt it this week, Eddie. I will be at the hospital visiting with my mom. If I end up leaving with any time left in the night I might be ready for a drink on the way home. This week has been hell on me and I could really use one right now.
  21. That's too bad, sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can get your stuff soon from him and it's just because things might be a little hectic there due to the "switchup" that everyone has been talking about with the company. Josey seems like a good guy and I doubt he will screw you over. I hope things get smoothed out over at the shop and they can remain the decent company they have been in the past.
  22. ok cool. And don't forget, the whole idea for donating is for a good cause...DUMONT! The more items we can all raise, the more incentive for people to come out and help, the more trash gets picked up, and the bigger the group of people we have to show the BLM and other groups that we care about Dumont and we aren't there to trash the place. You get the picture.
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