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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Ohhhh my God! So you are bashing someone for hanging out in the dunes in the middle of a ride???? What's wrong with that? We (sanddunesaddict and our group) ride our a$$es off at Dumont and occasionally stop and take a break and HANG out IN the dunes. I think you are mistaking us from people that don't ride and just sit at the hill or in the middle of the dunes. No, we don't do that, but even still, whats wrong with that if that makes them happy. Don't be a hater!
  2. That doesn't sound like anyone I know from DDR. Are you sure they were DDR stickers? There is another Dumont site that has site stickers as well. A couple trucks over Thanksgiving weekend drove by our camp and everyone said hey look, a DDR sticker. I had to give everyone a because they didn't read what the actual sticker said. The only people that I know from DDR that camp over by the rock pile is captainkirk and mike156 and they didn't go to Dumont last weekend. In any event, like duniemonkie said, many people that are registered here have stickers on their rigs and we don't even know them. That's messed up what those kids did. By the way, I asked you in another thread before and you never answered me, are you Ross, Alice, or someone else? I see you have AKA Ross & Alice in your name field.
  3. OK, I have the rough draft for the banner made up with everything in the format needed EXCEPT the FoDD logo and chris1223's company logo. I am just waiting on those files and this thing will be ready to send over to Aaron @Team Acme to get teh banner printed up. It will be done in time for race #2 on Feb 24th or 25th, whichever it is.
  4. If you own a business or know anyone who does, please spread the word that Friends of Dumont Dunes is looking for help with getting donated prizes for the 5th annual Dumont Dunes Cleanup on March 17th. Here are just some some of the raffle drawing prizes from last year's cleanup... -chest protector, (2) 5 gal VP fuel donated by Matt @ S&M Motorsports (aka sandm here on DDR) -set of PIAA lights donated by The Custom Shop (3rotortrav) -RV mat donated by Johnnie Walker RV if I remember right -t-shirts, hats, etc -Tire Fys, blinky whip lights, etc -ATV parts -gift cards -a few nights hotel accomodations donated by the Orleans Hotel/ Casino -and many more I can't remember Any business that donates to the cleanup will be credited by having there name announced when the prize is raffled off. Any and all help is much appreciated. If you have anything that you can donate to this years cleanup, please PM or e-mail ynot (Terry, V.P. of FoDD) or myself. Also, please spread this word to businesses or to friends of yours that might want to help out for a good cause and also get recognition for their businesses. Let's all try and pull together, network, and try and make this cleanup the best one ever! It's all about our favorite place, Dumont. Thanks everyone!
  5. So, Ron, are you saying when you get back to camp you are ? Whats wrong with hanging out in the dunes after a ride? I'll you tell what's .......THIS THREAD!
  6. You too huh? One of my side windows in the back near the bunks was broken somehow. Looks maybe like a BB gun.
  7. :dance: :chev_bowtie: you talk wierd j/k I should be there fri night.
  8. ^^ Same here. The main number worked for me too and I got the answering machine. Chris, are you sure you are dialing the right area code? 702-433-7425.
  9. haha, I know. I just had to give you some crap. And that smiley is always fun to use too.
  10. Did anything break or is it just frozen? Once the temps get back up enough for it to melt, drain all the water from the tanks, lines and water heater so it doesn't happen again. That's about all you can do otehr than try that antifreeze stiff, but you'll still have to run your lines/ faucets so it gets through the whole sytem.
  11. 5 pages? wtf? Man....you guys can talk crap forever!
  12. Homeowners insurance policies don't cover recreational vehicles (bikes, ATV's, rails, etc) or anything with a motor other than household equipment like a lawnmower, generator, etc. I've checked in the past.
  13. Like I said in the other thread about the cold weather talk at Dumont.... I don't wanna hear it! The HIGH in Utah this weekend was 13! The average temps were from 0-7 degrees. The lowest was -5. THAT'S cold.
  14. Should be near bathroom 6 somewhere.
  15. I don't wanna hear you guys complain of cold. The highest temp I saw this weekend (up in UT) was 13. Low of -5.
  16. Nice copy and paste. I see this topic getting closed if this crap continues. You guys both need to grow up and remember the RULES of this forum.
  17. Eddie is definitley a super great guy. He's one of a kind.
  18. I think it was a good topic until the sh*t talk started. When you dish it out (talk chit), you gotta expect it and be able to handle it in return. I'm not saying you started it, but having 1bad4fiddy and you in one thread there's bound to be some :yeah_whatever: going on, ya know?
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