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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sweet! :dance: Hell yeah, come on over Mike. It's been a helluva long time chattin w/ you on DDR and I've still never even met you in person yet! :yeah_whatever: Gonna be good times fosho! :dance: :yeah_whatever:
  2. Eff it, Randog..bring em all over and camp wid us! :dance: :fro: :yeah_whatever: We had a blast last time and all you guys are some cool Mutha Bitchezz. :dance: It should make for some good times. Get w/ OGP- he'll probably be one of the first ones out there....ya know...with no job and all! :dance: :yeah_whatever: Hope you can make it, Don! Get yer azz in gear and get that trans in. I call dibs on that passenger seat if you get it out there. :dance: :yeah_whatever:
  3. You guys watch! One day I'm gonna show up to Dumont with a few shirts like that! :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever:
  4. no no no.....it's not cause of me, mutha bitchezzz :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: It's cause the weather. It IS funny though how that worked out in my favor though! :yeah_whatever: It's gonna be a fun weekend..all the DDR Mutha Bitchezz will be there, expect Don29Palms! Get that damn trans in your car and get out to D, MOFO! :dance: Randog wanna join the Mutha Bitchezz camp near bath 6 or are you gonna do your own camp w/ our group? You guys are all welcome over with us if you want. :dance: :dance: :yeah_whatever: Saturday...2PM....South Pole...all DDR peeps- lets ride! :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever:
  5. As ISBB said once before, "I learned a long time ago when I started going on forums on the internet....ya gotta have some think skin!" So true too. Some people take things too serious on the internet sometimes. :yeah_whatever: Talk all the crap you want, guys. Just remember the rules and don't start in with any of the personal attacks. :yeah_whatever: (this sucks being a moderator :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: )
  6. BLAH BLAH...BLAH BLAH BLAH! :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: you boys go take your bigwheels and argue about this at the park!
  7. Chris, after I got off the phone with you I talked with Craig (wingnut). He said he'll try and stop by the shop today after work and see what's up.
  8. Damn. ...chitty. It's amazing how fast those things go up! Theres nothing left of that thing! :mc_smiley:
  9. ...and you wonder why I call you NUTS! :mc_smiley:
  10. so in short your saying your a$$ hurts then right? Sensitive people You missed a good time last night.
  11. dunefreak

    $500 REWARD

    Dave, I don't know if you saw my post, but...
  12. You jagazz, your the one that said this too... Maybe we'll see ya.
  13. oh and I'm sorry I can't be there this weekend. I didn't plan on breaking my sandrail in half! I have to bring it up to Utah this weekend instead. I'm NOT looking forward to that!
  14. Let's do this! I'll be there about 8 ish.
  15. Well, that makes sense because I never got the e-mail from you. and Sorry I just get frustrated when I say I'll help with things then I end up doing everything myself. I guess I need to stop helping so much. I have been waiting to hear from 1BADYFZ (Sam) and you and never heard anything until the last minute. Now I know why- the e-mail didn't ever get to me for one reason or the other. As for Sam, well... what up w/ dat? j/k and I am not the only one that isn't gonna be there for the race this weekend. What?...nobody else has a pickup they can put it in? Why does it have to be mine? It doesn't matter much for this race, but we're going to still have it made up for the next race (race #2).
  16. Do they have any kind of shim behind them? Maybe try some of the stop squeek stuff that applies to the BACK of the pads to hold them in place in the calipers. Usually squeeking pads are from the pad against the caliper making noise, not the pad against the rotor surface. good luck
  17. e-mail it too me Chris. I am gonna get Aaron @ Team Impact to get the banner done. It won't be done before the 1st race, but definitley ready for the 2nd race on the 24th. next time try and pay attention everyone! (Sam & Chris)
  18. Get in touch w/ Big Rick. I spoke to him yesterday on the phone and he said he welds aluminum.
  19. cool pics, Gerald. That first rail frame looks like it needs a nice resting place...at a recycling center. Did you say it was being re-done for BITD racing? You rail has come a long ways. Good job!
  20. ^^^see...that's why we don't have one. They're ugly.
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