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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Dman e-mailed me that video. I had the whole shop coming over to my computer to see that video! Everytime I'd show someone, they'd come back over w/ someone who hasn't seen it yet and say show me the monkey video show me the monkey video!!! That chit was funny.
  2. yep...whatever it was ebay took it off
  3. It was in pretty good condition the last time I was out too! (New Years) 3 I wonder if they put something down to keep it harder packed and stay topgether better?
  4. dunefreak

    $500 REWARD

    Man I know tha feeling, Ash! I can't stand these pieces of chit that have no respect for people's stuff. They better hope I don't ever catch them breaking into either my stuff OR someone else's! It gets me hot as hell to come out to my truck that I worked hard hours for just to see some piece of crap that doesn't want to work for his own stuff break into mine and damage it in the meantime! I hope you or the cops can catch these punks. My buddy has that plate and they still were able to break into his Tahoe a couple weeks ago. :no_no: ^^ I did that on my Tahoe. That seems to be the best deterant. ALTHOUGH, I did that and then they broke into the rear hatch handle the same way. Unfortunatley ya just can't win. If they want in- they'll get in.
  5. MLK weekend doesn't even seem like it will be that bad Saturday Partly Cloudy High: 45° Low: 24 Sunday Sunny High: 49° Low: 26°
  6. I just wanted to let anyone that plans on racing abouit the kill switch rule. I read on Planet Sand that "no kill switch, no race"... It would suck for anyone planning on driving all the way out there to race and run in to that.
  7. Are you sure a tacoma can turn a paddle? maybe Fullerton?? Fullerton Sand Tires 8322-A Standustrial Stanton, CA 90680 714-484-5996
  8. Saturday @ 2 o clock/ south pole always works great. 2PM dune rides are always good because of the position of the sun. B) Oh and the beer at that hour tastes pretty good too!
  9. Damn, I wish he was still alive. He was a funny guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8EItNFPKJs
  10. At first I got pissed off and irritated and was about to close it out, but then the old guy started to laugh and I was like wtf was that?
  11. You read that the wrong way. I wasn't yelling or nor had did I have an attitude when I posted it. I was merely stating information for the south pole. THIS WOULD BE YELLING!!!!! note: if ever you need info on something, more than likely it has been talked abuet on here before. Just type it in the search bar and look for info on it. It's worked great for me.
  12. We have posted a map numerous times and even posted a map in the gallery under maps and aeriel photos. It clearly marks the south pole on the map. We have even given specific driection in the past. How can we make it any clearer? Let me know. Go to comp. Go around the back side to the left and follow the edge of the sand. You'll drive for about 3-4 minutes and come to a finger dune that leads to the left out towards some rocky piles of sand. Stay to the left and you run right into it. Go duning, you'll find it. It's not that hard to find. CLICK FOR MAP
  13. what's this "WE" talk? Are you gonna make it out this TT, Kirk?
  14. LATE??? We usually get there about 7PM. That's isn't late no matter what time you get up the next AM.
  15. SinCityBlondie??????
  16. That would be cool, except I'd recommend the South pole instead. If you go out to the north pole there are always people out there. You'll show up and not know who is just there hanging out and who is from DDR to meet up for the ride(unless you've met the peeps before). That last meet up at the south pole worked great over New Years weekend. Just my
  17. Damn Sam- your cutting it a little close. I wish I would have gotten the file earlier. I don't know if we can get it done on such short notice- but we'll try.
  18. it's even more official now- Planet Sand posted this banner... Sunday the 14th is the race Have fun and be safe to those racing
  19. until
    This is NOT an event put on by DDR.. From PlanetSand.com... Planet Sand is the Premier Sponsor for the Four Stroke Challenge Series 2007 "We are very excited about this race.. The event shirt final art work is being signed off......Very cool shirt..... Communications equipment was received earlier this week..... PA system contracted....... Starting system wrapping up....Race logistics under control...... Photographer contracted......... This is going to be a great event with the fastest 4 strokes on the planet..... ==================================================== Make sure and bring your A game ================================================ ...please make sure and communicate with everyone about registration. We have to finish off registration by Saturday for race logistics and line ups. Practice on Saturday (Starts at 1pm)- We have been able to get the permit opened up for Saturday. The 4SC will be setting up on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Registered ATV's (with numbers) only for practice. Practice will be $20. Course will be in race ready condition for practice. Registration will be open for last minute folks on Saturday morning from 9am to 1pm. Late registration fee's are as follows: Non Feature - $65 Feature - $95 THERE IS NO REGISTRATION ON SUNDAY. Pre Registration - (Number reservation is pre registration for the first race) will be closed on 1/10. All entries picked up at the end of day at the PO box. Generally it takes 2-4 days from mailing to reciept at the PO box. Remember your number registration fee can be applied against registration fees for the first 2 races. Nonfeature - $50 Feature - $80 ...please make sure and communicate with everyone about registration. We have to finish off registration by Saturday for race logistics and line ups. ------------------ More updates: We will publish the final preregistration list next wed 1/10. If you are on the list we received your pre registration. If not be sure and make registration on Saturday."
  20. Saturday, Feb 24th, 2007: Banshee Wars V- Banshee Hill
  21. I am not sure what brand is decent, but stay away from Carlisle. (sp?) I think Generals are pretty good, but not I'm not possitive.
  22. It's nice to see someone flying the American flag!
  23. I have approximately 17,000 miles and just over a year on my 33x12.5x18 Toyo M/T's. They seem like they are worn down pretty low (more than expected). I am sure I will get quite a few more miles out of them before I have to replace them, but I was wondering how many miles other's w/ Toyos have gotten out of them before finally replacing them. They have been a great tire and I will still probably go with them as a replacment. I'm just not looking forward to the price tag on them. :monkeedance2: *note: I don't care how many miles you can get out of your lame Michelin's, your BFG's, or whatever other brand you have... so please don't bother posting that information up. I am only curious about the Toyo M/T's. Thanks in advance
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