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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Here is SOME info I finally found...
  2. Don I can't seem to find any schedule or info either. Maybe they don't want it to be that big. That's the only thinkg I can think of. If they want everyone to come out and race and watch the event you think they'd post up the schedule and how to register to race. I'm registered on Planet Sand and I have not been able find any helpfull info on the race. If I hear of anything I'll post it up.
  3. That's crazy. I haven't seen one of those before.
  4. dunefreak


    We had some good times last, Woody. It ended up being a pretty dman good turnout! Thanks again so much for the drinks. You didn't have to do that, but we all appreciated it. Hey...where the hell did you go after High Maint? Sorry I didn't hear my phone when you and Dan called me at Hot Rod Grill. You got IN at 6 AM? :ahhhhh: I might have a feeling I know what you did. Get some sleep and have a safe drive home, bud.
  5. Two full weekends? Where are you going the weekend before? Right on Dave! It's been way too long since you've been out. Have you forgotten what sand looks and feels like by now? I hope to be able to make it out.
  6. Welcome to the board, Rick. Got a pic of that car? :surrender:
  7. dunefreak


    Kenny...wanna box? :surrender: here... :shoot:
  8. dunefreak


    wtf? you wanna box now? Damn, I THOUGHT I was understanding the RK smiley language! :shoot: :surrender:
  9. dunefreak


    :fro: I understood an RK post! :surrender: :dance: WHat time will you be ready? We'll carpool if ya want.
  10. I'm really gonna try to make it a whole weekend that weekend, but if anything I will definitley make it for a full day of riding and then some :dance: ! :shoot:
  11. Back in the day my buddy and I bought a Chvette off some chick for a hundred bucks. We figured we'd get a hundred bucks worth of fun out of it and oh boy did we! We jumped it, mobbed it through the desert, blasted trash cans, curbs, and whatever else we could with it. It was great that it was a 4 door too. We could load up a few peeps and laugh till our stomaches hurt. I kept it in my back yard. (I lived on an acre) I used to have bon fire parties and my buddy Jeremy would park his lifted K5 Blazer on the hood of it! :dance: That car brought more fun and good times than some of the most expensive toys I have ever bought. After I thought we had enough of it, one of my friends from high :smoker: school bought it for 50 bucks off us. He cruised it around Green Valley with his hippie Phish (that hippie band) friends. They spray painted it and made it look hidious. He lived in an upscale neighborhood too and...well, his mom didn't like it sitting out front anymore. Ya think? :fro: So she made him get rid of it. He had no where to keep it so he kinda gave it back to US. :shoot: It sat around for a while longer and one day I cleaned the back yard up and we decided to say good riddance to the ol Chevette. We brought it way out to the desert. As soon as I unload it off the trailer I found this "medium sized" mound and jumped the crap out of it and ripped all the exhaust off it it. We then thrashed around a little while longer and then the motor finally locked up. We then pulled it around with my buddy Jeremy's Samurai. (We had to get some more wheelin in and find a cliff.) We found a pretty decent one and well...the rest is history.... Here are the pics after it was dead... "WTF? It almost looks the same!" "Well, it's dead...now what?....."might as well piss on it!" The Chevette demolision crew (minus me- I took the pic) and that's the :surrender: Chevette story.
  12. dunefreak


    what's that mean?...you found a baby sitter? :surrender: :dance: :shoot:
  13. dunefreak


    thats fkn funny :surrender:
  14. dunefreak


    Well hurry the eff up! :shoot: How bout Stacey? :dance: :fro: Oh wait, she's coming out...that's right.
  15. dunefreak


    I'll see if tireboy wants to come. He's ready.
  16. dunefreak


    OK, Kenny. Pack your 9. Anna & I will pick you up around 6:30 ok? Ghetto bar hoppin- here we come! :jester: Mutha Bitchezzzz
  17. dunefreak


    exactly..wtf blondie? :jester: :dance: :jester:
  18. Anna and I have a few things we planned on doing, but I'll see if we can somehow stop in for a couple. What corner is this place on? I haven't been over to that part of town in years. If it's anything like what I remember...do I need to bring my gun? :jester:
  19. uhhh...hu hu...you said rub woody
  20. dunefreak


    yeah I was gonna mention that! While he's walking over to the girl and he see's us laughing and givin each other the knuckles he thinks we told the chick something behind his back. :jester: :jester: Dude, we were just happy you finally went over!
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