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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Your very welcome. I don't know if we are brave or stupid. :dance: No worries. It can't be any worse than what has happened at previous parties I've had. :fro:
  2. Way cool! I'm glad they can make it to hang out. As for the dip, hell yeah! Sounds DEE-LISH
  3. I have chairs, but if as many people show that I think are gonna show we might need some more.
  4. you mean under the valve covers? they're ALL in the head.
  5. Tell me about it! I'm cleaning the house tonight so it can get dirty tomorrow.
  6. Is it time for the party yet?
  7. WTF..you edited your post to reply to me? Have you been drinking, Dan? Thats the first time I've seem someone do that. I hear ya thuogh. It always seems that way with those contests.
  8. Breathe, Dan...breathe :xmas_wink: It's just a giveaway bike. Yes, maybe it is BS, but it's not like they gave you crappy service that you paid alot of $$ for. At first I was like, who the eff is Dan Nielsen? Then I realized that must be YOUR last name. I'm quick like that! :grad:
  9. Do we need to add this icon for times like this? :xmas_wink:
  10. Effen April.... :xmas_wink: Your screen name says it all!
  11. You're no fun. :xmas_wink: (I didn't REALLY think miles per hour. come onnnn! )
  12. I did read the link. Those numbers are the model numbers. BUT, why those numbers? 150mph? 170mph?? I think the longer one (the 170mph) is rated for higher speeds because of it's longer box length. Maybe it doesn't get any sawy over 150mph as where the shorter one might. :xmas_wink:
  13. I was JUST thinking that! Whatup Jason, you off today and surfing the net like crazy or what?
  14. That's how fast you can tow em before they start coming apart.
  15. Hey if anyone has any decent DVD flicks, bring em over. I think Bad Santa would be a great hoiday movie to throw on sometime throughout the night while
  16. What's Wha'st? He meant California Oranges (his wife)
  17. Are you freakin kidding me? You don't have to ask! We'd love to have you guys too! Tell 9digit, JJ, & B-rad if you talk to them as well unless they already saw the post. See you guys there! :xmas_wink:
  18. He still doesn't know until he gets a copy of the police report. I'll let you know as soon as I hear.
  19. I posted what happened in this post.
  20. right on, cool! and yes...ICE. We will need some. PM sent :xmas_wink:
  21. There is a mix of people on that site...some good, some fools. You are gonna get that though when you have 11,000 people in one spot. I usually only frequent that site for the classifieds or for tech help (since there are so many peeps to help. When all else fails...click here.
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