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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. HAHA...good times last night! Chase, I have your wallet. You left it on the table. The waitress said, "here's that drunk guy's wallet...he left it here." You were waaaasted! I told you that you could crash on my couch, but then your cousin picked you up. Thank God. I didn't want a chit talker puking all over my house. J/K I'm glad you had a good time. It was fun. BTW, everyone...Chase laughes like a wounded sheep or goat. That was hilarious!
  2. yeah, he should be home today and he said he'd be able to get online and read all the stuff we wrote. He can also finally read the T-Day report!
  3. I lost 10 bucks once at gambling. I was pissed off. I was 21 and it was the first time and last time I gambled. That was 8 years ago. I haven't gambled since. No thanks...I'll keep my hard earned dollars. you casinos. Sorry...I can't help you with any advice, Travis.
  4. come on!!!!!!!! Wait till sometime next month, THEN it should be. We can't wait.
  5. I'll post up an update for 2 of the tres hermanos..since they didn't. They have moved their trip up to the next weekend. (15th-17th)
  6. PT's on Horizon Ridge! I should be there about 7:30/ 8 o clock.
  7. Another update! And a good one. I just got off the phone with Jeff.... I almost can't believe it, but he has been released from the hospital!! Yes...RELEASED. He is now in good condition and I guess they are letting his back heal w/o surgery and he is in a back brace and walking with a walker. He has to see his doctor when he gets home. I told him to definitely get a second opiion on his back and he agrees. He sounds MUCH better than when I spoke with him over the phone last week. I told him we have all been wishing him the best and that I was glad to hear the good news and that I'd post it up asap for everyone. He told me he asked the doctor when he could ride next. The doctor said 2-3 years and he started laughing at him. He has his father talked into getting a Rhino with some nice suspension so he can at least have some fun while out there other than doing alot of this---> At this point he is really happy to just be out of that hospital. I told him it was very scarey for few days when his condition was so critical...he said "I know...TELL ME ABOUT IT! "
  8. i hear ya, Bob. The link I sent with the pics are pictures of Trex BEFORE he added the turbos. Then the car's name became TTrex. (Twin Turbo) I thought you just wanted to mostly see the car. I'll dig up some TT pics.
  9. ^^ This guy is 21 for ONE day and he's already talking sh*t like he is one of us OLD people. I thought OLD people weren't cool, Chase??
  10. First off, the trans was STOCK. Seems pretty stout holding up to 1000+ HP. If it had the parts in it that the guy said it would- it would have held up. His new motor will be putting out even more power and he'll be running the TH400. Second- it is a V8Rail, not a Sandrocket I have some pics here of TRex the first day he took it out to the dunes. Third- his car is duneable, and when I say duneable- doesn't overheat, has idle quality, power anywhere you need it, dunes and handles awesome, etc. Have you seen his new car he's building? ----->click V8Rail's website Sorry RhinoKing
  11. yes my a$$ still hurts from the heater repair bill- as anyone's would And yes, for you...rent is still $600 / night, but that doesn't include the sticker, hat, gas, food, etc- only a bed, a lil bit of heat, and a shitter
  12. I am planning on making it out the weekend of Dec 15th-17th. I should be getting there Friday early evening sometime maybe like 6-7PM. I am looking forward to a nice quiet off-weekend out there without all the crazyness. B) Who else is going out?
  13. Yeah he smoked that turbo 400 last trip out...BUT, that was after adding more power, bigger tires, and come to find out the trans guy that built it never put in the beefed up parts that he said he did. So basically it was a stock turbo 400 holding up to 1000 hp. I know this probably sounds like to some, but it really is true. That car has some real hp, not Glamis hp.
  14. even if someone had it, we were already too full from the coco and chocolate milk!
  15. It musta been the "next camp over"
  16. 5 beers? That's it? :fro: I thought you were gonna "show us guys how to drink"?? You are gonna need to drink more than 5 beers to show us that.
  17. As for me, my plans are kinda up in the air right now. I am thinking of making it. As much as I say I don't feel like doing the big holiday weekends anymore, New Years usually isn't too bad. If anything I will definitley be there for Saturday for the day. I will know closer to New Years though.
  18. fk that ...you buy your own beer, "Mr. I'm all grown up now and am a big boy who's LEGAL to drink" How bout this...I've got your first beer?
  19. oh come on you two!! 140 MPH??? My car feels fast, but 140 mph??? COME ON!!! You can't tell the difference?? I hope you can. :fro:
  20. oh God, don't start that again. My hitch is just fine. My truck barely squats now with the new equalizer hitch after the trailer is loaded up. Kitcat... -I'd definitely go a little bigger than you need, but don't go TOO BIG. -Try finding one used first- you will save thousands for the same thing -Definitley get a front bedroon- they rock! -built in gennies are very conveinant as well -try and get a toyhauler that has darker color flooring. Light color linolium (sp?) shows tire marks like crazy
  21. Terry I will do whatever I can to try and make the next meeting with you as well. It just depends on how busy I am at work whether or not I can take a Tuesday off. I will try my hardest though.
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