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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Who's up for drinks this week on Wednesday instead of Thursday? I forgot that Anna & I have tickets to Slightly Stoopid on Thurs at the HOB. No TT for me this week. TT will now be WW (Wasted Wednesday) Chase, are you up to it for Wed instead?
  2. dunefreak

    In Ohio

    12 degrees? screw that! I'm planning a trip out to D on the weekend of the 15th. Can u make it?
  3. We know YOU might be carefull enough and old enough to play w/ matches...it's the other ones that might not. I still don't know what a SOBE bomb OR a "DDR camp" is. We sit aroung the fire eating s'mores and singing hymns at night. We wouldn't ever engage in such dangerous acts. Sometimes we have hour long discussions of whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. :dance: Those are some serious shananigans when that happens!!! But SOBE bombs...no way!
  4. yeah in the series of a list of stuff, etc etc etc
  5. Sobe bomb? What's thaaaaaaaaaaaat?
  6. you haven't ever heard of etc. before? etcetera: et·cet·er·a / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[et-set-er-uh, ‑se-truh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -er·as. 1. a number of other things or persons unspecified. 2. etceteras, extras or sundries. come on
  7. Well here is the most duneable 1000+ hp car I have ever seen. Turbo 400 trans too.
  8. ???????????? A little late for that don't you think?
  9. I was waiting to hear from his wife. Last I talked to her was when I posted up his last report. I just got off the phone with her though and good news- he has improved. He pulled out of that last scare. Some of the blood clots have cleared up. I didn't get too many other details than that. It was just good to hear he is improving from the critical condition he has been in. It will be a long road to recovery though. They still haven't even been able to do anything about his back due to his condition. She said he is awake and would love to hear from me. I'll be giving him a call (in his hospital room) when I get a chance shortly. I was thinking the same thing. It has been an extremely tough time for her and the rest of the family in this tough time. I could hear it in her voice. I was gonna ask her the next time I talk to her if she wanted to set up a paypal account that we could donate to in order to help out any way. I'll keep you guys posted.
  10. No biggie if you can't, Gerrit. I thought it was on digital. I don't know that would be uploaded to your computer unless you have the software to do it. Don't sweat it if it's a pain to do.
  11. I'm still trying to figure out why you posted this in SANDRAIL TALK....but ok!!!! :mischevious: I saw those welds in person. They did seem a bit thin....almost like solder. :argue: I'd give him a call. I bet he'll stand behind it and take care of it for you- hopefully.
  12. My car reads about 120+ on the speedo. No really it does. Did I mention my speedo is off quite a bit because of the sprocket and trie size compared to a Busa street bike? Yeah it is. :mischevious: I think my car goes about Mutha Bitchezz. :fro: :argue: It's fast enough. :fro: I am guestimating about 65-ish though if Tim's car is 75. He gets me by about 4-5 cars every time. We won't even talk about Randog's damn rocket ship car. :argue: :fro: We need to bring the radar gun out next trip, Tim. You said you have one right?
  13. nope, you don't get another ride- you were mean!! :argue: ok, ok, I'll bring you back out one of these days :mischevious:
  14. We can upload that video to the server if you can send it too me, Gerrit. That might be kinda interesting to see. Let me know if you can mail me a copy on a cd. :mischevious:
  15. What group has come forward with this idea of getting dumpsters? The BLM? TRT? So far it seems the concensus is NO DUMPSTERS. What problem are they trying to fix? Trash? I really don't see trash as that much of a problem. Even as much trash as I sometimes see left behind- I think it always gets picked up by duners. Oh and the other topic at hand that was brought up (paved road)- HELL NO! Haven't you guys ever heard the saying?....."Good roads bring bad people...bad roads bring good" :mischevious: It's true!
  16. Terry, I understand you guys do post up when the meetings are- I even said that. I merely made a suggestion that maybe you could also post up what is on the agenda for the next meeting. This way the people that can't make it could give their comments by submitting letters or give them to you guys to bring up at the meeting.
  17. :icon_twisted: no, not a HONEY- DO -LIST...only a "damn I gotta get some stuff done list", but never a "honey-do-list"
  18. exactly If two guys, one who's bored in front of his computer one day in his den wanted to start a Dumont website and one with a little time on his hands and some computer knowledge at a job that he hates :icon_twisted: , could get out word about a Dumont site and help it grow into what is today.....then a group of individuals can definitely do the same for TRT and FoDD. We are willing to help, but we need some input. If letters are what will help, we'll try and get word out to everyone that letters are needed. Like ISBB said, communication is needed. Just let everybody know on DDR and I am sure it will get done even if it's a small percentage of the active peeps here on DDR. It will be a start.
  19. ohhhhhhhhh ....I see how it is. You can plan a trip with all your OTHER buddies, but not us. OK, I see...uh huh!!! gimme a f*ckin break! :icon_twisted:
  20. Since it hasn't gotten too far into the poll yet, i changed/added to that question, Vicki. :icon_twisted:
  21. :icon_twisted: how about we try and give the poor guy some input on Raptor tohaulers?
  22. I don't think that any more resources (BLM rangers) are necessarily needed. They just need to actually enforced this stuff. SAND~SNAKE & I went over to the ranger station over T-Day weekend and discussed the problem with rebar. They said thanks for bringing it to our attention. This wasn't any item they were aware of already????? It didn't sound like they were gonna do anything about it. Do you think that a letter to the TRT or Bartow BLM would help them actually do their job or would it just piss them off and make em write more tickets for blue tail lights? I'll try and think of something constructive to jot down before the next meeting that might help though. I understand your frustration though, John. Everyone wants to help, but very few actually do anything. (Just like all the people at comp that give us blank stares when we are slaving away at picking up THIER trash) Education is key though. Not everyone knows where to write letters to and what is helpful info for these meetings. Maybe let everyone know about the meetings (which you already do) and tell them if they can't make it to submit a letter of what they think needs addressing or any ideas that may help. I am not sure your rant is directed at mainly the dumpster issue or if it's everything else too. and BTW, you didn't offend me. You only made me write a whole bunch :icon_twisted:
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