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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I stumbled upon this guy's pics on GD. this is from the jump behind Olds... OUCH! He takes some pretty sweet pics...here's his web link.
  2. Sounds pricey. But we have a buddy with an injected turbo VW. It runs pretty damn good. The injection makes it run real well and it's more reliable than the carbs if you go that route.
  3. Way cool, Mike. You're gonna have a blast! Congrats
  4. Way cool, Jon! I wish I could have made it out to see. You build some sick, fast cars. I remember your Grand National out there...sitting at the line waiting for it to spool up and BLAM- you friggin launch!
  5. Damn. That should make for some nasty power! That thing almost looks big enough for a truck! BTW, I saw that bike out at the hill on T-Day.
  6. "07 honda 450 vs 03 predaturd 500"????
  7. oh, ok. From the other pic it looked like his. Now that I see the other one you posted- it doesn't so much look like his anymore.
  8. OHHH sure! Plan another 2 wheeler trip the weekend I can't go!
  9. That's if I go. I might have some other plans, but if I make it you will definitley get a from me!
  10. for old time's sake and yeah...kinda bored. Our parts dept sucks.
  11. unless you are in a Rhino :fatdance: The ride with mfdesigns was hilarious over T-Day...but still fun! We were gaining on a standard travel buggy through the whoops to comp. You shoulda seen it!
  12. go past comp? That's the directions to the south pole. I even knew where it was and you confused ME. :fatdance:
  13. She was asking about the NORTH pole.
  14. Rhino King is confused as well... ...BUT he has bought the SU car now. He was just toying with several ideas. Thats why he posted up the extreme. yes, but start a thread about it. (I don't wanna hijack RK's thread)
  15. Damn, I missed all this last night. :fatdance: :fatdance: <----here's Chase on his tricycle :fatdance:
  16. I KNOW you aren't talking to me....because I don't own a Honda. :fatdance: :fatdance: I take it you were wanting to quote 1Bad4FiddyinLv? :fatdance:
  17. It was my pleasure, Dave! Goods times on that buggy ride! Say...that isn't 80grits purple bike in the background is it? :fatdance:
  18. Damn, I take that back. I just realized tonight that I have to work that weekend on the 9th. :fatdance: :fatdance: :fatdance: For those that go out that weekend, have fun, be safe, and take some good pics, peeps! Sorry, Rhino King, I wish I could be there for the maiden voyage/ shakedown run of the new SU car. :fro: I am probably gonna plan a nice off-weekend trip for Dec 15th-17th. We'll see. :fatdance:
  19. I am thinking of trying to make it that weekend now. It depends on how much I can get done this weekend.
  20. You'll find that alot with him. :xmas_cool:
  21. Unfortunatley no good news yet....only worse. Carrie (his wife) just called me back after I tried to get a hold of Jeff earlier in his hospital room. He is still in critical condition in ICU. They started the blood thinners yesterday to attempt to rid the blood clots. Since Tuesday he started going insane. He had only had literally a couple hours of sleep in a few days. He started becoming dillusional (sp?) and tried getting up out of bed, ripping his IV's out, screaming, and flat out not making sense. They put him in restraints fearing for he might break his back even more and cause extreme damage, paralysis, etc. At this point they aren't even worried about his back. They are just trying to save his life. There were many items I can't remember that Carrie told me they have been doing to treat him. I can't remember all of them though. They have sedated (or inidated? I can't remember the word) him and he is being monitered hoping that the blood thinners thin out the blood clots and then his body will just absorb them. It is very scary hearing this kind of thing. This kind of accident shows you how dangerous our sport/ hobby is and that such a little accident can be so serious. I hope the very best for Jeff and his family and that he pulls through this. Carrie is holding it together pretty good and the hospital staff seem optimistic. Let's all hope and pray for the best for Jeff and his family in this tough time. I told Carrie if there is ANYTHING we can do to help...to please let me know. She said she will let me know of any news that comes about.
  22. WHAT??? Thirsty Thursday...yes- it's tonight...yes- it's at Hot Rod Grill (about 8ish) ......no hot rods...just alot of drinks. come on!!!!!! :xmas_wink: :xmas_cry: Lets do it! :xmas_cool: :xmas_tongue: :xmas_cool:
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