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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. OK guys, here's where we'll be camped for the Buggy Roundup. We'll be camped in C-6 on the grid map. It's mostly hard packed in this area so there shouldn't be any issues of anyone getting stuck. There's usually decent cel reception there too as far as Verizon goes. Here's an interactive Google Map of the camp area.
  2. Too late, I already bought the GC2's from Costco. They've always been a good battery for me. Besides, I have no idea where they even sell Trojan batteries.
  3. buggy friends ride Man that's a huge bummer, but you'll get it Jason. So have you checked for power and injector pulse to the injectors and is it not getting injector pulse? I wonder if it is a theft issue with the ECM that is inhibiting the injectors from firing. Is it a new ECM from your last car or the same?
  4. Right? lol Already had this discussion with Anna tonight. Hmm, I think there may be a little light at the end of the tunnel for that as long as we don't incorporate a couple things that require a permit. More on that later. In the meantime, we're duning soon! Really looking forward to this trip.
  5. Well good news. After faxing over 25 pages of permit application information to BLM earlier today, they called me shortly after to say we're good to go. I can even advertise for it. They just needed to know the details. I learned a little bit more today about the BLM and the permits. I'm glad to find out they aren't out to get us like it had seemed. It's much easier to work together than against each other. With that said, Buggy Roundup is a GO. Looking forward to hanging out with everyone from previous years as well as meeting some new faces for the 4th Annual trip. It looks like we'll have a good group so far. Thanks for the support, guys.
  6. So I'm not sure who the the geniuses were that went to the BLM visitor center over Thanksgiving weekend asking about the buggy roundup for info, but they have thrown a big wrench into the plans of this casual and fun group dune trip. BLM has contacted me to fill out a special recreation permit for this "event". It never was even considered an event, but because we advertised for it and people started asking questions it has thrown a red flag like it is big production. So now I must fill out special recreation permit application and hope they tell us we do not require a permit to go have fun in the sand as a group of friends. I am cooperating with BLM and will submit all the necessary paperwork and will keep you all in the loop. You've got no idea how upset I am with this whole situation. I will keep you all in the loop though. So if you are wondering why everything related to this trip got taken down from the site and our Facebook, that's why. We can't advertise for it. Regardless of what happens, I am duning that weekend.
  7. Thanksgiving at Dumont is more than just a holiday weekend. It's a holiday week. Duners started rolling in as early as Sunday in preparation for the big holiday in the sandbox. The early birds were no turkeys for getting there before the crowds. The dunes were still in great shape and offered some great duning and tranquility. As the week went by, the dunes became more and more tracked out, but they were never super busy all at once. Thanksgiving may draw a large crowd, but it is usually spread out. Duners have the the long weekend to play so there is no rush to get out and pound the dunes like you see on weekends like Halloween or President's. There is plenty of time to relax or goof off in camp. By the time Thursday rolled around, the camp area was filling in, but was significantly less people than Halloween weekend. As seen from the dunes above, the Dune Masters and Sandpipers' camp was easy to spot. Every year they are, by far, one of the largest camps out there. Thursday was an extremely mellow day. After all, it was Thanksgiving! Feasts were prepped and turkeys were dropped in the cookers. The one thing about Thanksgiving that is unlike any other day at the dunes is the smell. You can literally drive through the camp area and smell all the food cooking. Once it was time to eat, camps sat down together in true Thanksgiving tradition. Those turkey comas didn't stop some duners from having fun though. Unfortunately, Friday morning started off with a Blackhawk medevac hovering over the dunes behind Banshee Hill. There was a bad accident with a truck crashing and landing upside down in the early morning hours. Full story here, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/news/truck-crashes-in-dunes-requiring-rescue-thanksgiving-weekend-r103/ There were a bunch of duners in the dunes on Friday making for some tracked out dunes. Some chose to avoid the rutted sand by kicking back at Comp Hill to watch the annual waterpumper hill climbs hosted by the DuneMasters and Sandpipers Club. As mentioned earlier, there wasn't quite as much action as Halloween weekend, but there was still that Dumont holiday buzz in the air. It's a wonderful sound. Once the sun went down, the party began. Fireworks and lights lit the camp area up. Saturday's great weather allowed for some more fun in the sun. The waterpumpers drew quite the crowd along the back stretch of sand highway for the sand drags. As the day wound down, the weather kicked up. Someone must have mentioned that W word! Around 5PM, 50-60+ mph gusts came up out of nowhere, whipping through camp forcing duners to retreat to their trailers and RVs. Many people got caught right in the middle of it while they were out in the dunes and at vendor row when it hit. Getting back to camp was a challenge since it was a complete white out! There was almost zero visibility but everyone managed to get back safely one way or another. Then just as quickly as the "W" came, it subsided. It only lasted a few hours. Shortly after 9PM, flags were barely dancing in the breeze. As duners cautiously made their way back outside, they got their campfires built back up to stay warm. Sunday morning was epic. Mother nature had smoothed out the hammered dunes. The skies were blue, but not for long. Partially cloudy skies quickly turned into ominous clouds and the storm made a comeback. And just like that, the beautiful morning turned into another sand storm. That's Dumont for ya! It just goes to chow how quickly the weather can change out there. That's a wrap for Thanksgiving Weekend 2016. Hopefully everyone had a great weekend. Thanks to all of those who submitted the great photos, videos, and updates from your weekend. Thanksgiving 2016 Community Album http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/gallery/category/27-thanksgiving-2016/ Post Your Trip Reports and Photos
  8. Yeah how did it do this weekend? You get it all together?
  9. Great report and pics, Jodi. Not one detail seemed to be left out. haha I wish I could have made it out. Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend.
  10. I was unable to attend since my day trip to Dumont got canceled, but here is an update from @sand chick.
  11. dunefreak

    Windy As Hell

    Thanks for the update, Joseph.
  12. Well our trip got cancelled. No dunes for us this weekend.
  13. http://www.kyma.com/news/imperial-county/iv-plane-crash-claims-life-of-one-person/184823663
  14. Oh no that's terrible. Never met him but I have heard that name many many times throughout my years at the dunes. Rest in pace.
  15. Yes it was lost at Dumont. Good news, this was posted on our Facebook page. People who found the dog are by bathroom 10 where they have a huge bright light. They were gonna go leave their # at the Ranger station. Hope this helps.
  16. Post up your pics and weekend highlights. There was a great crowd at the hill on Friday for the hill climbs. This pic reminds me of when everyone used to race on the left side of comp. Then one day everyone sorta just turned to the right and started racing over there instead. Photos by @Kingcar64 Here's the views from Comp Hill on Friday late afternoon thanks to @tfred on our Instagram.
  17. Nothing yet. Working on it but haven't got anything.
  18. Helicopter was called in for an accident at comp. No other details as of yet. Be careful out there guys!
  19. Pretty scary looking crash! I hope the passenger is ok. I will keep this updated if I hear anything else. So far it sounds like the passenger was airlifted out with no feeling in his lower extremities but that is just what I heard.
  20. Vote for December DPOM. HawaiianstyleLV Ron0263 P-rot ynot vegas style
  21. Cool, Mike. Looking forward to meeting you guys too.
  22. Pork butt did a wheelie! WOO! Thanks for the reports, Jodi.
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