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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. wtf?? Are you talking to yourself? Or did you realize after the fact of posting?
  2. not really, chuck. Maroon, light blue and silver?
  3. I do have to admit though, those colors aren't working together. I wasn't looking at the colors at first though. Looks like a nice car other than that.
  4. Hmm... tech on Friday night down on Water St? I am thinking about it. I might make it down there to check some stuff out and mayyybe, just mayyybe have a beer..............or 8.
  5. ^ go figure. Probably because it doesn't have any stars on it. :jester:
  6. I can understand how worried you could have been. As for calling your wife a dumbass, that seems a bit harsh and disrespectful don't you think? Glad to see you were ok after such a crazy launch off comp! Oh and BTW, you and your husband need different screen names. I was getting confused reading the posts! :jester: On a different subject, but same thread.... As for the discussion of cage safety, PLEASE don't start that crap again you guys- not here. This thread is for THANKSGIVING REPORTS! Start a thread about it in sandrail talk and keep it cool w/o all the arguing again like the last time. :fro:
  7. Oh my god, guys. That is horrible and very sad to hear. My thoughts go out to the DSD crew and all the rest of Terry's friends and family. At least he died doing what he loved and will be remembered by fellow duners.
  8. Damn! I DID see you! Sanddunesaddict & I were over there on Raptors (wearings jackets for a dune ride). I was on a black Raptor (almost stock) and he was on a blue Raptor (also alomst stock). We even commented on your bike. We were like , "Hey that bike was teh bike on DDR somewhere with the loose a$$ chain in teh pic!" I can't believe we missed that it was you! And you were even wearing a DDR shirt too you said huh? double---> :yeah_whatever:
  9. Gee that's great to know, but I was never UNDER IT. :yeah_whatever: The post was for everyone else, not you. COME ON!!!! Now I'm gonna dance.... "awww shiat..Mutha Bitchezzzzz!!"
  10. I just wanted to clarify why it was closed and now it's back open. 10Q e-mailed me cause he thought I was pissed and closed it. Way not true! :yeah_whatever:
  11. whoa...guys guys guys...You are all reading way to into this. Just because someone we don't know jumps in on the sh*t talk, doesn't mean he means it all. Everyone else needs to have fun too. Neither Ross&Alice OR 10Q ever said anything that pissed me off or broke any rules. This topic never should have gotten taken seriously or closed for that matter. I don't know Ross OR 10Q personally, but I know they weren't serious or meaning any harm. Everyone has to have their fun. Wow, the red rooster thread might hold the trophy for "most drama in fewest posts award"! OK, everyone ready?????
  12. I just got off the phone with Jeff. He said he is in alot of pain. It sounded like it too. :yeah_whatever: He is keeping a good attitude though. He said he can't stand hospitals and the worst part about it is that he can't get on DDR. He was glad to hear from me. I told him we all wished him our best and that we had a great time camping together at Dumont. I am gonna call him the next day or so and see how he is doing. I'll keep you all posted. Keep those prayers coming everybody!!
  13. As some of you all know crawlinxj (Jeff) broke his back over Thanksgiving weekend. He was transported to the hospital. I just got off the phone with his wife and she gave me the latest.... Since the accident his condition hasn't really improved too much. When his leg went under the axle, it didn't break or show any signs of major injury. However there was so much trauma to his leg that it caused blood clots in his leg that traveled up into his lungs. He now has MANY blood clots in his lungs and some still in his leg. They were going to do surgery a couple days ago, but they waited. Good thing too, because doctors believe he wouldn'thave made it through surgery. They have brough in specialists to make sure every possible move that is made is the right one at this point. They have put off the surgery for now and x-rays have shown that the bone(s) haven't shifted at all so that good. (It was his L1 that he broke) Doctors are taking it hour by hour at this point due to the number of blood clots he has in his lungs. He is on blood thinning medication. His leg is in alot of pain and they know he is NOT paralyzed because he can wiggle his feet and toes. At this point we can all only pray and hope for the best for Jeff. His wife said he was very curious what everyone has had to say on DDR ( ) and he hopes to be able to talk to me over the phone. He also said he had so much fun camping with us over Thanksgiving. She gave me his hospital room phone number and I will give him a call real soon. GET BETTER SOON, JEFF!!! :yeah_whatever:
  14. It doesn't bother me one bit. All I hear is blah blah blah. :yeah_whatever:
  15. Bull? ahh whatever. You won't see me there. I am not going that weekend.
  16. Damn. We did it again. Travis, it might still be a bit rough out there. Last weekend the dunes were tore up! Tracks EVERYWHERE! Hopefully Dumont gets some wind this week to smooth things out for ya. Be carefull. Out towards the north pole there were a couple new holes that we came up on.
  17. Hey Sean. I was over at Banshee Hill looking for you Saturday AM but I forgot what kind of bike you had. Which one was it? I did have the banner up at our camp and we were just about a couple hundred feet from bathroom 6...no big balloon this time though. Sorry we missed you, maybe next time.
  18. dayummmm :shoot: :shoot: This thread has officially been hijacked now! :smoker:
  19. We already are happy and have been, Chase! Nobody was angry in the first place...just some miscommunication. I can't beleive this thread keeps getting bumped back up. :shoot: Just make it go away! :no_no: j/k Stupid red rooster thread!!!
  20. I don't recall Travis asking about household chores. :shoot: :smoker: I probably won't go back out at least for a couple weeks from now. My wallet needs a break. :shoot:
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