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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. oh and by the way, thanks Chris, but I won't need it now. I have 500 dollar heat! If anyone wants to hang out in my toyhauler while the heater is on... it's gonna be like 20 bucks an hour, ok? :chev_bowtie:
  2. Yep, well I just picked it up. My heater works now, but my a$$ is bleeding a lil bit. I asked them if it is normal for a brand new heater to go out only after about 3-4 times of use. He said, uhhhhh yep. :chev_bowtie: WTF???? I said "yyyyeah? WTF do you mean "yeah"???? So Forest River wouldn't waranty such a repair even though it is just barely out of warranty and it obviously failed because of manufacturer defect?" He said, "NOPE." I continued to explain that my last toyhauler's heater was used for 4 years straight with no problem. I sold it, bought a $30,000+ toyhauler, used the heater 3 or 4 times, and now when it goes out the manufacturer isn't gonna stand behind their product only being out of warranty by a month or two? He pretty much ignored me and got the card swiper out and continued to tell me the totoal cost of 457 dollars and 27 cents. All I said was "unf*ckinbelievable! " I paid the bill and drove home pissed off as all hell. It's a good thing it's Thursday. I'm gonna need it tonight.
  3. Check it out...I'm gettin a$$ pumped. I took it into DKRV this AM. They got a look at it (for a price) and called me just now. It's the electronic ignition board. It is gonna be about $450 parts & labor. I am gonna be on the phone tomorrow AM w/ Forest River. My hauler is just out of warranty (by about a month or two). I can't beleive they don't take care of this. The auto industry is way different. People have blown their friggin motor up at 80,000 miles (well after the 36,000 mile warranty) and we have warrantied it for FREE! So much for karma! Oh well, it will be ready tonight so I am gonna just gonna pay the price to have it for T Day and have heat and try to get full or partially reimbursed by Forest River later. ....or I'll just keep bitchen about it until it doesn't hurt anymore. :chev_bowtie:
  4. Crow makes em to---> click
  5. I ordered mine at the SSSS last year from DJ Safety. The page for arm restraints isn't working though. :chev_bowtie: I'd just give em a call. The guy at the shgow was very helpfull and they'll know what you need if you tell them the color you want and type of belts you currently have. And yes, they are becoming more common. Safety first!
  6. Sounds cool, Dan :chev_bowtie: See you there about 7 ish. PM me if you wanna exchange numbers so we know who to look for.
  7. well yeah....it's not suppossed to hinder your driving abilities! :chev_bowtie: I have wrists retraints. I need to start using them.
  8. Yeah, you are more of a pink guy.
  9. it should be a law for dogs to have to wear helmets too! :freakin_nuts:
  10. Really? I didn't think you were that old...not that 37 is old.
  11. Congrats, Kirk! What did you get....come on!!!!!??????????????
  12. Have fun and be safe, Mike, and everyone else that is going. Take some pics! :freakin_nuts:
  13. I wasn't complaining...just stating an obveravtion was all.
  14. I could barely see anything in th epics so I brightened them up a bit. I bet you are stoked for next week huh Don? :freakin_nuts:
  15. You can't tell if a car has power from a picture. Just because it can go up a big hill doesn't mean it's fast. :freakin_nuts: Stop thinking Rhinos and start thinking RAILS. In my opinion, even with a turbo that is alot of car for that motor. I's go w/ a Honda 3.5L before an Ecotec and they aren't too uch different in price from what I have seen.
  16. Yep, that's what I am talking about^^ BTW, it says you are 37 in your profile. I was like, damn he can't be that old.
  17. NEW WEEK! Who's down for a few? :freakin_nuts: PT's on Horizon Ridge...7 ish?
  18. that's right...blink your eyes and you'll be 30! It goes by a LOT faster than you think it will!
  19. :freakin_nuts: I'm keeping my mouth shut on this one!
  20. ^^ This is exactly the kind of 20/21 year old attitude I am talking about.
  21. I have heard that that Ecotec motor is pretty gutless and that you have to run the crap out of it like Mike said. :freakin_nuts: Is it even turboed?
  22. That's good to hear, Ash. I know what you mean. No dune trips w/o ynot for a while. :freakin_nuts: That sucks. Walt and I were gonna go visit him last night but he was sore and wanted some rest. Walt said he might come home tonight. Did he? Or is he staying another day?
  23. What kind of trucks were they? and what color?
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