come on!!!! :bash:
crawlinxj------spaghetti salad and bbq and deep fryer plus 1 turkey going in the oven
dunefreak-----hawaiian rolls and corn on the cob, grill, 1 turkey and fryer
Don29palms-- Cake and -------------------- you know!
Sincity_blondie...utensils, plates, napkins, 2 turkeys, oil, and a PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE
sand snake----mashed potatos and gravy
sand queen-----nacho cheese and chili dip
2 potlucks sound good to me! Let's make it official then. One Thursday for T-Day for whoever is there in camp, and one Saturday for whatever. I guess we would need two lists, but ahh whatever- just post up what you'll bring for both days if you will be there for both.