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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. :no_no: That's right, Gerald!! Priorities first, then Jon can figure out what he is gonna do for wheels after you guys go duning!
  2. I saw a DS with a Busa in it at comp. I am not sure if it was turboed, but it might have been the same bike. This one definitely needed more tire. He spun the crap outta those paddles and didn't really go that fast up comp.
  3. Basically edits any posts needing editing for content. They can delete posts, move topics, and a have a few other permissions. They help the admins make sure that the type of content on this board stays within the limits of the rules.
  4. He's had an issue with his back for some time. I am not sure what exactly, but he has been planning to get this surgery done for a while now.
  5. This makes sense now because I was camping with Walt and I was wondering why he'd be trying to find me for a ride. :north_pole:
  6. oops, sorry Jon. :north_pole: You guys and your damn number screen names. b370, 1320
  7. Wow, thanks for sharing the story, Walt. I am glad he is ok. You have to treat every ride, even a quick short one, as safe as possible.
  8. Welcome to the site! Only some of DDR camp together, but for those that do we will be just past bathroom 6 somewhere/ close to the last finger dune. We should have our banner up and possibly a big giant gay looking balloon. Stop on by and say hi.
  9. Turbo kits (along with an injection kit for the 660's) have also been around for a while now. Sanddunesaddict used to not shut up about em. :shocked2: I can't see how that would be dune-able though. I would guess it is only for the hill shooters. Seems like you'd get some turbo-lag with that making it too much damn work to dune.
  10. Welcome to the site. I'll probably see u out there over T-Day. I've seen that camp with the crane numerous times beofre.
  11. exactly...friggin off topic people! :shocked2: I tried getting it back on topic but then you changed it up again!
  12. From the thread on DSD it looks like the rider hit a burm from a kiddie track! :shocked2: It's very sad to see how somebody else's ignorance and neglect can cause a death to someone else. If you have kids and they make a kiddie track that causes these worm holes/ burms/ holes/ etc...PLEASE LEVEL THEM OUT BEFORE YOU LEAVE! They are extremely dangerous and can obviously kill a rider that comes up on them. On Saturday, I noticed that exact burm of sand that the guy was talking about when I drove across the flats in my car. The thing was a huge hole and then a big embankment of sand. I thought to myself, damn that looks dangerous. Sad to see it claimed a life and could have been prevented.
  13. Dayum..you definitely seem to speak from experience! Good advice though, thanks! You can't stop everyone of these thieves, but you can definitley slow em down making time for the owner to step outside :shocked2:
  14. looks powdercoated to me..like that grey/black wrinkle finish powdercoat.
  15. ok cool, let me know if we can go over when I said, like 6 ish.
  16. yeah...that and when we talked about how bad that trailer was swapping on the way out to Dumont! good times :shocked2:
  17. There have been times in the past where we have gone out after a couple few drinks, but in all reality we have done it safely. I don't so much condone it much anymore and try to keep the toys in camp from now on if I choose to drink out there. I have reconsidered the whole drinking and duning thing. It's just not worth it. :shocked2: I'll just stay in camp if I wanna get wasted from now on. Not to sound like a hypocrit, but... Rich, I hear what you are saying, but anyone who drinks on a somewhat regular basis (like only on weekends)....ONE beer isn't gonna be a problem. It's not the best idea to do, but I hear alot of people preach this exact kind of stuff and that they "lock their keys up" after ONE beer. People have a tolerance and know there limits...well responsible people that is. It's just like drinking and driving on the street. There is a legal limit. Some can have one or two if you are responsible about it and can handle it...some can't. You just have to know your limits and be safe.
  18. You're not the only one, Chase. I won't go out anymore after drinking for a while in camp. No way. :shocked2: It's dangerous enough out there...not to mention to consequences you will have to face if you get in an accident under the influence. Even if a couple beers don't make you impaired, you might be facing some serious time in jail if you happen to get in an accident. You could not even be at fault and the cops will point the finger at you since you have any amount of alcohol in your system. I'd rather be safe than sorrry.
  19. I'm bringing this thread back to the top. I'll add another one to this topic: As bad as everyone makes the wind or occasional crappy weather out to be at Dumont, I love it. It brings everyone together to congregate in a toyhauler and share some good laughs. We did this last weekend when the wind picked up. As bad as the weather can get...nothing better than hanging out with some good peeps to pass the time w/ some goooood laughs. :shocked2:
  20. What hospital is he at? I doubt I can do lunch, but it would be cool if we could go down after work...like after 6 ish.
  21. Thanks for the update, Walt! I am glad to hear everything went smoothly and wish him a speedy recovery. When are you going to the hospital to visit him? I'd like to go if it is ok and it is a time that I can make it. Let me know. :shocked2:
  22. I'd jump on that one, Kenny. That looks like a sweet a$$ deal!
  23. Wow...only a little more than a week to go! I am looking forward to doing alot of duning , but mostly getting some relax time in and hangin w/ some good peeps. This is my vacation for the year. I don't get many days off and Turkey Day week is my chance to sit back in the toyhauler, grub , drink some cold beer, and watch some movies before the crazy crowd rolls in...then it's party time.
  24. I didn't see that car. As for the helicopter story...I member on DSD told me what happened. It was a guy from Utah that was camped with him. The guy was apparently drinking and crashed only about 200 feet from his camp. He was wearing a helmet and suffered some major injuries. "They said that pretty much of all his injuries were internal, he had a colapsed lung in the parking lot, and when they landed in Vegas his other lung colapsed." He died at the hospital. ...very sad to hear these kind of stories. This is a reminder how dangerous drinking and riding can be. You just never know what is gonna happen. Be careful people!
  25. blah blaaaahhhh blaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
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