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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thanks for the update, Jonathan. It's good to hear he is improving. I hope he recovers ok. If there is anything we can do to help please let us know and keep us updated on his condition!
  2. yes indeed they are! No prob Joe! I am thinking of adding one of those soft tool bags to my trunk. I have plenty of room back there for tools, but they will just be rattling all to hell if I just throw em back there.
  3. might be pricey though, don't you think?
  4. powder coat the MOTOR!!??? Do you know a tweeker that is gonna take care of that for you? j/k That just seems like ALOT of work, Mike.
  5. I think she was referring to bearfootbob's comment, Heather. V
  6. No more 3 wheeler duning, Mike? Congrats on the new bike, dude.
  7. Anytime there's an open seat, Gerald, no problem. I wish I could have taken you for a longer ride. There's always next time.
  8. I paid like $65 /each. Read the post. Let me know if you want me to pick some up. As for the #3 thing....it's because member #1 is a general admin account and #2 is ISBB because he was the one who set up the forum software, der. That leaves me for #3. It's really not that big of a deal. Tim, you have to find something to occupy your time during the day. Do you ponder these types of things daily? Mutha Bitchezzzzz
  9. No, I either keep em on or just use the latch w/o a lock while in transit.
  10. ^^ anyyyways... Times change..it sucks, but it's gonna happen. Like you said, we can only try and make the best of it and have fun doing it.
  11. It's ok, I wasn't getting on you about it being discussed before. Just wanted to let ya know. I don't think should ever be dumpsters of any kind out there. I beleive they will cause more harm than good. Unfortunatley there will always be p.o.s. litter bugs out there. There are plenty of people that care about Dumont. Those people just need to start doing more to help the situation like we did last trip out. Even if everyone picked up there trash, don't forget...trash acumulates by accident too. I pick up my trash all the time, but I am sure there are times the wind has taken some of ours out of camp without us knowing. Everyone just needs to care just a LITTLE bit more and it really won't be much of an issue. There are enough people out there that if more people did just a little bit, it would make a huge difference.
  12. This has been discussed before. Dumpsters at Dumont will only cause MORE trash and problems. People just need to take a little more time caring about getting the trash HOME and into their trash cans. It's not that hard. I have been doing it ever since I have been going to Dumont. Even with all those bags of trash from comp in the back of our trucks on the drive home, we managed to get it home no problem without flying out.
  13. Kinda like when I took you out in the rail and you SCREAMED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL??? No, I won't raise that much of a fuss. I have worn a helmet in the past in my rail. It not only helps protect you, but it also helps seal your goggles better and also muffles the loud azz pipe on my car. I might start wearing it more often...especially in the colder months. It also helps keep your head warm!
  14. It's not p*ssy whipped....it's respect for my woman on her BIRTHDAY, dude. Her birthday comes around only once a year, there are plenty of other weekends for Dumont.
  15. Windshield? Your supposed to grab a hold of your harnesses and have them tight as hell. "Oh sh*t bars" are actually dangerous. Talk crap, Cole....see if I bring you out in the rail next trip!
  16. We have talked about the speed limit before here---> http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...p?showtopic=521 Thanks for the reminder though. Some people need it.
  17. Shut yer hole, queen. It's looking like a huge maybe right now. I may just have to wait till Turkey Day to get back out.
  18. Cool! Is that how you found this site? Welcome
  19. Is this your shovel, Craig? The landscaper has it!
  20. I know I know. The story behind the topic was this though... 2 people on the board got into it about there trucks one time. Ya know how it goes....a typical Ford vs Chevy arguement. In this case it was an old azz Dodge vs everyone else's rides. Whatever thread it got started in, it became WAY off topic. Hence the reason this thread was started. I started it for all the truck sh*t talkers, not really because I wanted to talk any smack. In topic it says "who wants to argue about whose truck is better?, lol" Then my first post says..."Not me! " It's all good, Bob. :mc_smiley: Good times...good times :mc_smiley:
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