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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. It's way legible for me. Try holding down CONTROL on your keyboard and scroll the scroller wheel on your mouse. That changes the font size on your pc for some sites.
  2. Gerrit you saw me drive past you and say hi near vendor row right? You were hooking up to a stcuk truck. I wasn't sure if you saw and recognized me or not.
  3. uhhhhhh NO. I am gonna beef up the front end. A rhino won't do what I like to do...dune fast. I like the look on your face when we flew past you in your Rhino in the dunes when we were on a buggy ride on Friday. :redhat:
  4. Thanks, Roy, but I think I am gonna have the front end of my car completely redesigned/ rebuilt with heavier spindles, heims, etc. I appreciate it though.
  5. Me too...I kept looking at the finger dune Saturday expecting you to come cruising down it into camp! :redhat:
  6. First off, welcome to the site. Second, that sounds like it would be nice to do for the people that have past. Where would you think the plaque should go? Out at Dumont somewhere? We could set something up here. Maybe a section of the board or website dedicated to "fallen duners"? It would be a good way to remember those that have died doing what we all love doing. It would hopefully also be a reminder to those that forget how fragile life is and remind everyone to be EXTRA cautious out there.
  7. That was one of my guesses as to what happened ^^
  8. :redhat: Hey, but I do have one up on you!.......Sandrail recovery vehicle! With or without a trailer behind me too. The Dmax did badass this weekend. That thing goes anywhere.....even with a long travel car or trailer strapped to the back of it! :redhat: Jon and I were even talking about your Robbie Gordon trophy truck incident as we were mobbing it through the whoops on the back stretch WITH JoeDuner hooked up behind us. We can do it too!
  9. Yeah I saw it too. I was like are you freakin kidding me? I don't know what happened to it. I saw that it was gone on Saturday.
  10. HOPEFULLY. Rumor has it that he died in the helicopter on the way to the hospital.
  11. This last weekend I noticed so many people out there that are just plain RUDE. There seems to be no respect at all for others. I was roosted ON PURPOSE TWICE this last weekend. The first time was when we were coming back from the DDR buggy ride. Me, Scott, and ynot were taking the finger dune back to camp. We weren't driving like a-holes or anything and when I approached a quad (Banshee) on the top of teh dune I moved over as much as I could leaving plenty of room for the guy to pass safely. When I got to him he didn't move over at all. He looked at me like I was the one with the problem. I went even farther over almost sliding down the dune and went around him. As I got slightly past him he revs the bike and dumps the clutch and tries to roost me. I know it was on purpose too. He was trying to mad dog me and he seemed to have something stuck up his a$$. :redhat: Maybe he was in one of the camps that lined the top of the finger dune with rebar and cones. :redhat: I might have accidentally hit a few of those earlier in the day and he recognized me. A similair situation happened as we came back to camp in sanddunesaddict's car. A guy popping wheelies in between camps almost ran into us. All we did was shake our heads as he pasted us and then he did the same....dumps the clutch and rocked the hell out of us. I hope this doesn't become the mentality of people at Dumont. I try and treat everyone out there like they are friends from our camp. It seems there is a lot of "dune-rage" (like road rage) these days. Everyone wants to fight and cause trouble. All I want to do is go duning and be as safe as possible doing it. This last trip was fun, but I was pretty dissappointed with the people out there. I really really hope it doesn't turn into the Glamis crowd out there.
  12. Wow, sorry to hear about all the broken stuff, including your friend. I hope he recovers ok. By the way, welcome to the forum.
  13. No problem, Michelle. I kinda figured you guys were SOMEONE from DDR. As for the name tags, yes they would help :redhat: , but sometimes everyone just simply needs to introduce themselves.
  14. You saw it happen? How exactly did it crash? Was it how everyone said, rear end over?
  15. Good job, PETE? Good job, everyone! It was Jim (Sand~Snake's) idea. He came back from comp Sunday afternoon and told everyone how much trash was over there. He suggested that we go help pick it up. Everyone hopped on a bike or in the back of my truck and we went over to tackle the problem. I should of stopped by your camp on the way, but it's all good. We had quite a few peeps helping out already.
  16. I'm not sure about 3, but there has been multiple fatalities before from what I have heard. As for the new ride...no. It's just my old 94 YZ250 with new graphics.
  17. The fatalities happen just about every holiday weekend. All of them were accidents. It's just a reminder how dangerous the dunes can be.
  18. On the way back from a ride to the north pole on Saturday, we came up on a bunch of people standing around some wreckage in the dunes near the northwest end kinda near the superbowl. We stopped to see what happen and found out that an ultralight plane had gone down. The pilot's friends said that they didn't know what caused the crash, but the plane took a hard left/ dip and crashed in the dunes. We helped them load the wreckage from the ultra-light into their truck. They told us the pilot broke his leg, had some broken ribs, and cut his head kinda bad and that they were transporting him to the hospital. They were in pretty high spirits about him. They said that he was so happy to have his new toy out and is gonna be so upset that it is destroyed now. We heard from one of the Rangers that the pilot died in transit to the hospital, but it is not confirmed. Hopefully it is just a rumor and he is ok.
  19. Are the parts discontinued from Yamaha? I have had good luck with Bike Bandit. They take a little while to get, but are cheaper than the dealer and can sometimes get stuff that dealers in town can't. Try them out maybe.
  20. I posted up all the pics I took in the gallery ...click here. (There are 3 pages)
  21. nice car! I think I have seen that car before. Welcome to the site too!
  22. That was aweome, Steve! Some of my observations.... -chile and queso make awesome chili cheese burgers :fart: -DDR group rides rock! -racenjasen needs to keep his beers in his cooler, not his underwear -Chicken breasts make giant dust clouds when they land in camp -stanky a$$ C12 gas still works great for Sobe's -dnchevyman and racnjasen can find teh same witches eye/ hole in the dunes on a ride -Jager Man's name is way too fitting -Rhino King CAN actually jump his Rhino...even on a dirtbike jump -Midnight brings a skateboard to the dunes for some reason -My Raptor can jump start my toyhauler generator -Eddie never learns to not pass out around the fire -The DMax dune-limo dunes awesome...even towing Joe Duner's rail -BaBert's giant halogen light comes in handy for way-later-than-planned potlucks -rockinlvhottie..."ghetto" -lindernglamis' dog can make some funny a$$ noises
  23. It hits home pretty hard for me seeing this stuff out there. When we first heard of the crash, cdavego thought he saw Aaron (trickls2racer) out there picking up the belongings from the deceased. All we could think of was that it was someone in his group and the way the car was described it almost sounded like it was limodriver (Tim). Our hearts were racing as a few of us went out to see if that was really the case. Luckily Tim was ok and it was not him. I thought I'd feel alot better at that point when I found out that news, but I didn't. Seeing that rail and imagining what those 2 guys' friends and families have to deal with is terrible. I feel so bad for them as this could happen to anyone of us out there duning. You just never know. Everyone needs to be very carefull when out there. I know I will. Rich, if you or anyone else finds out who the family is and if we can help in any way, yes please let us know.
  24. Cool pics, Ash. It was great seeing you again and the dune ride was fun!
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