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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I doubt I will be able to make it out at all that weekend. It might be a while before the car is fixed too.
  2. Again... I'd like to thank everyone who helped out with cleaning up comp hill this afternoon. We filled up the entire back of my truck with about 7-8 bags of trash. I can't believe some people! First...the people that leave all that trash there in the first place.... ...then all the people that just watched us pick up the trash and not help out at all. A few people and there kids did help us a bit. That was cool to see that SOME people care and wanted to help. Others just sat back and looked at us like we were crazy. At one point, I think it was sand~snake that heard a lady say, "oh look, they have people that come out here and clean this up!" HELLO???? No they don't have people that clean it up...other than 2 volunteers, Don & Ellen (the camp hosts), they don't have anyone other than duners like us that appreciate Dumont and want to take care of the place. You don't sh*t where ya eat, people! I hope more people become pro-active and try and take care of Dumont so we don't have to keep cleaning everyone's crap up! First off, pack it in, pack it EVEN MORE out...that's a no-brainer Second: your last day at the dunes, grab a trash bag and go over to comp and fill your bag up. We took over about 10 of us and it took about 45 minutes WITH TEN PEOPLE. If more people helped out, teh less we would all have to do. Third: If you plan on partying over at comp, bring a trash bag or two with you. Thanks to crazymexeddie, vegas style, racnjasen, and anyone else that threw some trash in the bag of their trucks to haul back home. Even after dispersing the trash to all the trucks, Eddie's truck was STILL full!
  3. yep, I saw those bags on the highway. We picked up quite a bit at comp...enough to fill the entire back of my truck! Something like 7-8 bags of trash.
  4. Yeah, that's why the sides are cut up on the driver's side.
  5. What needs moderating? Besides...I was at Dumont. I already reminded everyone of the forum rules...... The situation has somewhat been resolved. It hasn't gotten any deeper in this thread, so it's no biggie. Thanks for the heads up though. Next time report a post if you feel it needs attention.
  6. No, the arm that comes off the spindle broke. So the actual spindle itself broke. I just replaced it not too long ago too! I wouldn't have to replace the whole thing, but when I was being towed, the spindle shaft snapped because the wheel was being dragged so hard and cocked under the a-arm. (yeah...I said "cocked!") It looks like it wasn't welded good enough. Time to beef this front end up. ugggh
  7. It's cool. It sucks it happened, but I'm glad you got to have some fun it it while it lasted. Much thanks to Dave Larson for helping out with his truck and the rest of the group that helped me get the car back to camp. Oh and I doubt those guys that towed me to the flats are on here, but thanks to them too! oh well, at least it happened at the END of the weekend and not the very beginning. Cole and his cheesy smile,
  8. No biggie, Mike. Actually I did catch you pulling out at the end of the finger dune, but you didn't notice me. I was on my 2 wheeler. You did wave, but I doubt you knew it was me. Regardless, I had a great time hanging out. Can't wait for next time!
  9. Here these pics are a lil bigger and brighter. (Click on them)
  10. Here are the pics... From what I heard and saw, the car when off a pretty steep drop-off at the south west end of the dunes behind comp. The driver must not have seen the drop and the car flipped completely back-end over landing upside down on the cage. The 2 occupants died at the scene. The frame and cage looked pretty stout, but the impact was bad...very bad. I doubt many (if any) cars would have been able to survive that crash. My thoughts go out to the family and friends of the 2 that died. It was a horrible accident. Oh...and for the record, no alcohol was involved in the crash as per one of the rangers at the ranger station. It seems as though it was just a freak accident.
  11. Nice to meet you this weekend, David. Glad you found us. Sucks we didn't go on any rides, but glad you found teh group. Thanks for letting him know where we were, Mike. We were a bit farther down more than usual, but he found us.
  12. I just got back. It was a pretty fun weekend like always. The potluck was a hit as usual and LOTS of peeps showed up. It was a pretty fun shindig. Riding was good Friday, then Saturday it was a bit too crowded and rutted. We got some good runs in though regardless. I am glad noone in the group got hurt. The big weekends are so dangerous and full of a lot of irresponsible fools all pumped up on adrenaline not using their heads. Big weekends are fun for partying at comp at night :shoot: and to see all the different types of toys, but I am almost over these weekends. It hits home pretty hard actually seeing these accidents and the devastating outcomes of some of them. I'll post pics of the wrecked buggy soon (in another thread since I'm sure it will open up all kinds of discussion) I would like to wish a HUGE thank you to each and everyone of you guys for: helping out stranded duners, chipping in for the potluck and hanging out, cleaning up the potluck aftermath, all of those that showed the support for the site and bought DDR shirts, the good peeps in our camp that helped clean up the rediculous amounts of trash at comp, and mostly for the good times. ...and the biggest thank you of all goes out to Chad (Alligator P) for stepping up and selling the shirts for me. Thanks again Chad...it was much , much appreciated!
  13. If you get out there before me, just keep an eye out for originalpimp, don29palms, and wingnut. Don has the purple DD longtravel car and older moho, Tim has a purple Tatum and a white Duramax and Trailrider t/h, and wingnut has a red Dodge with a low ceiling WW 5th wheel toyhauler....all camped along the 2nd finger just past bathroom 6 on the left. It sounds like you'll be there just a little before me. Drive safe...see ya there!
  14. Yeah call me sometime next week. It will get some looks like WTF is THAT!!!?? but it's all good.
  15. ooooooohhhhh snap! That was good!
  16. OGP just called with the latest sand conditions. Last night the wind blew hard as hell...leaving the sand ohhhh so smooooth! The weather as of now is awesome with very little breeze! I can't wait.
  17. Right on B Rad ok, cool Mike. You should be ok. It gets a little soft, but sometimes it isn't too bad. I'll keep an eye out for ya.
  18. right on, good luck. Hope to see you for the ride.
  19. First thing you want to do is have your hitch adjusted so your trailer is fairly level-to-slightly high in the front went it first rests down on the ball (w/o completely letting it down with the jack). Next, BEFORE you let the tongue jack down, latch the tongue on the ball and raise the trailer back up a little ways. Now......install the weight-dist bars and crank them up using whatever link on the chain of the bars that allows a good amount of tenision. (With the truck and trailer raised a bit with the tongue jack, it makes it much easier to allow more weight off the hitch.) Now lower the tongue jack and see how level you are. If you are still nosed down on the trailer, you'll need to raise your hitch. Don't forget, you WILL sag your truck a little bit. Some tongue weight is good to keep that trailer stright behind you. As for the bars, it depends on the model you have as far as how the angle of them is supposed to be. Most of them end up being pretty straight (level) or slightly angled down when installed properly. Hope this helps. This way has always worked great from my experience and I tow a 35ft tag toyhauler and have NO problems.
  20. That's really good news, Cole. Congrats.
  21. Yeah Tim is already there along with Wingnut and Don29Palms. That's cool.
  22. No problem Chris! You can even be PART of the circle if you want! When are you coming out?
  23. Just went shopping for Halloween weekend ...Albertsons is now out of food and beer! The pictures don't even do any justice too! Marinated chicken, corn on the cob, dogs, fruit, cinnimon rolls, cookies, chips, chips, more chips and dip, coffee, pizza, chicken nuggets, jalepeno poppers, burritos, lunch meet and cheese, juice, chocolate milk, Sobes, beer, and Gin/ tonic.
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