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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Yeah we know Mary too. She's a trip. Your buddy Dave is the guy who has the new Wicked Sand toys car? I think that is the car Aaron and Tarin (from Team Acme) were telling me about. :mc_smiley:
  2. :mc_smiley: welcome to the board Frank. Do you know Brice then?
  3. I am leaving Thursday early evening. :mc_smiley:
  4. That's cool you had a nice weekend, Mike! Was the truck a late model black extended cab GMC Delani pickup? If so, that was racnjasen.
  5. nothing exciting huh? That's kinda what I figured.
  6. Lame yes...but I laughed my a$$ off! :mc_smiley: Good one Kenny!
  7. ok you asked for it :bash: :mc_smiley:
  8. That makes 2 of us. In the 8 years I've been going I have had no reason to ever even go over there. I have too much fun in the big dunes.
  9. Yeah I think you are way off. No really, some guy that is a Dumont regular put the pole and mailbox there a while back and he has continued to rebuild it. He is actualy on DDR, but I don't remember his screen name. Something like FE135 something. :mc_smiley: It still gets thrashed even after our attempts to repair it too.
  10. There's only one place to be for Halloween. Dumont!
  11. I have never taken out a Honda axle. Sorry.
  12. No I don't... firewood, fullsize grill, a couple big coolers, 1 dirtbike, 2 quads and a sandrail= no extra room. And it's not room the room to STORE it that we need... ...we need someone to be in charge of bringing this thing out and pretty much helping to put it up and take it down.. Everyone loves the big gay balloon, but nobody wants to help bring it out or pack it up. We just want a little help from someone in the group that doesn't already have a lot of sh*t to bring out is all.
  13. I don't think there is a problem with the river crossing from what I have heard. The road is a bit rough, but they said it is going to be graded before the weekend...probably today.
  14. We didn't get a new motor, Joe, we used the same one you and Jim put in. We were curious to see if the new blower motor would blow it up so we had to try. It takes a little longer for it to stand up, but it worked!
  15. Did you check with the BLM rangers? JoeDuner lost his dog last trip out and one of the rangers picked it up a ways away from our camp. Maybe give them a call.
  16. Balloon RIDES? no no no...it's just a landmark
  17. I meant GAY in a good way! Gay...like HAPPY! come on! Everyone knows that's the name of that thing. I am vote the dune groupie takes it out....crazymexeddie He can wear his new riding boots when he helps put it up. j/k Ed
  18. You don't need your friggin rail to have a good time for a weekend trip. come on!
  19. That sounds like a pretty good deal, but V10? Otherwise, looks way nice.
  20. I also just picked up a few big stumps and logs. If anyone in Henderson needs any, there is some more in and stacked next to a big dumpster in downtown Henderson off Minor and Federal.
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